

A being held a dragon's gem in one hand and a sword in the other. He was surrounded by demons and didn't have enough space to escape.

"You think you are the chosen one? You'll never be worthy, you'r powerless! Give me the gem and your life will be spared" another being spoke.

This other being had a staff on his hand and he seemed to be controlling the demons. His emerald green eyes burnt with fury, his fang ready to gnash the former but it was hard to see his pale face as it was hidden by his dark long hairs which was tossed to and fro by the raging wind.

The former pants and held tightly the handle of the pouch that hung across his neck and rested beside his waist.

His stern face could tell he wasn't ready to yield in.

"I'll never give you this gem, I may not be the chosen one but there's still hope for magic" the former being spoke with confidence.

"There is no dragon to put the gems together and you don't have a magic on your own" the latter spoke as he drew near to the former.

The demons paced slowly towards the being, but the swaying of his sword made them halt, they growled furiously, searching for a possible way to devour this prey.

The former closed his eyes tight and located a slight space, where he ran in between the demons.

The demons chased fast after him as he ran.

Tears rolled down the prey's cheeks, this is the last step he would have to take, to restore magic again, his friends were dead and they was no other person to help, he has to succeed else magic land dies forever.

An arrow suddenly shot the former from behind, stabbing him at the chest,

"for Magiana" the being yelled and struggled to run, even with the pain. His sword fell from his hands and there was no time to get it back.

He was already a metres away from the dark palace and the temple was just a mile to reach. His breathe was failing because he had endured the pain, shot from the arrow for long.

I can't give up now! He assured himself while his trembling legs fell limply flat on the floor and was unable to stand, he fell due to the intense pain in his chest.

The demons were a bit far but fast approaching.

He crawled like a baby on the floor. "Pa, please I need you" He wept stiffing his grip on the pouch.

This boy was wise enough to locate a hide out in the forest. He was dying slowly and needed to return the gem in his hand to it's temple.

The being remember when the gem was given to him. It was in a hurry and they was no time to think it through, the magic universe was been destroyed at that time, the only thing that needed to survive inorder to revive it was the dragon gem.

The mission was handed over to him by his father the chief of the magic universe. when he handed over the gem to him, he's last words were find the dragon and hand over the gem to it.

The chief could have handed the gem over to anybody, besides, he possessed no magic like the rest in the magic universe but he was chosen. His name is Li xing and he is the last survivor of the magic universe.

Li xing had come this far to fulfilling his father's last wish, saving the magic.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he pipped through the broad leaves he hid behind, aiming to see whether the demons were close. He had no other plans left and his eyes fainted.

The demons grabbed his feet and lifted him up from his hide out.

"You think you can run away from my pets? A being spoke to the one who was caught.

He grabbed the gem from him and instructed the demon to eat the captive.

"Wait!! the captive yelled, I have something to say.

"The dragons never died, there are still alive" he spoke with a wry smile as he kick the gem away from the holder, he threw an acrobatics that landed the gem in his hands and then he dived from a cliff nearby into the water that laid below the cliff.

"you mustn't die, you must save the magic, you must survive, you promised to save the magic" this words kept echoing in Lixing's head as he drowned in the sea.

He focused his eyes on the surface of the water and spoke to the shadows reflecting above it.

"Help! Help!".

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