
Married to the General's son

"I've already known that you are the most arrogant and pompous being I've ever seen nor met but now I would add being senseless and unreasonable to the list -what did you take me for kelvin Morgan? a cheap slut? ". Claire said glaring at him trying to pour out all her frustration and pent up anger through her words. It's been four years since she had started working with the Morgan's beauty world and she barely got to see the so called hier of the company. though their parts barely crossed, she would not denie the fact that she's familiar with the CEO of the company, not that she wants anything in return but because he's a kind and simple man. a retired General. And here his arrogant and pompous (of course I know he's pompous) son wants me to marry him or I lose my job. Claire thought as she rolled her eyes. "Who gave him the right?.. me..marry him because he's the heir?.. no way ".

ken_marvellous · Thành thị
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32 Chs

Chapter 6

The marriage registration at the marriage court affairs went smoothly as they both signed their names and received the certificate.

       "Take your time before packing your things to my house " kelvin said to Claire as he was driving back from the court.  the newly wedded couple who were  supposed to be brimming with joy were  just sitting neutral as it nothing happened.

      "Mm " Claire nodded

    After dropping her at her house kelvin drove back his house to show his father the marriage certificate.

    Mr Ben was ecstatic when he saw it but shocked when he opened it and and saw the name on it, 'Claire Scott ', he narrowed his eyes at his son suspiciously.  kelvin shrugged.

       "Was it contracted or willingly? " Mr Ben asked his son as he waved the certificate in his face.

     Kelvin creased his brows as he stared at his father, shaking his head he said,

      " dad I've done what you asked me to do so the rest doesn't concerns you,moreover she would soon move down here before the wedding ceremony takes place ".

     He went to his room.

      Mr Ben ticked his jaw as he sat down and opened the certificate once again. he was really annoyed if his son contracted her, Mr Ben swored, he  would nullify the contract.

          Meanwhile, when Claire got home she called her friend and told her how the marriage registration went and also when the wedding will hold.

    She even told her about the moving of home. her friend advised her to wait a week before packing into his house.

      " so you're now a married woman " Carole teased.

        " oh please "... they both laughed.

       "I would always  be there if you need anything "

     "why are you talking as if you won't see me again "Claire smiled.

       " I know... but if you find yourself  in a difficult situation don't hesitate to reach me ".

      " yes ", Claire wiped the tear that fell on her cheeks, "I would always reach you ".

      The next day  Claire resumed back at work. she behaved as if nothing had happened.

      "Huh?  miss Scott?  you didn't show up yesterday, what happened? ".  her colleague asked her immediately she entered the office.

        "Are you fine? "

    "I'm fine " Claire said as she waved them aside and sat down.

looking at her table Claire exhaled a breathe. there was a heap of work for her from the previous day.

   Without delaying she went down to work.

    Some minutes later there was a commotion outside her office, raising her head she was faced with their CEO'S son.

    Standing up confusely as she fumbled with the papers Claire asked,


    "do you - is there anything you want Mr kelvin?".  she dare not look directly at him.

      " yes " came The casual respond as kelvin made himself comfortable on the chair.

      tiredness and shock filled claire's eyes as she looked at him.

      " wha... what is it?".  she wisphered.

      "My father may come looking for you later about the marriage certificate... " kelvin started.

     " you must not let him know about how we ended up ",  all the silliness and playfulness he do have around him vanished as he said the last word.

     " or else.. you would " he took a deep breath.

     " regret it "

  Claire shuddered with a wide eyes... " ye... yes " her voice cracked, " I understand ".

     "Good ".  kelvin stood up and left.

    Claire practically slumped on her seat as she shivered all over. God what as she gotten her self into? she asked no one as she hugged her self while placing her head on the table.

     She needed to control her trembling body before the CEO makes his appearance. raising her face again she brought out her kerchief to clean her face.

     She couldn't even tell what she was feeling as she waited for general Morgan to arrive. both fear and anxiety clouded her face as she stared at the door every now and then when there's a slightest noise.

     Claire heaved a breathe as she placed her hands on her chest and closed her eyes. she needed to stop this if not she would give herself away before meeting  the CEO.

      It was as if luck was not on her side as she immediately  received a message from the CEO to meet him. anxiously walking towards his office, Claire couldn't help utter a prayer. dear God in heaven save her.

      Quietly following behind the secretary, she reached the door and knocked. 'come in ', came the response as she gently pushed it.

    Claire forgot to breath for a moment as she was met face to face with both the CEO and his son. she started sweating underneath.

       "I called you here to ask you some relevant  questions which I'm sure you know about ",  echoed his voice, " hope you wouldn't mind mids Scott? ".

      " No sir " Claire motionlessly answered with her head down.

    " Hia" Mr Ben rubbed his eyes, "you don't need to be nervous miss Scott take a seat ".

     Claire looked back and forth between the CEO and the chair, swallowing she went to sit down as she fold her hands on her knees.

      Mr Ben cleared his throat and continued.

       " I recently found out that you and my son registered your marriage " claire's heart thud, "is it true? "

          "yes... yes sir ". she nod

       " why and  how?, why did you get married to him? ".


    her palm sweat. she looked up at kelvin who threw his face aside. left alone in the middle of a deep sea, Claire silently shivered as she remembered his warning, 'or else... you will regret '.

     breathing in with her last will power, she answered.

        " because -",  she paused and swallowed, " he  proposed to me and I accepted because I loved him ".

    For a minute or two silence reigned the office. you could  even hear the drop of a pin if you listen carefully.

    kelvin who was sitting nervously on his seat all those while stilled as he turned sharply to look at her. Mr Ben was also shocked but broke out in a smile as he clapped his hands.

        " wow, that's great " he smiled.

    He turned to his son and congrat him full of smile.

     "You made it son "...

      " I was suspicious of you from the start but hearing from miss Scott ",  he gestured to her, " I believed everything and I'm also happy ".  he praised.

     Kelvin echoed a laugh as his father turned towards  Claire and said,

         "You don't need to waste time anymore, move  into our home let's take Care of you before the wedding ceremony ". he proposed.

      Claire who had been sweating on  her seat abruptly looked up as she stared at him with  mouth agaped. not knowing how to reject him she accepted and said, " yes I will ".