

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

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Koushirou found himself at a loss for words, confronted with the undeniable possibility that Kreegan might understand his own daughter better than he ever could. Still, to him, the thought of embracing such a perilous path for Kuina was an unpalatable concept. The mere contemplation of something happening to her would forever be a haunting specter, and how could he bear to face his late wife's memory with such a burden?

"Why? Why do you persist in resisting me so fiercely? All I desire is for you to lead a life of security and establish a family," he implored.

"But that is not the life I yearn for. It might be what you desire, but I never sought after a life of tranquility. From the very moment you placed that wooden sword in my hand to this very day, and until the day I will draw my last breath, all I've ever aspired to become is a master of the sword. I want to be seen as a swordswoman by you, not merely your daughter. Even when I triumphed over those bandits, all you did was reprimand me for engaging in something perilous."

With a deliberate stride, she selected a wooden sword from the rack and pressed on, her voice a blend of determination and frustration.

"Do you have any inkling of the struggle it is to witness individuals with not even half my natural aptitude steadily catching up merely because they are man?"

Her grip on the wooden sword tightened perceptibly.

"Deep down, you know that if you were all on equal footing in terms of physicality, you could effortlessly best them all at once. Yet, faced with the reality of their superior speed and strength, you would scarcely prevail against a single one."

Her transformation into the half-cat form commenced, and her hand crushed the wooden sword she held.

"But I am no longer that fragile girl of yesterdays. Thanks to Kreegan, I've been granted what I always coveted: a body capable of matching my inherent talent."

In measured steps, she drew nearer to one of the wooden training dummies.

"I am well aware of the love you harbor for me. In your mind, this course of action represents the ultimate means of safeguarding my well-being. I love you too, yet paradoxically, I bear a profound resentment toward you."

All that managed to escape Koushirou's lips was a feeble affirmation.

"All I wish is for you to savor a life of completeness."

With raw determination, she struck out at the training dummy, shattering it with a single blow.

"I am no longer your little girl. Should the pursuit of my dreams be denied, I care little for the prospect of meeting my demise tomorrow. And if that fate should befall me as I walk the path of the sword, I will welcome it with a smile upon my lips. Such, to me, constitutes a life well-lived; nothing else holds meaning."

After an extensive conversation with her father, Kuina found herself perched upon a stone at the hill's summit, her gaze fixed upon the distant horizon as she mulled over the exchange. Kreegan approached her at a measured pace, the sword in his hand coming to rest against the rock before he seated himself beside her.

"How did your talk with your father go?" he inquired.

Kuina let out a sigh before responding, her voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and vulnerability,

"Why does he presume to understand my desires better than I do?"

Kreegan's response carried a measure of empathy,

"Good parents often find themselves in that position. Usually, their instincts are accurate, yet occasionally, they remain unaware that their concern might smother their children. Your father is well-intentioned, but his fear of losing you has clouded his judgment. With time, he'll come to realize that your heart lies in this path, and he will lend his support. Here..."

With a deliberate motion, Kreegan picked up the sword and tossed it gently to Kuina.

"Now that you possess your devil fruit, you wield the power to dual-wield this long katana. It might not match up to Wado Ichimonji, but it should suffice until you acquire a better blade."

Kuina drew the sword from its scabbard, her movements flowing with a sense of newfound purpose as she tested its weight and balance. It was heavier than Wado Ichimonji, so she struggled to find her balance, but when she transformed. It was like the blade had no weight in her hand.

Kreegan, although unable to gauge other people's statistics, conjectured that her transformed state would likely render her akin in strength to him.

"Allow me to introduce it: Tsukikiri (the 'Moon Cutter).'"

A glimmer of gratitude danced within Kuina's eyes as she admitted, "Thank you. I truly appreciate it. Kreegan..."

A surge of determination swiftly overcame a moment's hesitation, and she continued, "I wish to accompany both of you on your journey."

Kreegan, while taking a moment to contemplate her request, couldn't claim to be taken aback. The notion that Kuina would yearn for adventure and the chance to explore a wider world was an expected progression. Their ship, by design, facilitated precisely such exploration.

"Should your father give his blessing, I will readily welcome you into our company."

Her response carried a sense of determination, "I'm not seeking his permission. This is my life, and the decisions surrounding it are mine to make."

Kreegan chose his words carefully, aiming to impart his perspective, "I am not implying that he should dictate your fate. This is why I've provided you with a devil fruit – to empower you to shape your destiny. Yet, he remains your father. Should you opt to join us amidst conflict, his presence will loom over you, seeding worry in your heart."

Her frustration tangible, Kuina argued, "But he doesn't understand!"

In that instant, Kreegan noticed Koushirou approaching, the weight of regret evident in his gaze.

"Don't be too swift to assume that. You've consistently maintained that you are not a fragile child, so it's prudent to converse with your father as an adult would."

He messed up her hair and said,

"Don't act like a brat. Talk to him, make him understand you."


All Koushirou could comprehend was his own blindness to his daughter's emotions. How could he have caused her such anguish when his sole wish was to see her happy? He wasn't blind to her extraordinary talent, yet he had forever seen it as an unjust pairing with a frail physique.

His opposition to her pursuing a life at the sword's edge stemmed from his awareness of her physical limitations – that she could be overpowered by a strong opponent and meet her end. However, as she argued, the circumstances were now different. She had emerged stronger, capable of defending herself. Now, his grounds for resistance held no validity.

A heavy sigh escaped him, laden with the weight of his realization, as he conceded, "Very well. If this path brings you happiness, then you may accompany Kreegan."

A radiant smile illuminated Kuina's countenance as she exclaimed, "Thank you, Father. Thank you for having faith in me."

Just as he was preparing to voice his ongoing concerns, Kuina preempted him, a knowing look in her eyes as she interjected, "I assure you, I'll exercise caution. I won't court recklessness and will work hard to accomplish what I set out for."

As Kreegan descended from the hilltop, the ensuing exchange between father and daughter began to unfold. When Kreegan cast a glance back toward them from the hill's base, he witnessed their embrace – an embrace imbued with warmth and understanding. A genuine smile crept onto his lips, resonating with the sight of their renewed connection. Seeing this, a feeling of envy crept into his heart and a longing for his late family.

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