
Another Anonymous Threat

Christian arrived in LA in the afternoon and as soon as he unpacked his things, he phoned Diane.

"If you have some time this evening, come to my penthouse. I have something important to talk to you about," he revealed.

Diane was taken aback. She didn't even know he was back and when he returned and now he is saying that he wanted to see her?

From his tone, she was able to gauge that something was wrong and in her heart, she was hoping that it wouldn't be a piece of bad news regarding her prenup otherwise, she wouldn't know what would become of her.

"I will be getting off work a little late today, but I will be there as soon I finish. Unless you don't have another appointment later, maybe you can reschedule…"

She was about to suggest that he could reschedule their meeting to another day if he wouldn't have the time to see her by the time she finished from the hospital, but he cut her off.

"It's fine. I will wait for you." As soon as Christian said that, he hung up on her and threw his phone on the bed with a sigh escaping his lips.

He returned from this trip with so many thoughts in his head and he couldn't wait to settle them as soon as possible.


Phillip had lost sleep since that night from the club and even body weight since the anonymous person who threatened to unearth his bloody secret showed up.

He was bothered and could hardly focus at work knowing that his hidden enemy was still out there untouched and having the large gut to keep on torturing him, day in and day out.

Today was another one of those days where he got to receive a threat from the anonymous account.

Phillip's heart rammed in his chest as he hesitated for a moment before clicking the message open.

There was a video file, so he opened it to watch it. A young woman was crying while talking about how her immediate older sister had been missing for the past few days after going to a nightclub.

In the video, the young lady revealed the full name of her missing sister and the name of the nightclub she left to and never returned.

"Please, if you know anything about my sister or have seen her, please contact the nearest police, thank you."

At the end of the video, Angel's picture was attached.

Phillip almost had a stroke. That was the same woman he had killed that night without any memory of it.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He cursed as he pounded his fists on his office table angrily. The next second, he stood up with lightning speed and began to pace around his office with crazy thoughts and the worst possible scenario flooding his head.

He was so scared about himself at the moment knowing that the matter was quickly escalating. Angel had a sister who knew exactly where she had gone that night and now, the police were going to be on his tail since people saw him interacting with Angel that night, and even leaving with her.

There were so many people that night and even if he wanted to bribe them, how was it possible to get everyone on the list without omitting anyone's name?

Phillip was on the verge of losing his mind. He was in so much trouble, so much trouble.

A minute later, he ran back to his desk to see if there was any other message from that anonymous sender and fortunately, there was one, but it was a threat.

"One more thing, if you block my account again, I promise that you won't even know what's going to hit you next and when."

Yours Sincerely,

Your Friend.

"Fuck! Who is this bastard? Just show up already you coward!" Phillip was filled with so much rage that he grabbed his laptop and threw it on the floor.

At the same moment, he walked over and started thumping it like a man who had suddenly lost his senses.

"Die! Die! Die!" he screamed with everything in him and when he got tired, he collapsed on the floor as the rims of his eyes turned red.

He looked like he was about the cry the next second as he felt his willpower turn into an empty sack.

Phillip thought his team was going to find this anonymous enemy of his and take care of him so, he went ahead to directly block him not knowing that it was going to come back to haunt him.

The worst part of it all was that his team failed to find any useful information from the IP address he had sent to them, so how on earth was he going to find out the person behind him slowly losing his sanity?

Phillip spent almost an hour sitting on the floor and thinking of a way out before he reached for his phone to call a member of his rescue team.

In detail, he reported the latest mail he just got before pleading desperately for a rescue!

"The police are going to call you in for questioning but if they don't do that, they will visit your office, and I need you to do something," the man at the other end said.

Phillip panted as he knelt on the floor with his forehead pressed to the floor. "I will do anything you ask of me as long you save me and my career. I don't want to lose anything. I want my life to return to the way it used to be before all these mess came up."

If Christian could hear him now, he would have called him a greedy man for wanting too much.


As soon as Diane finished from the hospital, she drove straight to Christian's place.

While taking the elevator to his floor, she felt uneasy while thinking of the reason he wanted to see her since his tone didn't sound good when he called a few hours earlier.

Regardless, she mustered up confidence and knocked on his door when she arrived. She believed that whatever might be his new demands, she would be able to make it happen.

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