
Chapter 001- The Wrong Ending To The Perfect Day

Maria was having a wonderful day with her family when the day was drawing to a close. "I suggest that we have Smores and a bonfire to end today" said Maria after they got back from the beach. Everyone agreed and they started to gather materials for the bonfire. Maria went inside to get the marshmallows and graham crakers. When Maria came back outside she saw a black truck pull up on the side of the road in front of her grandma's house. Seeing the black confederate flag on the side of the truck, Maria ran to her siblings and grabbed them and told them to get in the house. But, what Maria didn't realize was that they were firing shots at her parents and grandparents. When Maria ran in behind her siblings, they saw her and the League of the South (LOS) then started to shoot Maria, but she didn't realize it....all she cared about was protecting her siblings. When they stopped to reload she shut and locked the door. After finding her brothers, Jace and Sebastian, she looked at them and said, "Look, I need you to go up into the attic and protect Ella, you both know the attic and I need you both to calm her and keep her quiet please." They both agree and go into the attic. Maria then ran to the kitchen and got a pair of scissors to cut the string that hung from the attic door. After that Maria went to the back door and unlocked it so they didn't break it down. Maria waited for the LOS on the couch and when 3 of them walked in the leader spoke first. "Where are the others?" "I sent them next door to Mr. Martinez" Maria replied. The leader sent the two goons with him to check out her story. What they don't know is that before they came in Maria called Mr. Martinez and let him know that she was sending some of the LOS over on his way. He said okay and so when they went over to his house, he had a gun with him. Mr. Martinez then said, "I'm a Police Officer so get off of my property and get out of my neighborhood before I call back up." The LOS went running with their tails tucked between their legs and came back to Maria's house and told the leader "Dude, we need to leave now! Her neighbor is a cop and this is HIS neighborhood." The leader looked back at Maria and then turned and left the house. After that Mr. Martinez came over and helped Maria get her siblings out of the attic. Her older stepbrother, Blake, came in and found Maria and Mr. Martinez in the hallway. "Thank you for protecting them. I forgive you Maria." After her siblings left, Maria realized that the world was getting darker. Before she knew it, the world was black.