

"Zeke and I will go shopping today. You have to come with us," Georgina said as Summer fixed her stepsister's hair.

"Okay, my lady," she smiled at her through the mirror in front of them.

"Don't be so happy, I'm not bringing you out to relax,"

"Of course."

It's been three days since they arrived in the country and having the chance to visit one of the malls after ten years excites her, even if it meant still working for Georgina. She might as well go window shopping. Sad to say but Emma hardly even give her money, so she didn't really have a lot. She couldn't complain about her being underpaid but overworked. Emma will just tell her to be thankful for her generosity of feeding her and giving her a shelter. Of course, she was grateful about that but also knew to herself that she could do well on her own. But there's this thing that's preventing her from going, the truth about her father's sudden death.

It was about ten in the morning when Zeke came to pick them up. He was driving a gorgeous convertible.

Georgina almost squealed at the sight of her boyfriend who was breathtakingly handsome today. She really loves him, she could tell.

"Hey, hi princess!" The two kissed as if she wasn't there, "Oh hello there, Georgina's maid," he acknowledged her presence after kissing his girlfriend.

She just narrowed her eyes at him, he gently chuckled while Georgina wasn't happy he bothered to recognize her.

"Let's go," she demanded, Zeke opened her door and immediately circled back to the driver's seat leaving her alone to help herself.

"Are you coming?" Zeke asked as soon as she was seated at the back of his car, pretending he didn't know she was with Georgina, he was talking to her through the rear view mirror. She ignored him. Unfortunately, his girlfriend got pissed.

"Zeke! Don't talk to her!" Georgina screamed.

"Sorry? Who's her?"

"My maid!" she screamed again. "Don't talk to Summer!" Georgina was losing her temper.

"Oh, sorry princess. Please don't get mad. I just thought it will just be the two of us today," he kissed Georgina then looked at Summer at the rear view mirror once again, this time with an I-have-my-ways-of-knowing-your-name look. "But it's okay if you really need a maid to come with you."

She rolled her eyes at him. So, what if he already knew her name? It's not like they're going to be friends just because of that.

The entire drive to the mall was both boring and intriguing. She would often catch Zeke looking at her through the rear view mirror. Not that she was looking too, she just couldn't help but wonder why he was so interested in her. He was the princess' man, she was the maid. She just couldn't get it.

"Let's eat first, shall we?" Zeke asked as soon as they reached the mall.

"Sure," Georgina said cheerfully. "Summer, just wait for us nearby. Don't go very far, okay?"

"Alright," she nodded.

"Summer can come with us you know, I'm very able to pay for us three," Zeke offered, she was somehow touched that he had thought of her.

"No, maids are not allowed to eat with their masters. Go away now, Summer." she dismissed her in a shoo motion.

She went as she was told. She's so used to how Georgina treated her, and it almost didn't hurt her. She stayed at the mall's food court that's not very far from the restaurant where Georgina and Zeke were having lunch. She smiled bitterly to herself. She didn't dare try to look at her wallet. There were just few bills in it and not even in peso so how could she even buy herself something to eat? She's hungry though.

"Excuse me, Miss." a crew from the restaurant where Georgina and Zeke were, was standing in front of her. "Are you Miss Summer?"

"Yes, I am." She asked.

"Mr. Hall asked me to give you this," he said putting down the tray on her table.

"I'm sorry?" She was confused, "I didn't order anything. Please take it back, I don't have the money for this." who the hell was Mr. Hall, anyway?

"It was already been paid," he scanned the receipt. "By Zeke Hall."

"Oh," she was speechless "Thank you, then."

"You're welcome," the crew left.

She looked at where the two were sitting but they were both busy with their lunch. On how Zeke did the good act of ordering her something to eat without Georgina noticing, she didn't know. He had his ways he said. Oh well... She smiled as she took a bite of her double decker sandwich.

Maybe he really meant to be friends with her. She reminded herself to thank him later.


Georgina was a tremendous shopper. They had just begun and yet her hands were no longer enough to carry her shopping bags.

"Come on Summer, walk fast, will you?" Georgina almost yelled.

"I'm trying my lady!"

One hour later, she could no longer keep up with them. Summer couldn't almost see where she was walking. Georgina made her carry shoe boxes which stacked up to her nose.

She was tired, and so she didn't notice that the next floor had gone a step lower. She stumbled causing all of Georgina's belongings to scatter all around her.

"Summer!!!!" Georgina yelled. "Oh my gosh! My clothes! My shoes!!!"

"I'm sorry, my lady," she got up at once ignoring the crowd that had gathered around her, some were good enough to help her pick up the items she dropped.

Georgina, on the other hand, continued to whine. Summer tried so much to collect herself too. She was both embarrassed and hurt. Embarrassed because she had drawn quite a crowd while Georgina blurted out words like she was the most idiot human in the world and hurt because her ankle twisted when she stumbled earlier.

"Thank you," she told the good people who helped her, one by one off they went.

Zeke was hugging Georgina, who was making an awful whine at what happened to her new shopped clothes and shoes. Summer wouldn't dare stand up much to Georgina's anger. She knew she would fall if she'd try so she just sat there pretending to rest.

"What are you still doing sitting down there? You've ruined my things and now who do you think you are getting some rest, huh?" She shot her a deathly glare.

"Summer, what's wrong?" Zeke held out a hand for her, his voice was full of concern that her stepsister screamed even more.

"Just taking some rest. You should go ahead, I'll follow later." Summer managed a smile.

"You're not saying the truth," he fell on one knee and examined her right leg that she'd been trying to hide behind the shopping bags.

"Aw!" she grimaced in pain at the touch of his hand on her swelling ankle.

"You can't walk with this," he moved to put his one arm at her back and the other under her thighs.

"Wha - what are you doing?!" Summer panicked.

"Sweeping you off your feet?" He winked as he lifted her off the ground and carried her bridal style

"No, no, no... Put me down!!!"

"Zeke Hall!!!" Georgina screamed, "What are you doing?! Put her down!"

"Georgina, she can't walk. Can't you see?" He told her.

"What about my things?!" Her eyes grew wide when Zeke started his steps away, "Zeke!"

"Carry some, Georgina. Will have the others taken care of later."

Summer just heard her screamed her lungs out. She's dead. She's sure of it. Georgina wouldn't let this pass.

"You know I might lose a job for this" Summer said, as soon as they were far from the crowd "You really don't have to carry ---- "

"Ungrateful Summer," he looked down at her with a playful smile. "Don't worry, I'm counting the favors. Next time, I'll inform you how I wanted you to pay me back," he winked. "But maybe a kiss will do."

"Zeke!" She blushed, luckily, he was already focused on their way.