
Male reader, Five night at Freddy's

Abdullah_Waris · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 Day 2 return of Golden Freddy.

In the daytime at the Pizzeria at back we said golden animatronic at back let down at well we the can see the door of the Pizzeria.

3rd Pov:

As we Abdullah to restaurant.

Abdullah: Ok another day Freddy Fazbear I wonder what my animatronic are today by first it checks the Mailbox.

As look inside he see a letter from Henry and 1000$.

Abdullah: Ah I got more money that mean I have 1125$ "he sees a letter from Henry".

As he opens the letter as read.

Abdullah: Dear Abdullah, first of thank you for finding Brother and he told me everything and I am so mad that Father made the animatronic that kidnap kids, and their is a scooped were brother organs were rift they remnant on his body but you and that machine brought your brother back to normal and your brother will work with you at the Pizzeria, and your Animatronic Cupcake the cat was big hit the children really love her and the compony making her own merchandise and they going make Plush's of her, also in the price corner and new Shop are open and more stuff not only DDW and now at Stan's Budge tech were you new and new animatronic and you also have to do a nightshift Helpy show the way and he'll tell you what to do and Arcade room is open and our worker upgrade stage 10 animatronic, so take care Abdullah and watch out for Ennard if he's out that case more trouble stay alert From your Uncle henry.

Abdullah: So, I have to a nightshift ah ok now must go inside.

Abdullah enter lobby to the entrance as open and greed by Cupcake.

Cupcake: Goodmorning master.

Abdullah: Goodmorning Cupcake great job people and kids love.

Cupcake: Oh, thank master.

Helpy: Oh yea *as Helpy come* she was a big hit and Arcade room we just some Arcade games and the worker come and upgrade the stage.

No.1: She did a No. 1 "No.1 crate with Mr. can do* and can wait to play Arcade games and meet friends.

Abdullah: And heard from Henry that your gona have you own Plush Cupcake.

Cupcake: I can wait to see my plush" as her tail wag from except.

Abdullah: Oh Helpy.

Helpy: Yes.

Abdullah: I got letter from Henry that I have to a nightshift.

Helpy: Yeah, you have done nightshift so how Micheal.

Abdullah: He finds but his wife as him thing that he wasn't around, but Henry said he work with me.

Helpy: That Oh yeah, we have another shop open, so you get some stuff, and you take an animatronic with you.

Abdullah: Ok then I'll take Cupcake with me.

Helpy: And they hear Mr. Can D and No.1 crate.

Mr. Can: Yup me helpy are gona be good friends.

Helpy nod

Helpy: Also, I heard something in the back ally and when come can you cheek what it is.

Abdullah: Got it come on Cupcake.

Cupcake: Alright /master.

Helpy: wait where are going first.

Abdullah: To DDW first then SBT.

Helpy: Ok see you later.

As No. 1 crate and Cupcake follow Abdullah to shop.

At the Dumpster Diver Weekly Daytime.

Abdullah: And we are here.

Cupcake: It may be dump but I don't mind.

As owner Look Abdullah with Animatronic.

Owner of DDW: Oh, sir I see brought Cupcake and heard that can go new shop.

Abdullah: Yes, and we come to buy something in shop first.

Owner of DDW: Ok What do you want, Balloon barrels 30$, Discount ball pit 30$, Color full cup and plate 20$, Discount cooling unite 25$, Bucket Bob 10$, Mr. Hugs or Pan Stan.

Cupcake: Oh Master *as he turn to Cupcake* don't buy Mr. Hugs we done want lawsuit from him

Abdullah turns to shop.

Abdullah's Money 1010$

Abdullah: Ok then I'll Take one balloon barrels, Discount ball pit, Color full cup and plate, Discount Cooling fan and Bucket Bob.

Owner: Oh, good choice sir, now only Two Animatronic and have nice day.


Abdullah turn around.

Cupcake: I can wait to meet more friend's master.

As Abdullah nod.

Abdullah: Ok you let go SBT.

As they nod then ran out.

SBT Daytime.

As they arrived at stand Budge Teck.

Abdullah: How finally made it.

Cupcake: Now you can more stuff hear.

Abdullah: Ok you let go.

As he reaches the counter the owner.

Owner of SBT: Hello sir welcome to stand budge tech you must be Abdullah Afton.

Abdullah: Yup that me.

The Owner saw Cupcake: Oh my god is Cupcake.

Cupcake: You me.

Owner of SBT: Now your Famous now that Abdullah Afton taking his father restaurant.

Abdullah: Yeah, I'm so what stuff do you have.

Owner of SBT: Oh right, we have Foil Party Set $50, Enhanced Speaker Set $50, Deluxe Speaker Set $250, Fruity Maze Arcade $150, Midnight Motorist Arcade $170, Gumball Swivelhands $125, Neon Stage Lights $90, Sturdy Stage $50, Sturdy Stage $110, Sturdy Stage - Extended $200, Novelty Traffic Light $80, Candy Cadet $310, Happy Frog $200, Mr. Hippo $190, Nedd bear $260 and Pigpatch $230.

Abdullah 's money $440

Abdullah: I'll take Enhanced speakers, Fruity Maze Arcade, foil party set, midnight Motorist and happy frog.

Abdullah: That all.

Owner of SBT: Oh, you bought Happy frog and other stuff good choice sir and have nice day.

Abdullah: Thank you.

Cupcake: I *as Abdullah turn to Cupcake* can wait to meet her master.

Abdullah: let go back.

Pizzeria daytime

Abdullah: Oh, we made it back.

Cupcake: Indeed master.

Abdullah: Come let see new stuff.

Cupcake nod.

Both when lobby to entrance to meet Helpy, No. 1 crate and can do at lobby.

Abdullah: Hey Helpy.

Helpy and No. 1 turn to look saw Abdullah and Cupcake at the lobby.

Helpy: Hey guys we just saw some worker one DDW and other SBT.

Abdullah: who brought the I buy.

Helpy: Who what did you buy.

Abdullah: Oh, first I bought from DDW are Balloon barrels, Colorful cup plate, Discount Cooling unit and Bucket Bob.

No. 1: You bought bucket bob.

Abdullah: Yes.

Can Do: Yes, now only left are pan stan and Mr. hugs.

Helpy: And the SBT.

Abdullah: I brought Enhance Speaker, Foil part hat, two arcade games and a animatronic Happy frog.

Helpy: Oh, really let take.

As they when in said.

Abdullah: Wow this is awesome.

Cupcake: Master should turn Happy frog first.

Abdullah: Oh yes.

As they reach the stage they found a green frog on the stage.

Abdullah: So this is happy frog.

Helpy: Yeah this is Helpy frog and two animatronic to this stage.

Abdullah pick up his tablet as he Happy frog info.

Abdullah: Ha it is a Female animatronic and she can sing and dance on the stage.

Cupcake: Master, should we turn her on.

Abdullah: Oh yes Happy frog turn on.

As they heard a machinable sound coming from Happy as she looks up. 

Happy Frog: Where am I *as she looks Abdullah* how are you.

Abdullah: Well, do that first *as turn to Helpy* should turn Bucket Bob.

Helpy: Well, turn him on at nighttime.

Abdullah: Got it.

Happy Frog: How Bucket Bob.

Abdullah: Bucket Bob is one of the trash animatronic with No. 1crate *as he points at No.1* and Mr. Can Do *as he points at Can do.

Happy Frog: Ok not jutting but how are you and where am I.

Abdullah: I am Abdullah Afton your owner and this is Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria.

Happy Frog: Oh, where is he.

Helpy: He in different shop but Abdullah won't by if him until customer enjoyed her since what his father.

Happy Frog: Wait you said your name Abdullah Afton right.

Abdullah: Yea.

Happy Frog: Is your father William Afton.

Abdullah: Yeah, but I don't like talk about him after what those Missing children, Charlotte and my Family is good thing I brought my brother Micheal back to life.

Happy Frog: No, I know what you're and believe you that you're not him and I your brother didn't mean to your brother at Fredbear's mouth I know accident.

Abdullah: Thank you, Happy Frog.

Happy Frog: Yeah, that what I am *as look at Cupcake* ho is the new that heard.

Abdullah: Yup this is Cupcake the cat, the first cat animatronic in the Pizzeria. 

 Cupcake: Nice to meet you happy frog.

Happy Frog: It nice to meet you too Cupcake where gona be best friends.

Helpy: And I'm Abdullah animatronic Assisted Helpy.

Happy Frog: How hello helpy.

Abdullah: So Happy Frog you what me give you a tour.

Happy Frog: Yeah please.

Abdullah: See that place I am pointing * as Abdullah put the entrance and the Exit* that main entrance to Lobby and the outside is the Parking load.

Happy Frog: Oh.

Abdullah: This right here is the main stage where you and Cupcake perform in hear.

Happy Frog: That we perform Together yay.

Abdullah: Those balloon barrel, those on the well are Paperpals as are decoration, those cooling fans, that the duck pond, that discount Ball pit.

Happy Frog: Ho this Ball pit is to small.

Abdullah: It will upgrade soon, those foil party set, Color cup and plate, are Table and chairs , those are Enhance Speaker, the one single person stage which is know upgrade, this the Kitchen where we food for the costomers, that scurity office, and Happy frog.

Happy Frog: Yes sir.

Abdullah: See that over their.

Happy Frog: Yeah.

Abdullah That the storage where the trash gang are for know with is my workshop and no kid go into that room.

Happy Frog: Got it.

Abdullah: And this is the arcade room.

As they enter.

Helpy: Welcome to arcade room and you bought Fruity maze and Midnight motorist Arcade.

Happy Frog: How I can wait to those games.

Cupcake: Me to I'll love to those games.

Abdullah: Ok guys you do your thing will me and helpy go to back to check.

All except Helpy: Ok.

Abdullah: Come on Helpy.

helpy nod as they when to back ally as Abdullah open the door.

Abdullah: Oh, let fine a animatronic to Salvadge.

As Abdullah look around a Golden ear and a hat.

Abdullah: What is that.

As Abdullah got closer as was shocked to see animatronic who he never.

Abdullah: Golden Freddy what doing here.

Helpy: Hey boss did find something.

Abdullah: Yes, look.

helpy see as Shock.

Helpy: Golden Freddy.

Abdullah: That I want to know.

Helpy: So, what are going to do with it.

Abdullah: I first I'll take him to selvage room.

Helpy: Ok.

In the selvage room:

Abdullah sit on his chair and Golden Freddy set on the other chair as Helpy when out of the room as Abdullah grab the check list as the recording start.

Henry Voice: "Congratulations on completing your second day. However, your job isn't over just yet. There is another aspect to your end of day routine, and that is inspecting and salvaging any animatronics found in the alley outside the backdoor. Things are found here quite often, and while we aren't sure why, what we do know, is that they can be used for parts, which can mean a much-needed revenue boost before starting your next day. Of course, as with everything else in this line of work, those benefits come with risk. The safest thing to do is to throw it back outside, but then, you get no money for the salvage. Choose to keep it, and you run the risk of certain negative consequences, namely death, should the item in question not be as docile as it first appeared. If you do decide to try to salvage it, then you must complete the Maintenance Checklist. During this testing phase, check on the animatronic frequently. If you feel that it is becoming unstable, use the taser provided to you. You can use it three times without damaging the hardware. Every use over three however will decrease the item's salvage value."

Henry voice:"Before you is an animatronic we found in the back alley. We are unsure of its origins. It is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as salvage. Or, if you choose to, you can throw it back into the alley where you found it, and forfeit payment. Please make your choice now."

Henry voice: You have chosen to proceed with the Maintenance Checklist. Remember, use your company issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel it is becoming unstable or aggressive. You can only use it three times before it begins to damage the animatronic and decrease its value.

Henry Voice: Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. (Audio Prompt 1 plays strange noises.) Document results."


Henry Voice: "Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. (Audio Prompt 2 plays strange noises.) Document results."


Henry Voice: Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. (Audio Prompt 3 plays strange noises.) Document results.

Henry Voice: Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. (Audio Prompt 4 plays strange noises.) Document results."

Henry Voice: "Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. (Audio Prompt 5 plays strange noises.) Document results."

Henry Voice: "You have completed the maintenance checklist and may proceed with the salvage. Well done. End Tape."

 As Helpy open door come in climb at the table.

Helpy: So Salvation is done so what are you do with him.

Abdullah: I'm gonna fix and him a rocket Animatronic.

Helpy: Are you sure yeah.

Abdullah: Yeah.

Helpy: Then I ask works to move it your workshop but be care from Golden Freddy.

Abdullah: I will.

Helpy: Ok will come we're at Arcade playing the games you bought come Abdullah.

Abdullah: coming.

As Abdullah left with Helpy as close the door as the Golden Freddy open it white eyes as heard laughter of the two child.

???: Its Me.

As for the other spirit heard a word Abdullah as it said in the male voice.

???: Big brother Abdullah.

As screen faded.