
Severing Ties

Diane rang the doorbell once before Christian opened the door for her. "Hey!" she greeted and stepped in but her greeting wasn't reciprocated.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked as he closely followed behind her after shutting the door.

That was the least he could do as the one he asked her to come over.

"No, thank you. I don't want to use the bathroom until I return to my apartment." This was Diane laying claim about returning to her condo that night just in case he had plans to keep her till the next morning.

"Suit yourself," he mumbled, stopping by the kitchen before joining her in the living room. He intentionally poured himself a glass of juice before picking up the stack of documents on the seat next to him.

It was then that Diane noticed it. Immediately, her nerves tensed. She was afraid that he had another agreement for her to sign, but she didn't say a word yet.

On the other hand, it is not known whether Christian noticed her fear or not, for he went straight to the point.

"My team is working very hard towards getting your husband to drop all intentions of inheriting half of your assets, and I'm sure he will give you a call soon. Exercise a little patience and wait for a week."

'That soon?' Diane's eyes widened in surprise with her gaze staring at him. "Is that possible?"

It would be really heartwarming to see all her problems end within a week because it has lingered for far too long without any hope until Christian stepped into the picture.

"I don't joke with my words, and that moves us straight to this." Saying that Christian waved the document in his hand.

Diane had dropped her guard hearing that her battle with Phillip would soon be over, but as soon as Christian raised that document, she was reminded of the new sacrifice she might have to make for her win.

"How are you going to make Phillip submit to my will?" She asked, trying to divert his attention.

Christian gave her a glance before passing the document to her. "I want you to read it."

While reaching out for it, her hands shook as her heart thumped in her chest wondering what other evil he had for her. But to her surprise, after she read the title of the agreement, she discovered it was the previous one they had signed.

"Why do I have to read this?" She asked, her brows knitting into a frown.

"Don't ask me. You don't have to read it, but I want you to take a look at every page," he instructed as a vein throbbed in his temples.

There was a hint of impatience in his voice and an edge to his tone that warned her about her next course of action.

Diane swallowed a lump and directly flipped to the next page of the agreement. It took her roughly two minutes to glance at each page before arriving at the last page where they had penned their signatures down.

Everything was the same, nothing was changed and no clause was tampered with. Now, what next?

Lifting her gaze, she announced, "I-I'm done going through the pages."

"Good." He dropped his glass of juice and stretched his hand out. She put the agreement on it and sat quietly, watching and waiting for his next move.

The next moment, Christian moved his fingers to the centre of the ten-page agreement and ripped them into two.

"W-Wait!" Diane's eyes grew wide in shock as she leaned back. "W-What are you doing?"

He was destroying the agreement that linked them together for the course of getting what she wanted and rewarding him with what he wanted.

Why would he do that?

Does he no longer want to help her?

Christian did not talk to her until the entire agreement was ripped to shred and after he was done, he looked her way.

"Now, there is no longer any connection binding us. I am setting you free, but I have a question for you," he said as his gaze turned serious.

Diane literally felt the temperature drop and a shiver ran through her spine. He was giving her a reason to be concerned, she was distraught.

"Why did you do that to me back then?" Christian's demeanour completely shifted, eyes narrowing; the question seemed to strike a nerve.

"I'm… I…" she stammered, snapping her gaze to him. She did not expect that this was what he wanted to know.

She had never apologized with a proper explanation as to why she did what she did back then, which he deserved to know; and it was on purpose. But now that he was asking about it, what did he want her to say?

Seeing that she looked like she wasn't going to say anything, he stood up from his feet, prompting her to stand up as well and take a few steps forward, looking guilty.


"No excuses!" he warned with a sharp glare. "I want to know why you left me the way you did!"

Diane tentatively took a step back in fright. The rage building in his blood streams was far too greater than anything Diane had ever seen before. It was outrageous!

"If you are not going to answer my question, then leave my house! I don't want to ever see you again!" Christian barked as he pointed to the door.

"Christian," Diane begged as her eyes turned misty, but that only irritated him further.

He hated seeing her tears, and he wondered why she would always use that weakness on him. Unfortunately for her, none of those guilt-stricken ploys will work on him today since he was very determined.

"What are you hiding that completely took away your conscience? Even now that I demand my rights, you still won't give me a reason?"

Watching him gnash his teeth, it looked like he almost wanted to hit her. "Christian," she uttered as tears dropped from her eyes but he refused to be moved by it.

Immediately, he turned his back to her and ordered as a vein throbbed in the middle of his forehead, "Get out!"

As soon as he gave that order, he took long strides away from her, but who knew that Diane would chase him and forcefully wrap her arms around him from behind?

"I'm sorry," she cried, pressing her forehead to the middle of his back. "I'm so sorry for hurting you. It's just that I had no choice back then."

Dearestsss, what secret do you think Diane is keeping from Christian?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Paschalinelilycreators' thoughts
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