
Revenge and Emotions

Chapter Six: Revenge and Emotions

Alexander's POV

Having Alexandria agree to my plans on visiting her felt surreal. I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face anymore. Excitement coursed through my veins — it felt like the Amazon river meandering its way into the Atlantic.

I wondered what kind of clothes to wear. Should I keep up with the professional look— wear a suit and tie— or, wear something casual. Like a hoodie and sweat pants. I thought of sitting next to her, inhaling her scent of—

"Can I come in?" A voice called from the outside, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Yes," I said clearing my throat and immediately wiping the smile off my face.

The door clicked open slowly and a head peeked in— it was Divine. He cocked his head at me and lifted an eyebrow. "Have you been smiling?" He asked, stepping into the offce.

I almost glared at him. "I don't have time for that," I replied. "What do you want?

"A little bird might have told me you're going to Ms. Dankworth's apartment tonight," he stated.

"How did you—"

"So that's why you're smiling?" He chuckled. "I thought you had gone past that stage."

"Free me," I told him. "It's just a visit."

"Are you blushing?" A grin was stretching out on his face. I did not like it one bit.

I rolled my eyes, huffing in annoyance. "What do you think I should wear though? Something classy—"

"Why don't you take revenge?" Divine said with a smirk. "For what happened last two years and also Friday night." There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"What do you have planned?" I asked, thrilled. "I don't want to stand her up though," I said, suddenly realizing what his plan could be.

"Show up an hour late," he beamed. "And wear a business suit. Take a suitcase along. You want to make it seem like whatever meeting you had was more important than her."

"An hour?" I questioned, displeased with his suggestion. "That's too long a wait!"

"Do you think she cares?"

"I don't know but..." I frowned. "Plus I don't have any meeting."

"That's the point."


I decided to take Divine's advice to show up an hour late so I did no preparation until it was six o'clock by the dot. I took a shower, and had my hair gelled into style by a a hairdresser and wore the armani suit laid out for me by one of the maids.

The drive to her house took about thirty minutes and by the time I arrived at the apartment complex, it was 7:03 p.m. The complex was as large as my house with a semi impressive underground parking space. The building rose up as to about twenty three stories. I noted that there were security guards patrolling the area.

I pulled out the printed paper of her employee data and checked the address once more. Her flat was located on the seventh floor and was labelled 7BII--24. Hurriedly, I walked in through the front entrance and was surprised to see a reception space. I shrugged it off, reminding myself that she has worked at Dialle motors and has only left there eight months ago. She probably saved up enough money to keep her living here.

I walked over to one of the receptionists. She was a blonde middle aged woman who had a genuine smile on her face. "Who would you like to see?" She asked. "And what's your name?"

"Alexandria Dankworth," I replied. "I'm Mr. Norman."

"Access confirmed," she replied after a minute of going through her computer and speaking in a whisper to the intercom. "That's 7BII--24. Go to the elevator room and use the one that says 7BII," she instructed. "Her apartment won't be hard to find."

"Thank you."

I walked to the door which had elevator room plastered across it and stepped into it. I didn't take long for me to find it, and soon enough I was riding my way up to the seventh floor. When I got there, I scanned the long corridor and found that the apartments were arranged in order of number so finding 7BII--24, was an easy task.

I rang the doorbell and almost immediately, the door opened— revealing the scowling face of Alexandria. "Come in," she said and walked away.

Her hair was let loose, it fell across her shoulders and bounced softly at her waistline. She wore black loose shorts paired with a black top.

The inside of her house was cool, a relief from the stale and musty night. The living room was fairly large for the house of an average citizen. It looked very homely, wooden and welcoming. From the parquet floor to the walnut coloured centre table — which stood upon a plush rug and had a flower vase at the centre with artificial and decorative candles by the side— surrounded by two double seater sofas which were oak coloured.

Behind the sofa directly facing the TV — which sat upon a tv stand, same shade as the centre table— was a small piece of furniture in between a rack and a shelf. The top of it held artificial flowers and candles, the middle held scented herbs and the bottom contained junk.

The left wall had pedestal jutting out, and upon it stood three photo frames. One of which was a picture from her toddling stage. Another was a picture with an unknown female, and the last one was a face modeling portrait of hers.

As I got comfortable on the sofa — setting my suitcase on the floor, she returned with a large bowl and two bags of Dwight Popcorn. She set them on the centre table, shifting the vase to the side and opened the popcorn into the bowl. She disappeared for a minute and got two bottles of water with two cups.

She took the remote, and set the TV to play Beyond the Lights starring Gugu Mbatha-raw. It was a movie I had always wanted to watch but never had the time so her choice was good. Nonetheless, I said, "You didn't ask if that's what I wanted to watch. I would have preferred sci-fi."

"Yeah? I could put on The Umbrella Academy if you want."

She sat next to me, crossing her legs and stared intently at the TV.

"It's fine," I muttered, my eyes trailing over her exposed legs. "Don't people use blankets during movie nights?" I asked.

"You should have brought one along," she replied with a roll of her eye.

I did the same and peered at the TV, trying my best not to stare at her neck that I would so much love to—

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

I cleared my throat and took a handful of popcorn, trying to focus. The TV showed Gugu Mbatha-raw whose name happened to be Noni (I was surprised I picked up the name fast) drop from a balcony but was saved by a man. He held onto her, begging her to use his help.

The movie played on and it didn't take long for an intense make out to be on screen which got me uncomfortable. It was too hard to fight the urge to stare at Alexandria's pouty lips. It was also a harder battle not to grab her right there and kiss the life life of her. I had to grab a bottle of water and chug the content down in attempt to quench my 'thirst'. It was a painful almost two hour movie because I wanted her to be Noni, and I her bodyguard turned boyfriend.

When the movie was over, the bowl of popcorn had already gone halfway, that's when it dawned on me that she had not eaten any of the popcorn. I thought of the possibilities that she might have poisoned me or put something to make me sleep so she could abduct me and—

She opened the pack in front of you dumbass, my inner self reminded me.

I wanted to ask her why she hadn't eaten any of it but decided against it. After all, she might have been allergic or even deeply concentrated on the movie.

"You can leave now," she told me clearing up the centre table.

"Let me help," I offered.

"I won't be surprised if you've never entered a kitchen before," she scoffed. "You'd only be a burden, I can handle it all by myself. It's not much."

"I see."

I felt offended that she was indirectly kicking me out but still I walked to the door. She accompanied me and bade me goodbye. When she wanted to shut the door, I put my foot to stop the door from closing and grabbed her neck— gently placing my lips on hers.

She froze for about three seconds and then pulled back. A teasing smile was playing on her lips. "Is it tradition for you to kiss every woman you hang out with at the end?" She asked. She seemed amused.

"What? N-no?"

"We can work with that," she said laughing. "You look flustered. That's a first."

"Huh?" I asked, bewildered.

"That's another display of emotion," she said. "The look of confusion."

I wanted to shit in my pants.

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