
magicae et scientia

Since the beginning I have seen monsters! I have seen regular ordinary monsters stealing, killing and lying. But occasionally I've seen other types of monsters too. Monsters from legends, myths, and anything else you can imagine. My mom has told me of strange stories of when I was young. when we first moved to a small town in the northern portion of Minnesota. Stories of shadowy creatures looking through the windows at me. stories of strange people showing up in the medal of the night baring gifts. stories of strange occurrences happing in empty rooms. and other that are much scarier, thing straight from legends and myths.

hagil · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 the forgotten world


side my aunt looking around at me and my mother

"that is the title that is given to the people how is a mighty being in the Divine Arts of Mold Shaping also known more commonly ass magic or sorcery. they are also known as a old king or in really old nearly forgotten languages' plaxallin, divy raaja, ek ko chunen, Gamall stjórnandi, wahid kayf yuadiy, Dono yō ni michibiku ka, Yūki aru rīdā, and many more"

"why would they consider my this old king"

I asked my aunt scratching my head in confusion. She replied

" will I'm not sure but there are 4 new old kings that have ben seen in recent times. Each has formidable powers, influence over the politics of the world, and wealth that would dwarf the annual budget of some 2nd world countries. those how currently live among us hold the power to manipulate the dead, control living energies, call upon all the elements, and to manipulate the mind it self"

"and please don't interrupt me there's still quit a lot for me to ketch you two up upon. Now wear was I... oooo ya it is very rare to have the title of king of old, there is only 3 people still alive that has that title lord Symond of the dead, lord Mixis of the four elements, and lady Olivia of the wilds. All of them will be interested in you if you are a old king. and even if you weren't a old king they would still be interested in a young kid how was mistaken for being amongst the kings"

she finished with no expression at all on here face looking off to the front door that wee had just entered just a few short hours ago. "Will if he doss have to face them or not he still needs to now how to define himself" said my mom with a very determined expression painting here face. Before we do that you two sold sleep, I'll see you too tomorrow. I was barely able to sleep at all that night

The next day after breakfast my aunt showed both of us where a hidden oasis was under the house.

"Why am I here"

asked my mom,

"in case if you ever need to hide or if you need to find us and the oasis has some magical properties"

my aunt replayed leading us to a small cave roughly under here house. A few minutes later my aunt was teaching me about the basics of magic.

"Magic is quite easy to us all you need is 3 basic things. the first is the mental and physical strength to us it, thin be able to imagen in process detail what you are doing, and the last but the most important is the stamina and stores of Magica. The world has certain places that hold and atun to one or more of all the natural energy, there are four kinds of energy that is easy to tap into and are in such abundance that it is nearly impossible to find any. water, earth, wined, and fire. This oasis holds a affinity towards the water and earth energies. Ok all magic users generate a small amount of energy but that isn't enough to use a spell normally, so the normal method is to collect a small amount of energy from a source of energy like this oasis, or they collect lots of roaming energy from around them. but the roaming energy is nearly unusual duo to how unstable it is. Which is why we make us of sources like this oasis it makes it a lot easier to muster up a spells. the most basic practice you can do right now is to try and clicket some of the power from your surroundings and form it to a sphere. Ok your lesson is to gather a strand of energy and hold it as long as you can"

my aunt finished here long and almost rambling explanation. I waked close to the oasis rite to the edge were the water meats the land. I started to breath slow and steady, a feeling of water felt like it was touching my hand it was cold and refreshing. When I opened my eyes I saw a clear spherical orb of water about 3 inches wide floating a few centimeters above my open palm. When I looked towards my aunt she looked terrified when I saw that the orb of water was starting to become unstable. Thin with a sudden pop it exploded with a thump it was like I was heat in the face by a bucket of water. my ant and mother started to walked towards me with a hesitant gate. my mother started to walk towards me. thin she stopped a few feet away from me to gather hear nerves.

"Are you ok"

she asked me looking at me like I just grew a norther head and it cold speak fluent Dutch. I nodded back at here

"how the hill did you do that I've never seen anyone pole pear energy and water at the same time so easily especially for there first time"

my aunt said with a thoughtful and yet nervous expression.

"I dot now how that happened. it just came to me. like something I already new without knowing it" I said looking at my completely dry palms

"ok ok I see why they thought you were one of the old kings, you definitely have the potential"

she said with a matter of fact toon.

Few hours had passed before we decided to stopped we spent those few hours testing my limit. so I tried holding pear earth and water energy, after I carefully released the power we had lunch.

"So how was it, are you tired"

my mom said

"no I'm perfectly fine a bit sour and very hungry but pretty much fine"

I replied receiving the sandwich and carbonated water that my ant offered me.

"That's interesting how much longer do you think you can go"

my ant asked me siting down across from my mom and I

"maybe another couple of hours the only difficult thing was holding out my arms but ween I discovered that they will still fallow my orders even if I don't say it. although it is a lot more tasking on my mind"

I answered smiling will eating my sandwich and lightly robing my head

" will that's interesting by my estimates you wear holed to different forms of energy apart for approximately 3 or 4 hours now"

my mom sputtered on hear brink and asked auntie Amy.

" how much would that be"

my aunt that for a bit and said

"approximately 2 tons would be pushing against each other"

she finished by chowing an a chicken lag that she had apparently prepared a few hours before we arrived. In 4 weeks I learned the basic of the basics of the basics on defensive, strengthening, and harming spells. which my aunt says that most other magi or mages take enlist 15 or 16 times longer to learn.

ween we were at my ants house I spent most of my time training on the basics, basics, basics, but Some days we have brakes. when that happens I like to go down to the oasis to draw what I see and to practice, sometimes my mom or aunt will chic up an me, and bring me something to eat. One time when I was down there I saw something strange by the edge of the water. Ween I walked a bit closer I saw a girl. she looked roughly the same age as me. she had long shoulder length red-brown hair, that was slightly curling like she was submerged under the water. She has a thin slightly belt hourglass frame with a still developing but maddest size rack. wean she realized I was thare she turned, and looked at me with striking green blue eyes.