
Magic Apocalypse

The world has been reset to a near-baren state by a pulse from the center of the universe. Remnants of an old technologically advanced earth to explore, new beautiful sights of nature to glamor at, and magic to discover and use.

BorisTakerman · Kỳ huyễn
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A Magic Apocalypse

" Yo guys, wait up! ", a teenage boy in a white polo with jeans was chasing after another group of boys as they got in their car. Fitting into the back with two of the other boys, they were all laughing. Nearly as soon as they got in the driver looked back at them,

" You guys said you'd be quick, what's the point of even saying that anymore if your never gonna make it back? "

The boy stuck between two others in the back spoke up, " Ah c'mon, you know its never gonna actually be quick, that place is fucking packed full of people. "

His friend sitting next to him chimed in with a shrug, " Don't complain when you know just as well what that hell is like, that place makes you feel like a sardine, Evan barely got out."

The boy last to get in sighed and chuckled with hunched shoulders, " Yeah, I feel like our worlds just getting worse, you have to fight just to apply for jobs if you weren't born to a good family. "

The others seemed to be brought out of there smiley mood at the mention of their predicament, but as if the boy couldn't read a room, he carried on, " I mean really! Just cause we weren't lucky at birth, we have to fight the system, how did our predecessors even let it get this bad, we shouldn't have to share a car to get to work, much less to apply for it!- ".

His rambling was cut off with a quiet, but loud-toned reprimand by the driver, "Shut it." While the driver didn't look back at him, nor did anyone else, he could now feel that the mood had been brought down by him, " Sorry its just.. We've been working so hard, so long, its just starting to feel like the worlds going to end before we get a job… ".

While everyone else was seemingly feeling down by the boys words, the driver, who was noticeably older than them and was treated as the leader slightly smiled, " I told you all before, that the worlds been hard for a long time now, and there was a time when even I felt that way, but if you preserve, then you'll find a opening, and as long as you hold on tight to the few opportunities left in this world, then there's always the ability to move forward. " The mans words seemed to encourage the entourage of boys.

The man started to laugh, " So, don't worry to much about it, you have a lot of time left before the world en- "

A pulse rang out across the universe, from the center of the universe came a wave of new particles that seemed to break all the known laws and unknown laws of our universe. It over-writ the struggles of life itself on an unknowable amount of planetary bodies that harbored life, this including earth.

The pulse killed an unknown but primarily large amount of earths population of every creature, this included trees, grass, microorganisms, cows, pigs, and most importantly, humans.

Life though, would be provided a new way by this signal, the new particle(s) introduced to the universe seemed to break convention and give a fast-track to evolutionary pathways that if obeying normal universal laws would take millions and millions of years, though this wasn't immediate, far from it. Earth seemed to stagnate for the first tens of years, with the few remaining humans grouping in the few habitable environments, as even the plants were taking time to evolve and spread out and create new habitable areas that had vegetation.

Though, it didn't take to long to see the first mutations of the new world, it was very easy to see in animals as they started to have children that deviated from their parents becoming first-generation magical creatures, they had very little adaptation to the new particle that would soon be coined as Mana, but they stilled could use it at-least.

Humans were a different story, very few could use this particle, and those that could were the first to pioneer magical studies and applications. These humans had kids, who were also human, but could use Magic just like their parents, it didn't take long for a hierarchical system to establish itself in some settlements.

Although, when the non-magical's went off to new land to escape these early institutions of magical hierarchy, there children weren't human, although only first generation, there was slight mutation within them, some settlements children had sharper ears, while another's had thicker skin, and another's were visibly taller and bigger.

This process continued, and as these first-generations had children the mutations only grew more apparent, and soon they had their own way of using Mana and applications of it. These settlements that were already unknown distances between one another, quickly grew to solidarity, as some were noticeably not human, and even if they weren't human, they surely were not the other race either.

Sadly, some would argue it was those who were farthest away from other settlements that were lucky, as, while not all settlements fought, many early wars did happen, few could say these were race motivated, its more likely they fought over nearby resources, and gradually that turned these nearby races against one another, leading to race based stereotypes one could see amongst the new earth.

An earth only a little over 250 years after the mysterious pulse from the center of the universe, an earth barely explored due to not only the law-defying evolution of earths inhabitants, but the growth of the planet itself.