
A Favor

Inside the half lighted room, there were three people. One was sitting in his chair and two were standing before him.

"Hm, you want to leave, huh?" The man who was sitting said scratching his chin. He then laughed,

"That's some good news."

The man then took out a paper from the drawer of his desk and tore it to pieces,

"You no longer serve purpose now. Shoo- Shoo- Leave."

What the man tore was the was the contract binding them. In magic land, there were many form of contracts, for example Heart contract, Soul contract, but what the man tore was normal contract scribbled in paper.

If both party were to agree then the contract could be simply voided just by tearing the copies of contract both parties had. If one didn't sign the contract before a job then it was like gambling on a wild animal that wouldn't bite, who would like to gamble when their life was in stake.

So in Magic Land, mostly contract was uses to bind adventurers to their job, if not who could do anything when they got cold feet and ran in the middle of the mission.

"I will leave but," The man in front said, "The condition!"

"Yeah, yeah, what ever" Taking out a pouch from the second drawer, he threw it at the man, "Now go leave. Shoo-"

"And..." Sitting in chair, he looked at the person beside the man who received the pouch and sneered,

"Who are you glaring at? You want to leave as well, you retard?"

"Yes..." The boy nodded.

He only glanced at the boy before taking out another pouch from the drawer and throwing at the boy.

"Whatever, go away already."

The boy said hesitantly, "But the contract."

It was best course of action to void the contract first because only party tore their copy then it was very likely that he/she would end up getting used.

The man blinked in surprise.

'This retard...'

He had wished that by having a contract, he would work as slave but to think the boy asked to tear it in front of him. Gritting his teeth, Kevin took out another contract from the drawer and tore it to pieces.

After their contract was void, and receiving a pouch filled with gold coins, Chris and Ray left the Guild's Office room.

Guild's office room was the heart of the Guild. Because of its importance, not all were qualified to enter it on whim. It was a place where mostly important matters were discussed and it was because Chris being the son of Guild's master David, he was able to enter it. If not he would have to slowly raise his position in the Guild before entering it otherwise he would have been reprimanded.

Not everyone could just leave the Guild by directly entering the Guild's office. One had to first write a letter of resignation and hand it over to the receptionist in the front desk in Guild's hall, then the receptionist would forward it to higher ups who were likely to decide whether to let him leave or not. It was a lengthy and unassured process and to void a contract was very hard if both party didn't see the same way.

Kevin seeing both of the retards leaving the Guild was very excited. It was one less competitor to compete against for the seat of Guild's leader. He gain opened the drawer and mumbled in excitement,

"As long as I have this, I am bound to be the Guild leader. That position is definitely mine."


According to the information I received, that bastard voided the contract so that he could pay the money to the sellswords for their work in that dungeon which had disappeared three days ago. Chris frowned,

"If that's what the bastard is up to then it is interesting. I think I should dig this matter even further. That bastard trying to pay low lives? I would like to see how his face would look like when I steal the money from the sellswords right after he paid them. Man, this is becoming interesting!"

With an excited face, he dialed a number in the telephone which was on his desk. After the opposite party immediately picked up, Chris said,

"I want you to do something for me..."


In the middle of nowhere, or at least where he felt he was, Oslo was quietly enjoying the food. One after another piece of meat disappeared but it wasn't enough to satisfy the hunger of foody like him although poor.

Seeing Oslo chewing on bone after the meat was completely gone, Anna only smiled. Without any etiquette, he started licking his finger.

"Do you want more?" Anna asked.

Her words made him hungry again, but he had just free loaded her so how can he ask for it again. Seeing her generosity, he thought,

'Who said she was a devil? She is an angel who even let a nobody like me eat her food!'

"Since you've eaten already then let's get to the point." Seeing Oslo shake his head, Anna said, "I want you to do me a favor."

OK, I take it all back. What the person said was indeed correct.

"Me...Me can't!" Oslo hesitantly shook his head.

He hadn't been home for some time and just when he was about to go home, he was asked a favor again.

"You can't?" Her eyes turned cold. She stretched her jade like hand and said,

"Then give me my food back!"

Seeing her palm and her cold eyes Oslo gulped. She had waited a her prey to become fat just to attack it afterwards. She was a devil after all. Why did I even think that there was going to be a free meal in the middle of nowhere. He couldn't even refute.

Damn! My Luck! Why me?

He cursed in his heart and asked,

"If me helps you then would you take me out of the forest?" Oslo asked.

"...it depends!" Anna said casually.

It depends? The words struck his heart like an arrow but even though it depended, it was his only way out. He gritted his teeth and asked,

"What does me have to help you with?"

"Nothing much," She said,"All you have to do is..."


The more he heard her, the paler his face grew. He knew if he did that there was no going back. Oslo shook his head in refute,

"No, No, No, That's impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? If you think that you have to do it just because of food then you've mistaken. I'll pay you money as well." Anna said.

"If you think that you can buy me with money then you've indeed hit the mark," Oslo nodded, "But it depends on the cash you're willing to spend because if it goes wrong, I can already see my bleak future."

Anna frowned and said, "Then I'll give you five-"

"Five thousand is too low." Oslo interrupted, "If I'm risking my future then it needs to be fifty thousand dollars."

The job wasn't that hard but to think it might trouble him in the future, he couldn't help but raise the price. With fifty thousand dollar, he could pay a fifth of the money his parents owed. But hearing him intercept, her mouth twitched. At least hear before you speak, idiot!

But calmly she again said, "What I was trying to say was, I'll give you five million dollars, if you do me that favor. NAD about the second thing I asked, it will depend on your performance and contributions you make."

Five million dollars?

Five million?


Her words echoed all over his head to the point his head was going to blast from excitement. If he indeed received five million then he could pay his debt in one fell swoop than there would be one less shackle binding him from being free.

But enticing the word sounded, there was a catch. If opposite party was angered, he was doomed. Sigh~ such job!

He had always done miscellaneous jobs and it was nothing new for him to do miscellaneous jobs for money but this was the first time someone had asked him of this sort of favor. And the one who asked him was none other than Anna Raygal, the talent who was bound to make her name in the future. Heck, her name was famous even now before her glorious up rise.

Her request made him feel tremendous pressure. God, please of let it be my last work, he pleaded.

Anna then put out the fire and slapped her hands,

"Let's go!"

After that, she immediately headed towards the city with Oslo after her shadow. She was too fast that evey step she took would create a distance of at least five meters between them. He could only follow her after image and admire, how strong she really was.

Speed was also a form of one's strength. Anna would occasionally slow down, letting Oslo catch up to her and as they headed, the surrounding would turn blur. Oslo had a good speed, yes, but compared to him, she was like a lightning.

They were currently inside Nagar Forest which was also known as 'Evil Forest'. It was in the south of city Xean and with the forest covering approximately 90000 km in each direction, it was a huge forest. Its nickname also came from its vastness and magic beasts lurking inside.

Magic council had separated it in three layers. One was the outer layer which was only 1000 km deep from all direction and not much harmful beasts were present so there were some village in that area. Kush village was also one of the village in the outer layer.

Then came the middle layer which was up to twenty thousand kilometer and it was prohibited for the adventurers below S-Rank to transverse it. It was deep and if low rank adventurers ventured deep without knowing what awaited them, they were bound to die.

After the middle layer, came the central level with was rest of the remaining forest. Magic beasts inside the central forest were way more stronger than other level and the layer was prohibited for even copper rank adventurers to transverse it.

Nagar Forest was filled with mystery but no one dared too venture too deep. Many strong magic beasts still lurked inside the deep forest creeping with unknown abilities. Not even half of Nagar forest was ventured because of less and less information about it. The Magic Land was too big of a world.

Oslo's current goal was to surpass the SSS-rank adventurers and at least become a copper-rank adventurer and make his name heard. He wanted to earn fame and wealth so that only bright future awaited him and his brother.

As they passed the trees finally left their shadow and they were greeted by a plane land. Oslo looked front wand saw the gate.

"Finally, City Xean, I'm back!"

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