
Chapter 8: First Villainess: Tianna Monique, Way of One’s Sword (Part Two)

-One week Later, Duka Roja's Residence-

"I've heard about you Lady Monique," said Caecilia Alexander "Roja,"

"I must say it is an honor to have you. I am sure My son will be of help to your training." Duchess Caecilla gaze was sharp and disapproving. "I sent someone to bring Kit here. "she said sipping her tea.

"That woman doesn't like the crown prince; that's why she has always given you the cold shoulder," Mana said eating from a bag of cookies. "I believe its called a brother complex…..maybe," she said unsure. (ʃ⌣́,⌣́ƪ)

"Why do you keep calling for me?" Kit said walking in a while scratching his head. "Can you please forgive me. I've been quite the whole"

"Take a Seat. We have a guest" Duchess Caecilia said.

Kit finally glanced at Tia and his face suddenly bright. o(〃^▽^〃)o

"Huh? Its YOU!!Good, Good! I knew you would Come!" O(≧▽≦)O

"Are you coming to train with me, right. You Need this Genius help, Right?" O(≧▽≦)O

"Kitsein" (╬ Ò ‸ Ó) Duchess Caecilia said, snapping Kit out of his joy.

"Now then please formally introduce yourself, Lady Monique"

"What?" Kit said confused.

"My name is Tianna Monique. I have come today to request your help.

Its an honor to meet you" Tia said respectfully and properly

"Nice curtsy" Mana gave a thumbs up

Kit stood frozen "…." Before saying "Monique?"

"Correct, Among the nobles, only those of House Monique have

silver hair" Duchess Caecilia said.

"So, That means…You're the future Empress Right?"


"You think I'm gonna help a little runt like you?!" he yelled suddenly.

Surprising Tia.


"I will not" He turned his head to the duchess "Mother, why do I have

to help her?!"

Mana put on boxing gloves. 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 "Why you Little s***. I'm about to wope you're a**. I'm about to give this brat so many lefts he'll be begging me for a right" (ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ ) "Ya hear this whole mansion is about to be filled with uppercut." She yelled

"….." Tia was still stunned.

"Kitsein, watch your tone. You're being rude in front of our guest.

It looks like you need to learn manners again."

"But Mother! She's…!"

IT was a serious conversation between mother and Son. But, from

Tia's vision you couldn't take any of it seriously due to Mana throwing continuous invisible punches at Kit's face in a rage, they went right through him.

(╬゚◥益◤゚) ╬゚

-Duke Roja's Training Grounds-

"Took you long enough to get changed. I don't have all day, you Know!" Kit said with dissatisfaction in his tone.

"I'm sorry for the delay, Sir," Tia said apologetically

"What a joke, you think learning how to wield a sword is easy?" he shrugged his shoulders "Why don't you just swing it around for a couple of minutes"

"This brat," Tia and Mana said at the same time. (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)

"Why you said I can come to visit if I need help?"

"That was before I knew you where the daughter of Monique House.

Now that I knew don't expect me to be nice to you."

"Basically, like his mother he doesn't like you due to your relationship with the crown prince as absent as that may be, he thinks your nothing but a butter face not taking the way of the sword

seriously," Mana explained

"What does that have to do with anything," Tia said understanding before calming down "I am not trying to learn how to use a sword as a simple past-time.

"Hmph, it clear why you want to learn. I can't stand those who try to show off by doing something different."

"..I'm not training for that kind of reason," she said honestly.

"Enough excuses. If that's the truth, then prove how serious you are."

"Fair enough. How should I prove it?"

"Let's see how good you are at the basics."



"How was I" Tia said panting.

"HMMM….I think you're pathetic"

(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)

"Well, he's got you there"

Tia suddenly glanced at Mana with a glare. And She shrugged her shoulders.

"your basic skills are passable, but the rest? You're a total mess!

And you want to call yourself swordsman"

(╬ ─__─)

"It's just as you saw, I have nobody to guide me, I've been training by myself. But I haven't made any progress"

"Well, That's obvious! You won't get anywhere with that floppy posture of yours!"

Tia glanced at Mana, who was looking dully at the sky. Her posture, she learned that from Mana.

Mana had said the men and women where different physically as such the way of the sword was touch by men for men. That is why most women could not conform to it, the posture she had been using was given to her by Mana. I Big different came once she started using it. At this point, she felt like Mana was the better teacher for her.

"Then what should I do," Tia said without reason. She no longer cared for Kits words but still asked dully.

"Why Should I care?! Why do I have to help you with your training? Figure it out yourself?"

"..." Tia dropped the wooden sword she had been using for practice she had turned around.

"Ha! As expected. If you were giving up this early that-"

Seeming that she wasn't even stopping to listen to him he stopped.

"Hmph" Kit returned to normal ignoring his near death just now, as if not willing to believe that such a noble girl could outclass him.

"You lack both the strength and stamina, your feeble body can't even hope to learn the way of the sword." Were his last words before she left Completely.

-Monique Estate-

"Lili, Andy" Tia called as soon as she came home. "Starting today have all my meals follow a strict nutritional diet! I'm going to train even harder from now on!"

"Even harder?" Butler Andy said

"Lili can you make sandbags that would fit around my arms and legs?"


"I Need them it's for strength training"

"Yes, Lady Tia"

Before they could say anything, else Tia walked to her room to get changed.

"It looks like something happened at Duke Roja's estate."

"I have heard the Duke's youngest Son is quite rude."

"That must be why she's angry"

"But, She's always been delicate"

"Yea, I'm also not so sure about this sudden increase in training."

"I wonder if She'll be alright"

-Tia's Room-

Once fully dressed Tia looked seriously at Mana.

"Mana, You can teach me, right?"



"That's fine, but I'll let you know the style I use isn't ordinary"


"I didn't teach you before because I wanted to know what you wanted

to do"

"I see, then I would like to learn your style."

"…Alright, I don't mind. But we'll have to be one more than



"My style of swordplay is mixed, I learned many styles of sword and merged them into one. In other words, I took the best parts. This style is True Slayer"

"Demon Slayer?" Tia said surprised

"It was created with the thought in mind to not only destroyed demons but gods as well. Do you understand? Once I begin to teach you, you will learn how to kill gods."

''…...Such a dangerous thing…. But I still want to learn" Tia said, Afterall her own god through her into hell.

"Well let's begin."

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