
Eureka! Magic!

Chapter 2-

Have you ever been in the situation, where you're sleeping in a very comfortable bed, in the perfect position, under just the right layers of blankets? It's generally during these very situations when something happens that causes you to leave the comfort of the warmth, and face the problem that caused you to leave the slice of heaven you had previously occupied.

If you're familiar with such a feeling, then you'd know, what six year old, Nathan Frye was feeling at this moment. The cause for him to abandon his little heaven? The massive headache caused by the info dump, that his reincarnation to this reality has caused.

Nursing his head, while staring longingly at the bed one last time, the boy decided that he should get ready for the day and assimilate the Information dump that's been downloaded to his brain.

"Master Nathan! Are you up? I have almost finished preparing breakfast, please Freshen and get dressed and come downstairs, for your meal." A voice sounded from down the stairs. It belonged to his caretaker, Aunt Jolene. From his memories Nathan knew, that Aunt Jolene was firm but kind, she had grey hair, she generally wore dark baggy clothes, a pair of reading glasses that she never really took off, and her grey hair was generally tied up in a bun. She took care of the modest single-story British cottage in which they lived while simultaneously taking care of Nathan himself.

Nathan decided that food was just the right answer to getting ready to prepare for whatever the future held for him. He quickly brushed his teeth, took a shower and got dressed in a plain white T-shirt with black trunks, and headed downstairs to eat his morning meal.

"Master Nathan, Good Morning. I have set the meal on the dining table. Please eat it quickly so you can go off to play." Aunt Jolene instructed him.

"Thank you, Aunt Jolene. I was thinking of staying in for the day today, I am feeling a little under the weather today." He responded.

"Oh my! Are you alright? Shall I check your temperature, would you like to go visit a clinic?" She asked.

"That won't be necessary, Aunty. I think I will be fine, I just stayed in for today." He quickly replied, although Aunt Jolene still did place her hand on his forehead to check his temperature anyway.

"If you're sure, Master Nathan. You don't really have a temperature, so I suppose staying in for today won't hurt if you're feeling under the weather. Although I will be heading off to shop for Groceries at noon, so I hope you can take care of yourself, for an hour or two." She informed him.

"Aunt Jolene, I will be fine, you can go shopping, I will most probably stay in my room for the day." He said, and started eating his meal.

Throughout the meal, Nathan's mind was a whirlwind of emotions and excitement. He had already made up his mind that he'd do the best there is possible, and prepare for the future.

He knew that he was in for a very 'adventurous' time, here In this Universe. Even if he disregarded the Magical War entirely, for a moment. The world was governed by spies. And mix in the cacophony of Aliens, Gods, Demons, Mutants, Inhumans, etc. and he knows that he had to at least be able to defend himself.

And his path to Surviving all of this lay in Hogwarts of all places.

After finishing his meal, Nathan helped his Aunt Jolene with taking the dishes to the sink, and after washing his hands, he returned to his room. He had decided that it was time, to ponder upon the mystery that was magic in its entirety. To be fair, all he really did was sit on the floor, raise his arms like a zombie, pointing to a book that he'd placed on the floor, and demanded it float.

Had anyone been watching the ongoings inside his room, they'd have declared Nathan to be a little strange. But Nathan was adamant in his attempts at making the damn book float. Little did he know, that it'd be quite some time, till he'd be able to perform controlled magic by himself.


It was the start of June, 1984, and Nathan had not yet accomplished anything in wielding his magic, yet. He had recently turned seven. And his Aunt Jolene had increased a little of his workload, he was already learning high school math and science (having had his Aunt Jolene borrow quite a few books from the local library), alongside French and Spanish. From what he remembered from his previous life, he wasn't really a whiz at Math and Science before. He died a store clerk after all. But Nathan was determined that he wouldn't slack off on those subjects either, just as he wasn't prepared to abandon his attempts to gain control of his magic.

His natural occlumency did have the lovely side effect of a rudimentary eidetic memory. He wasn't really able to test his Natural Mental defenses and he didn't want to before actually getting his hands on the instructions for the subject. But he knew that he could clearly remember all the things he's done since he was transmigrated and most of the things he remembered from when he died, in his past life. The rudimentary Eidetic Memory went a long way in helping Nathan with learning the math and science to the level he's already learned.

Magic was a difficult thing to grasp. He had tried so very hard to gain an inkling of control of the energy that was within his being, but he failed at every turn. He had theorized a lot about what constituted magic, and how he could gain access to his magic. He had failed every time. But, through all his experimentations, he realized that magic had an emotional constituent. Emotions would be key to fueling his magic.

He could feel its presence within, it was very difficult having that extra part of your body, that wasn't there before, in his previous life. He could feel it taunting him as if it knew what he wanted, but it just wouldn't listen.

Sitting on his bed, in front of a poor put-together stack of playdoh, Nathan tried to once again push that energy out and do his bidding. He could feel his magic stir within him, reaching out to his arm. Yet when it reached his hand, it could find no way to connect to the reality outside, as if something was blocking its path. Frustrated, he clenched his hand tightly and tried again, almost shouting at the playdoh. And lo, and behold, like an over clogged pipe had burst, his magic practically leaped from his hand, ignoring his wand entirely, and struck the playdoh in front of him. It immediately caught fire, and he had to leap at it to prevent it from spreading, lest he get caught in his training.


It had taken him a few months, but Nathan had achieved success with moving objects around his room. Nathan had made some progress with his magic and was able to move light-weight objects with moderate success. Like the small glass bead, he could move it continuously without a problem, but he wasn't able to move it smoothly or make sudden sharp turns. You could say that while he was able to keep the bead in motion, his control of the bead was lacking.

The only thing he could do with magic was move objects. He couldn't do any traditional magic like transfiguration, charms, jinxes, or anything seen in the original work. Moving objects under a certain weight was exciting enough for Nathan. He would stay up late in the night, moving different objects in directions, trying to gain more control of his magic.

It turned out that the magic core theory was true, magicals had magical cores, and the capacity depended on the amount of magic you used, so the saying, 'Magic is a muscle' was true. The more you used magic, the more magical capacity you would possess.

Nathan had also attempted changing the color of his playdoh, and other objects without the use of preordained spells, he tried turning his red ball of playdoh, to blue. But all he could manage was turning it Reddish Violet or magenta, for approximately five or six seconds.

He could move multiple objects in varying patterns if said objects followed a set pattern. He could use his mind to move Beads in a helix pattern, solar system, or atomic structural patterns.

His magical 'muscle' as he'd come to call it, was being stretched to its metaphorical limits and exercised on a daily basis.

"Master Nathan, I have to head on into town, over to the bank, to check with your Late Grandfather's account manager, I hope you will be able to take care of yourself for the afternoon. Would you like me to get anything for you, on my way back?" Aunt Jolene's voice sounded from the lower floor.

Aunt Jolene, while being the caretaker of Nathan's home, as well as his Nanny, also managed the fixed assets and businesses that Nathan's Grandfather Alferian Frye had left him. She liked to keep a casual eye on those accounts, while they collected equity shares, dividends, and interest over time.

"Alright, Aunt Jolene, and would please bring me a book about computers and biology from the library on your way home, please?" Nathan requested after a moment of silent contemplation.

Nathan had made good progress in studying Science and Mathematics, during the last year. He'd decided that he'd like to continue studying Computer Programming, Genetics, and Theoretical Physics while studying at Hogwarts. He'd already accomplished basics in Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics, which are taught until class ten, in Highschool. And he was confident he'd be able to at least familiarize himself with Advanced Highschool Science and Mathematics, till it was time for him to leave for Hogwarts.

"Alright Master Nathan, I'll be sure to have a look around for the next edition of the required books that you like to read. Have a great day, and if you need anything urgent for which you'll need me, don't hesitate to use the telephone to dial up my mobile number." She replied, and then the sound of a shutting door was followed, indicating that she'd left the home.

Nathan used this opportunity to attempt to cook himself a sandwich with ingredients handled purely by magic. Needless to say, he'd made quite a mess by the time, Aunt Jolene had returned home.

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