
Summer Costume and Idol Convention

Mobius snorted at Elysia's ridiculous suggestion. Pink? Please. As if she'd be caught dead in something so...frivolous.

With one hand tucked in her pocket, and a fresh coffee in the other, she let her mind wander to her next experiment.

The data on the Stigmata was coming along nicely, but variations were essential for true scientific breakthroughs. Maybe, if she could refine the process... she could even turn it into the next evolution of her Stigmata Project.

Lost in thought, she turned towards her lab. A quick nap might do her some good. She wasn't a machine, after all...

At this time, a voice came from the front.

"Doctor, good afternoon." Sakura's voice echoed through the room, cool and composed. Gone was the casual attire, replaced by a breathtaking vision of blue.

Her sword hung at her hip, the icy fabric of her dress shimmering like the depths of the ocean.

Indeed, like an fairy who is independent from the world,

A pang of self-consciousness pricked at Mobius. She glanced down at her rumpled white coat, suddenly aware of every coffee stain and stray strand of hair, then sighed quietly, "Sakura, you have changed. Is it because of Rin?"

Normally, Mobius didn't put much stock in appearances. she got the 'tip' to gain Klein's 'affection' in Elysia's room, she'd at least now made an effort to stay presentable, but this... this was a level she rarely aspired to.

Unlike Mobius, who seemed lost in thought, Elysia and the others practically exploded with compliments the moment Sakura stepped into view.

"Wow, Sakura, it's almost exactly the same as in the video! It's so beautiful!" Elysia narrowed her eyes and circled around Sakura, praising the detailed design of the clothes.

"Wow, Sakura! It's just like the game! Absolutely stunning!" Elysia squealed, circling Sakura and marveling at every detailed stitch.

Her mind was already racing – if this costume looked so amazing in person, imagine what swimsuit designs Eden could whip up! 

And hey, maybe this was the perfect time to convince Mobius to join in the fun...

Seeing as she seems to be starting to care about herself, she will definitely not refuse!

"Hmm, now that you mention it..." Eden tapped a finger against her cup in thought, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "I remember a sapphire from the Mu Continent. Not particularly large, but years of meticulous craftsmanship went into turning it into the most exquisite necklace. What was the name again...?"

Eden shook the cup and said slowly, "That necklace is very suitable for this suit. The color and style are very appropriate, and they can better set off Sakura's temperament."

She never felt embarrassed about forgetting some gems. She had too many collections, and she had not found the right person to give them to her.

Now, I can't give it away...

Sakura flushed slightly at the praise. "It's just a costume, you don't have to make it sound so grand," she mumbled, her usual stoicism mixed with a touch of shyness. For her, in the past, she was more praised for the completion rate of her tasks.

There are almost no compliments on appearance. If the killer shows they appearance, it often means that the mission has failed.

"A garment," Aponia offered softly, her head tilted ever so slightly, "finds its true brilliance on the right person." She smiled, a hint of self-deprecation in her eyes.

A dress like this... it wouldn't suit her serene aura at all.

RIN, ever excitable, immediately chimed in. "Sister, you're so beautiful!" She ran forward, lightly touching the shimmery fabric as if she could ruin it with too much force.

Her eyes, filled with pure adoration, darted up to meet Sakura's. "You should wear this to the beach next time!"

A wave of warmth washed over Sakura. "Alright, alright," she chuckled, gently ruffling Rin's hair. "If we go, I'll see about getting you a swimsuit too." The tenderness in her eyes was unmistakable – family was everything.

"Yay! I want a matching swimsuit!" Rin squealed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Mobius, meanwhile, rolled her eyes and turned away with exaggerated disinterest. As if she would ever…

But as she reached for the door, a fleeting thought snagged her attention. What would Klein say if she wore one of those...things? Heck, what would that fat woman will say? The idea was so outlandish, it made her blush.

"Ugh, I'm losing my mind," she muttered, rubbing her forehead. "Must be the lack of sleep. This place is turning me strange..."

Her hand fell away from the doorknob. Experiment time was approaching, and as tempting as a nap sounded, there was work to be done.

In the evening, it's another happy experiment!

I just don't know if Klein will wake up at night.

Mobius gazed at Klein, her sleeping form bathed in the soft afternoon light. Even in slumber, there were faint lines of worry etched on her young face, reminders of her tireless dedication to their shared cause.

How many nights had Klein sacrificed for herself? For them?

A flicker of warmth, something Mobius usually suppressed, stirred within her. With a soft sigh, she reached out and gently pulled the blanket a little higher.

"Sleep well, Klein," she whispered, though the words vanished into the quiet room.

Although it is afternoon,

Mobius looked at Klein in front of her and muttered silently, and the last thing left in her eyes was her sleeping figure.


"Sirin, let me wear this costume. You see, I look like me in the game."

Kiana looked at the costume of the fairy of the Fountain in Sirin's hand with envy.

Also, a few minutes ago, a package arrived.

"Damn it, the boss completely forgot about my motorcycle and said it was almost finished two days ago," Bronya said with complaint.

Obviously, she didn't know that Rozaliya and the two had already destroyed the motorcycle when 'playing'; otherwise, she wouldn't have said such things.

"First, let's take the driver's license test, Sister Bronya." Seele comforted her with an expression that didn't know what to say.

Maybe I'm thinking, Don't worry about your motorcycle; Seele here is more important.

However, riding Seele is still not possible...

"Sirin, put it on! Try the costume!" Cecilia joined in the fun, eager to see how Sirin would look. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of transformation would happen.

"Alright, alright mom! I'll go change," Sirin giggled. She secretly loved cute skirts and couldn't wait to see how this one looked.

Moments later, Sirin emerged...

"Actually, there's something special about purple hair! Siren, "Cecilia said, scratching her cheek and looking at it with a smile.

"Wow! It's the purple hair that makes it special, Sirin!" Cecilia smiled, tilting her head as she studied her daughter's new look.

Now Sirin had bright purple hair, a twirly blue and white skirt, and even a cute starfish decoration! Unfortunately, all the magical Subspace parasol wasn't showing up yet.

Sirin looked in the mirror and admired her outfit. It was definitely pretty, but something was missing. She loved the way her game character looked and secretly wished the costume could do that too. But telling Kiana that? That was definitely not an option!

"Honestly, second sister, it looks cute, but the color scheme doesn't match. Let me try it on!" Kiana bounced with excitement, already picturing herself showing off the costume to Mei and her mom.

" Dreaming! It's obviously my voice." Sirin glanced at Kiana coldly, then started playing with it again unwillingly.

"In your dreams! It's mine, get it?" Sirin shot Kiana a frosty glare, then stubbornly went back to fussing with the outfit. First impressions were everything, and now that she'd seen her in-game self, this real-life version just didn't feel right.

As for Kiana? Well, she got the dress by being her usual goofy self, and Sirin wasn't about to share.

"Kiana, why don't you ask Luo Mo for a couple more of these costumes? I'd love to try one on too," Cecilia suggested with a smile.

"Okay! " Kiana agreed happily.

Sirin gritted her teeth. She would not contradict her mother, and she also wanted to see what her mother looked like in it!


Rozaliya and Liliya skipped away, clutching their new event costumes. Their bubbly energy was contagious,

but Theresa couldn't help but sigh. "Such lively children," she murmured, a touch of worry in her voice. "Sometimes I wonder if a little less energy wouldn't be a bad thing...."

"Feeling your age, Theresa?" Luo Mo teased, sipping his tea. It was a fancy Chinese blend, something new and exciting. He liked the flavor, though it certainly wasn't a replacement for his beloved coffee.

"Hey, don't start with that!" Theresa glared playfully. After spending time with Luo Mo, she was starting to understand his easy-going nature. Sure, he could be annoying, but his heart was in the right place.

"So, any plans to show up on stage during the big idol contest?" Luo Mo asked. He sipped his tea slowly, enjoying the sweet aroma. This stuff was surprisingly good.

"What kind of show up? I'm not going to parade around on stage as an idol, Luo Mo!" Theresa shot back, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

In that case... In that case, I don't even think about it. Where can I put the majesty of the principal?

"Well, then your other plan…it's a bit silly, don't you think?" Luo Mo countered, raising an eyebrow. "Why not use your real persona for the event? Wouldn't that create way more buzz?"

If the other party is willing to admit Teriri's identity, wouldn't there be more storylines in the subsequent events? It is not a good thing to admit it. A real warrior should face the tragedy of life and the bloody reality!

Theresa slumped in her chair, a long sigh escaping her lips. "Honestly, Luo Mo, were those my only choices?" She glared at him. "Did I really have to sing that ridiculous 'Foolish Everywhere' song?"

A wave of embarrassment washed over her. "That cheesy style, those silly lyrics... it's practically a personal attack! And the title..." She couldn't even bring herself to say it.

"Well..." Luo Mo mumbled, "It might be a little late to change things now."

Theresa froze. She'd already recorded the song, and surprisingly, her singing wasn't half bad. Should she really try and fix it? No... absolutely not!

"You want me to make an even bigger fool of myself?" Theresa said, a hint of desperation in her voice. "Kiana and the others already laughed at me after hearing just a few lines. I am not going through that humiliation again!"

Theresa had a brilliant idea! She'd just pretend to be furious about the whole Teriri costume thing. A few angry outbursts, blaming Luo Mo for doing it without her permission, and everyone would understand! It was the perfect way to distance herself from embarrassment and avoid any pesky investigations into her idol persona.

"Don't worry, you won't be the laughingstock of the day," Luo Mo comforted Theresa, gently touching Theresa's little head with his hand.

Feel like there's something wrong with the character? Honestly, who cared about feeling a little silly?

He continued to soothe her, and Theresa's tense shoulders relaxed. Her hair was surprisingly soft, and she unconsciously leaned into his touch, like a shy kitten. A wave of warmth washed over Luo Mo – this tiny, sometimes fiery principal had a surprisingly vulnerable side.

Theresa flushed, suddenly pulling away from Luo Mo's touch. "Don't get any ideas," she huffed. "Still, you're not completely useless. For this idol contest, you'll be my behind-the-scenes strategist!"

Luo Mo blinked in surprise. Was she asking him to help her win? That went against everything he believed in! Unless... a cunning plan began to form in his mind. Maybe he could convince her to do some voice acting for [Deli's Silly Virus] later, disguised as a fun plot twist.

"Don't misunderstand," Theresa continued, a hint of pride in her voice. "Thanks to you, I've come to appreciate the Chinese philosophy of moderation, the golden mean. You'll help me strike the perfect balance – enough to impress, but not so much that I steal the show."

She paused, a flicker of doubt crossing her face. Why had she just let Luo Mo touch her like that? Aside from Cecilia and Grandma Kallen, no one had ever been that close...

Theresa's mind wandered. Maybe Luna's stories had softened her towards Luo Mo. Or maybe it was that time he – almost unwittingly – helped Cecilia... or Himeko... So much had happened, and somehow, without realizing it, she now considered him almost like family.

"Moderation? Me?" Luo Mo scoffed, a playful grin on his face. "But chaos is my true calling! My ultimate goal is to create as much delightful mischief as possible."

"Not for you," Theresa countered. "But the people around you definitely need a lesson in balance." She looked at him with a glint in her eye, then turned to leave.

As she reached the door, documents in hand, she paused. A small smile played on her lips. "See," she said over her shoulder, "Here comes another perfect example."

Luo Mo was a little confused, but he also understood that she meant someone was coming outside, so he hurriedly straightened his posture.

Su Lu walked in with a stack of documents in her arms. Although it was not so exaggerated as to cover her head, it still touched her neck.

As an executive, it is already terrifying to still have this kind of workload after screening and specifically presenting it to Luo Mo.

Looking at the dark circles under her eyes that could not be covered by makeup, Luo Mo was sincerely grateful. Thanks to the stigma given to her first, how much less work would have been done if she was sick?

Perhaps there is also the fear of being lucky enough to throw the twins at Susanna that night.

Luo Mo reached out and was about to help her get the document, but Su Luo put it on the table first.

Su Lu exhaled, releasing a sigh that carried both exhaustion and a hint of barely contained resentment. Her words hung in the air like a stormcloud.

Luo Mo understood Theresa's implication well enough, but Su Lu's issues weren't his concern. At most, he was guilty of not stepping in to help more, but she was certainly doing her job.

He reached for the latest task list, the title boldly printed across the top:

[Honkai 3's first idol conference]

[Participants: Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Seele, Fu Hua, Raven, Theresa, Sister Arlene, Einstein, and Tesla]

Except for the addition of Raven and the loss of Himeko, basically all the characters that have appeared in Honkai Impact III are there.

"So, boss," Su Lu's voice cut through his thoughts, her usual formality replaced with open confusion, "Why are we forcing Raven in? She's an antagonist, isn't she? And what about Teacher Himeko?"

"Raven…that's a discussion for another time. As for Teacher Himeko…" Luo Mo leaned forward, a chilling edge to his usual playful tone, "…Isn't she gone?"

The air crackled with unspoken words. Su Lu's mouth twitched, a silent curse forming against her insufferable boss. "So, Teacher Himeko won't be part of the event?" she pressed, her voice strained.

"No, no!" Luo Mo waved his hands frantically. "It's simply... well, we're on a deadline, no time to prepare. Besides, if Himeko shows up, everyone else might as well give up on winning!"

Luo Mo quickly denied it and said, Teacher Himeko's enthusiasm has not diminished but has become more and more intense. Moreover, he did not expect Teacher Himeko's talent for a moment. she can't be embarrassed like Theresa, right?

Luo Mo, for all his chaotic tendencies, knew exactly what he was doing with this idol contest.

And sadly, he wasn't lie. There were definitely others as miserable as poor Theresa.

Su Lu glanced sideways at Luo Mo and sighed. She couldn't refute Luo Mo's opinion anyway.

Since getting the stigmata, she has worked overtime even more. Although her physical condition has improved as soon as she sleeps, it is hard to say whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Wait, you're telling me this competition is rigged?" Su Lu's voice rose in disbelief. Messing with the results like this was a huge risk!

"Shhh, keep it down!" Luo Mo hissed, glancing around nervously. "Think of it as… getting Raven into the top three as a strategic move." He fiddled with the participant list. "Besides, I have something special planned for her."

Su Lu stared at him, a mix of disapproval and fear in her eyes. "Even so, this feels wrong! Our reputation好不容易才恢复了一些 (has finally improved a bit). And what if she doesn't cooperate?"

"Look," Luo Mo said, a self-righteous expression on his face, "winning isn't always the best thing. Raven wouldn't want to participate anyway, so this is me doing her a favor!" He paused, then added as an afterthought,

"Plus, with Schicksal and Anti-Entropy in the mix, we can't just leave out the World Serpent, can we?"

Su Lu stared, a single black line practically etched across her forehead. What twisted logic was her boss spouting now?

Sometimes it was impossible to understand Luo Mo's bizarre way of thinking.

Was he trying to be helpful? Or was he simply looking for a way to stir up even more chaos?

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