
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Kỳ huyễn
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80 Chs

The Matrix

  "The command has been determined, activate the matrix number, start scanning the host's identity and establish the archive ... drops, the host's identity is determined, is it bound?"

  For a long time, the cold electronic female voice sounded again, echoing in Merlin's mind.


  Merlin did not hesitate in the slightest, he knew that once bound, the Matrix would be available only to him, others simply could not see, because this most advanced quantum computer, in the form of liquid metal, injected into the blood, completely integrated into the flesh and blood, no one can destroy.

  "Blood being collected, binding successful! Reading profile ... drops, profile is invalid, new profile is being created ... please name the new profile."

  "Is it a new profile?"

  Merlin's gaze flashed, and then said in a deep voice: "The file is named Merlin!"

  "New file named successfully, welcome Mr. Merlin to use the Matrix quantum computer!"

  By this time the Matrix's voice had changed to a very sweet female voice, with a very comfortable sounding voice.

  Merlin sat quietly on a high wooden chair, although his expression was calm, but his gaze was constantly flickering, revealing the excitement within Merlin's heart.

  For spellcasters, sometimes in order to build a suitable spell model, and even spend ten years of time to do a variety of spell models, calculations, even so, many spellcasters finally build the spell model, but also still unsatisfactory.

  The construction of spell models consumes too much time for the casters, and now, Merlin has this quantum computer on him, which represents the most peak technology in the previous life, with its help, perhaps Merlin will not need to spend a lot of energy for the construction of spell models.

  "Anyway, let's test it first and see if the 'Matrix' works?"

  Although Merlin was excited inside, he remained rational and calm, knowing that all he had to do was to use the Matrix to test the spell models and see if they worked.

  Thinking of this, Merlin immediately gave orders to the "Matrix": "Matrix, create a fireball database."

  The Matrix immediately began scanning, entering into the database the spell models of a dozen fireball spells that Old Man Etta had taken years to deduce.

  "Fireball database created successfully."

  "Analyze these spell models immediately!"

  With Merlin's command, the powerful quantum computer began to calculate, its computing speed is naturally too fast to imagine, in an instant, the matrix in accordance with the dozen spell models of old man Etta, immediately built tens of thousands of fireball spell models, and the number is still further increasing.

  "Drop, analysis is complete, a total of 186,519 models have been reconstructed."

  Hearing the voice from the Matrix, even Merlin could not help but freeze, 180,000 spell models, just a dozen spell models based on old man Etta, reconstructed spell models, actually as many as 180,000.

  This is where the computer is powerful, if it is human, even if the mind is more active, even if the mental strength is strong, it is impossible to think of a variety of possibilities, and even more impossible to build a spell model of 180,000.

  Of course, the 180,000 spell models, certainly ninety-nine percent are not what Merlin needs, Merlin also need to filter out the most comprehensive aspects of the most outstanding, the most suitable for their own spell models.

  Merlin considered that the first element of the spell model is to be stable, not the power of the spell, so it is better to focus on stability and improve the power of the spell on the basis of stability, and the spell model built out with this idea is the best spell model.

  Merlin closed his eyes and looked grave, he put his hand gently on the table and was tapping intensively and rhythmically, this is a habitual action of Merlin, whenever he was thinking about something and preparing to make some kind of decision, he would naturally make this action.

  For a long time, Merlin opened his eyes, then said in a low voice: "Matrix, using the spell models in the database as prototypes, select all the spell models that surpass number one in terms of stability!"

  The "number one" in Merlin's mouth refers to the head of the Aeta old man to build the spell model of high stability, but also the Aeta old man to build all the spell model of his most satisfied, the characteristics of the stability of the main, very stable, once the mental simulation in the mind, the possibility of the spell model collapse is very low.

  And Merlin such a choice, there is no doubt that he is still mainly stable, not one-sided pursuit of spells powerful, only a stable spell model, in order to build more advanced spell model step by step.

  This is like a building, zero-level spell model is the foundation, the more solid the foundation, then the future building is possible to build higher.

  Merlin made this decision after much deliberation.

  "Screening begins ... drops, a total of one hundred and thirty-eight spell models are more stable than the number one structure!"

  The Matrix was quickly screened, and the results surprised Merlin.

  One hundred and thirty-eight spell models are much more stable in terms of stability than the spell models that old man Etta spent years building out.

  This is the role of high-speed computer computing, in computing, the human brain in any case can not compare to the computer.

  Of the one hundred and thirty-eight spell models, Merlin had to sift through them further.

  "From the filtered spell models, select another spell model with a more powerful burst than the thirteenth."

  Merlin gave orders to the Matrix in a deep voice. Thirteen is the most powerful model among the spell models constructed by old man Etta, but its structure is extremely unstable, once the thirteenth spell model is forcibly selected, then it is likely to collapse and is very dangerous, so old man Etta also cautioned again and again in the spell handbook to try not to select this spell model that is prone to collapse.

  "Drop, screening is complete, there are no spell models that match the conditions."

  Merlin frowned, among the one hundred and thirty-eight spell models, there is actually no more powerful spell model in terms of power than the thirteenth.

  But he was relieved to think about it, both stability and strong power, such a spell model can not be easy to find, stability and power, can only choose one, or in the middle, both.

  Having figured this out, Merlin continued to order, "Change the filtering condition and select the most explosive one among the one hundred and thirty-eight spell models."

  Soon, an unusually complex spell model appeared in Merlin's mind, which was filtered out by the Matrix to meet Merlin's conditions.

  This spell model is sufficient in terms of stability, as for its power, Merlin thought about it and softly asked the Matrix: "This spell model is how many percent of its power compared to the 13th?"

  "According to the structure calculation of the spell model, the power of this spell model is seventy percent of the thirteenth!"

  "Seventy percent? It's also enough, much better than the number one spell model constructed by Aita-sensei."

  Merlin was slightly relieved to have seventy percent of the power of spell model number thirteen, which was already quite good, far more powerful than the power of spell model number one constructed by old man Etta.

  Then Merlin closed his eyes slightly and began to look carefully at this spell model from the final selection of 180,000 spell models, the most suitable for Merlin's spell model.

  And this spell model is also considered stable and powerful balance, Aita old man spent more than ten years to build the spell model, but also can not compare to the "matrix" in a very short time to build out the spell model.

  Already selected the spell model, the next step is the final step, the spell model with mental simulation in the mind, this process is also the most time-consuming, the most likely to fail step.

  It would be even more difficult for people with weak spiritual power to even remember these complex spell models, let alone to completely simulate them in their minds.

  Although old man Etta left a note mentioning that Merlin's spiritual power was strong and had a chance to become a caster, but to become a true caster, only this last step could be completed.

  So, Merlin quietly closed his eyes, marshaled his mental energy and began to simulate the spell model of a zero-level fireball spell.

  The spell model that has been improved by the Matrix is even more complex than the spell model constructed by old man Etta, a curve that would be much more difficult to outline on paper with a pen, let alone simulate with mental power.

  Facing such a complex spell model, the consumption of spiritual power is also unimaginable, so Merlin only just tried to simulate this spell model with spiritual power, he felt very tired, which is a manifestation of the extreme consumption of spiritual power.

  One hour, two hours ...

  Outside the window suddenly fell goose-feather snow, and with it, even the temperature in the house seems to have dropped.

  Merlin sat on the wooden chair for two or three hours, legs and feet have been frozen a little numb, but at this time he did not have a trace of feeling, because his attention, all focused on the spell model in his mind.

  After simulating over and over again, finally, Merlin noticed the change in the sea of consciousness.

  The sea of consciousness is where the spiritual power exists, and is the most mysterious place within the brain. The spell model that Merlin simulated with his spiritual power has gradually taken shape at this time and appeared in the empty sea of consciousness.

  "Finally, it's a done deal. ..."

  Merlin's eyes snapped open and his voice trembled with excitement.

  After spending three hours, Merlin finally used his spiritual power and managed to simulate the spell model of fireball spell in his mind.

  Fireball spell model just formed, Merlin felt a hint of a different feeling than before, despite the fact that he sat withered for hours, his hands and feet were cold, but at this time, it was as if there was a fire, lingering around the same feeling.

  He could see, with his eyes slightly closed, that the spell model of the fireball spell in his sea of consciousness was slowly rotating at the moment, and it seemed that there was a trace of firelight that had been sucked into the spell model from the outside world.

  Those flames reminded Merlin of the fire element!

  When Merlin was asking Mei Xue, how to sense the fire element, Mei Xue had described what the fire element looked like, because Merlin did not have a fire attribute physique, so naturally he could not attract the fire element into his body, and could not become an elemental swordsman.

  But now, after having the spell model of the fireball spell, he could feel that there was a constant stream of fire elements that were madly entering his body and rapidly integrating into the spell model of the fireball spell, as if the spell model hidden deep in the sea of consciousness was a black hole that was madly swallowing the endless fire elements around it.