
Chapter 5 Hunda

When Fayra opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was an unfamiliar ceiling. She sat up the pain she felt still flooding her body, but she found her injuries to be wrapped up. "I see you're finally awake," an old woman said entering the room she was in with a tray of soup. "Who are you? Where am i?" Fayra asked Confused. "You are in the small village of Hunda about a day's travel from the capital" she said, setting the tray down on the table beside the bed. "Of course the way you came is much quicker but far more dangerous" she chuckled. "As for who I am, my name is Maria, my husband and I were the ones who found you" she told Fayra.

"I'm Fayra" Fayra told Maria, as she sat down in the chair by the table. "Fayra I'm about to ask you a personal question and you don't have to answer if you do not wish but if you do it could help us understand what has happened to you" Maria said. Fayra just nodded as Flashes of what happened came into her mind.

"Were you Sacrificed by the royal family?" Maria asked. "Yes," Fayra answered. "But I know not why Nor do I know how I survived," Fayra said honestly. "I believe I do," Maria said.

"My family has lived in this small village since the kingdom was built," Maria said. "When it first became the kingdom of Bennett dragons ruled the land, but one day they vanished, not too long after my family began to notice dragon eggs appearing in random spots in the forest but always near the altar at the bottom of the cliff" she explained.

These eggs only appeared every 10 years, sometimes it would be one or two but never more than three. It wasn't much longer after that we began to notice the body's of young women and men appearing at the bottom of the cliff each with the same mark that you have on your shoulder" Maria continued. "It wasn't much longer after that we noticed the eggs that never hatched" she added. "Of course we could only make assumptions on what the royals had done to those people but it seems we weren't far off" she said.

"Are you saying that I was sacrificed to prevent a dragon from being born?" Fayra asked "that doesn't make any sense" she added. "I believe that dragon shaped burn you have on your shoulder is what connects you to the dragon. you dying was supposed to kill the dragon but you lived by some sort of miracle and so did the dragon" Maria added. "Where is the dragon?" Fayra asked, looking around.

Maria pointed up, making Fayra look up. "Oh" she said as she saw the baby dragon sleeping on the small house's support beam. "He hasn't left your side in days," Maria said. Fayra looked down at Maria, shocked. "Did you just say days?" Fayra asked. "Oh I must have forgotten to mention... yes you've been asleep for about 4 days' Maria told her.

"Now you eat the soup before it gets cold. There's a change of clothes in the wardrobe. Why don't you go for a walk and get some air once you're done" she said walking towards the door. "Thank you... Maria" fayra said. Maria just gave Fayra a smile and a nod before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Fayra Slowly stood up from the bed and walked to the wardrobe then pulled out a dress and a pair of boots. Fayra quickly changed, then looked over towards the soup. She walked over to the table it was on and picked up the bowl then chugged it. She wasn't in the mood to eat but she knew it would be best if she ate anyway.

The little black dragon jumped down from the ceiling landing on the bed and stretching. Then flew onto Fayras Shoulder. "I suppose you need a name, huh," Fayra said, petting the little dragon's chin. "I'll think of Something" she said, then walked out of the room.

No one was home and after she did a little exploring around the house she went outside. It was a beautiful day. The sun shining the wind blowing. Fayra began to walk through the small village. People greeting her and children wishing to play with the dragon. Hunda was a very calm and beautiful place.

Fayra kept walking until she reached the lake at the end of the village. The water sparkled as the sun reflected off it, almost blinding her. Then she looked down at the king that was still on the hand of her left ring finger. "He Betrayed me" she said quietly "they all did" she added as she continued to stare at it.

"They didn't just try to kill me but from what I understand they tried to kill you too" she said as the baby dragon flew off her shoulders and stayed in front of her. Perhaps I truly am the cursed princess they all make me out to be" she said to herself. Fayra took the rung off and held it in her hand, just staring at it.

She felt only one thing now as she stared at it. ANGER. She was lied to and betrayed, branded and pushed off a cliff. And she wasn't even the first. Without hesitation Fayra threw the ring as far as she could into the lake. "We will accept the gift God has given us of life and use it well" she said looking at the baby dragon. "I swear upon my own life I will avenge those who have died as a sacrifice for Bennett" she told the dragon. "I'm not sure how yet but they will pay for their sins," Fayra said.

The little dragon roared "I think I have finally figured out your name" Fayra told the little Dragon. "Your name shall be Armaros" she Said as the dragon tilted its head. "It means cursed one" she told him "Now we can be cursed together" she added.