
The Vampire's Offer

The vampire looked at the novice. He had seen hundreds of wanderers. Every year an alien from another reality came to Ark. Some of the wanderers managed to become significant figures. Most of the losers died. But this wanderer was a special case. He managed to create a connection with dracat.

Angus shifted his gaze to the black little creature of the other world. The creature stopped lactating milk and raised its head. At that moment the vampire remembered the impressions of dracat's gaze. The impenetrable Abyss was watching the city's oldest vampire. Angus smiled. He liked strong impressions.

The existence of any vampire goes through a cycle of changing perceptions of the world. The enjoyment of their new selves and powers is replaced by a decline in feelings. All vampires experience a period of indifference to the world. Longevity causes the color of emotions to fade and impressions to turn gray and unresponsive. There is always a new bright event that brings the vampire back to life.

Love. Angus knew what love was. He heard no new details in the summoner's story. It is always the same everywhere. Vampires are terrible and powerful enemies. Only love can appease a vampire's evil nature.

Angus made a decision and voiced it,

"Clan Angus is grateful for your cooperation. The clan offers its favor and protection."

"The vampire gold will be ours. The vampires have plenty of gold. They threaten by force," explained dracat.

"We will take the gold and refuse protection," the summoner calmly offered.

"We are not threatened by anything. Your blood will pay for the portal to my world. We are not afraid."

Pete looked at the vampire and answered after a brief silence,

"We thank the Angus clan for their consideration. We are ready to discuss options for new cooperation. We need no protection."

Angus had hoped for such an answer! Life gave him an encounter with an interesting new mage and a very interesting creature. The vampire stood up and warned his guest before he left,

"Scarlet will be here in a moment. You can talk about business."

Pete, too, rose from his chair and made a bow of his head. This resident of Ark was worthy of respect. The young man was glad their meeting was over. He didn't want to be in the presence of too many important people. Scarlet? This vampire was a more pleasant companion than the master of the vampire castle. And this monster didn't give his name!

The vampire left the hall. Pete sat down at the table and refilled the pet's cup with milk again.

"Compensation," Trunk reminded him.

"Kid, you're too fond of money! That trait of your character embarrasses me. I feel like a comedy hero."

"Order and control. We learn to order and control," the pet was distracted from bathing and tilted his muzzle over the cup again.

Scarlet entered the hall and walked over to the table. She sat down across from the summoner. On the table, she placed a pouch.

"Your gold," she smiled.

"Did you add compensation for the damage to my body to the mission fee?"

The vampire stopped smiling. At first, she did not understand the summoner's claim.

"What damage and what compensation are you talking about?"

"You applied poison during our meeting. I need gold and I would like to receive gold."

The vampire's face lost its appeal and the girl squinted her eyes,

"You don't know how to show understanding to new acquaintances. There was no poison. The drink contained special spices. It's for relaxation and good cheer during the treat."

"Deception," purred the pet.

Pete sensed his little one's good spirits. He felt great, too.

"The special spices hurt me. You're responsible. You broke the laws of hospitality. I didn't expect that from Ark."

Pete Harrison stood up and took a bag of gold from the table. Dracat meowed indignantly and jumped on the summoner's shoulder.

"I met with no understanding on your part. I wish you a long bright life," Pete said goodbye and walked toward the door.

"Summoner. Wait !"

Pete didn't stop. He heard Trank's offer to end the meeting on his terms. "Go away. The vampire will think about compensation."

The young man did not understand two important features of his little helper. He was a baby cub! But he had a special ability and survival skill. Dracat was talking about control. The pet had already shown eerie and impressive control skills. The summoner was a puppet of the pet! This is unpleasant and outrageous.

Trank had a mental connection with the human. He had fully adapted with his brother's mind. Dracat could think like a human and offered good options for behavior.

Pete Harrison had already realized that he was incapable of adapting to the new world. Too harsh an environment and too much pressure.

Little Trank was right about one thing. You can't lose your independence! The young man doesn't need missions. He can leave the safety of the guild building and donate blood. A vial of blood costs four hundred silver. That's two hundred gold coins. In two months they can accumulate enough money to buy a portal for dracat and make a contribution to the summoners guild. Don't mess with dangerous vampires who don't understand what responsibility for their actions is. Don't mess with a feisty adventurer who thinks too much of herself.

Now they have access to the knowledge and experience of an old mage from Plas. Pete Harrison has permission to use the guild's books. He needs to sit in a cozy and comfortable hole and accumulate knowledge and power.

With these thoughts, the young summoner walked through the corridors of the castle. He was not afraid of getting lost. Now he understood that he had his own special Global Positioning System. The dracat consciousness allowed him to navigate the city.

But Pete did not allow himself to engage in self-deception. He wanted to see Shine again! And he was pleased to meet Scarlet again.

"Females. Nonsense," snorted the pet. "Draw blood. Calm down."

Pete laughed softly. At the main doors, he saw the vampire and approached him.

"I wish you a long and bright life. Won't you help your guest out of the castle?"

The vampire indicated the door. Pete went to the exit and opened the big door. He stepped out into the courtyard and the vampire approached the young man. A teleport spot lit up at the summoner's feet. Pete took a step into the spot and found himself in an unfamiliar room. In the small room, there were counters along three walls. Behind the counters on the walls were shelves of various light-colored small objects.

"The smell of blood. Lots of blood," dracat warned.

The summoner didn't have time to start worrying. The vampire appeared before him.

"I've been waiting for you. I am an employee of the Artifacts Guild. A branch of the Inscription. Vampires respect the law of arc. Are you willing to sell blood now?"

"I'm interested," the young man agreed.

The vampire pointed in the direction and went to one of the counters. The summoner followed the vampire and learned how to donate blood.

The procedure was quick and didn't inspire suspicion. The pale man behind the counter placed three items in front of the customer. An empty vial, a small special knife, and a lamp of fire. Pete made an incision in his left palm and filled the vial. Then he thought and burned the blade of the knife on the flame of the lampshade. The vampires may have taken care to keep their tools sterile. But Pete decided to take the opportunity to burn the traces behind him.

The worker laid out a pouch of coins on the counter and specified the price of the service. Two hundred gold pieces.

Trank purred in his head, the young man's mood was good. But dracat's new offer confused Pete.

"Shine is not needed. The old soldier is fine now. Compensation. We helped him. He owes us."

"I liked Roy," Pete agreed. "But I don't want to be a warrior. I'm a peaceful man, I should be a mage."

"Veteran. He knows how to make a body strong and dexterous. He owes you a lesson."

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