
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
80 Chs

Intentions (1)

  Merlin and others, following the knights of Count Pumang's party, passed through Ravensburg and came to a small town, which did not look big, and everyone inside was also a soldier, and war supplies were piled up everywhere, a place where supplies were built to supply Ravensburg.

  The legendary heretical kingdom, the barbaric, evil, horrible Black Moon Kingdom, at this time presented in front of Merlin and others, old Wilson looked solemn, and did not speak, but Merlin can still from its gaze, feel the complex changes in its heart.

  After all, the old Wilson, once participated in the exceptionally difficult and brutal "Slaughterhouse" campaign, and these black moon kingdom of the heretics, killed for several years, but now he stepped on the land of the heretics, the heart will naturally be some subtle changes.

  In addition to the old Wilson and the other, such as Mei Xue, big-breasted lady, Avril and so on, but there is no discomfort, but rather look very new, lift the curtain of the car, looking around.

  The procession of knights led by Count Pumang, after returning to this small town, began to gradually leave, and when they had gone some way to a white castle, there were only a hundred or so personal guards left around the Count.

  "Commander Bain, you take Mage Merlin's family to rest first."

  Count Pumang nodded slightly to Merlin and said with a smile, "Venerable Merlin, my castle is up ahead, please go in for a chat!"

  Old Wilson suddenly spoke up and said in a low voice, "Merlin, there's no danger, is there?"

  "Father, this is the Black Moon Kingdom, a sacred place for spellcasters, don't worry, I'll be fine, you guys go rest first, we'll discuss the next step when I come back."

  After explaining to old Wilson, Merlin followed Count Pumang into the castle.

  There were many knights in the castle of Count Pumang, all of them killing, and Merlin's spiritual power also detected that there were some powerful knights in the shadows watching his every move.

  But what makes Merlin strange is that he did not sense the spiritual power of some other spellcasters. Old Wilson once mentioned that in some military fortresses in the Black Moon Kingdom, there are spellcasters stationed all year round, but Merlin did not find any spellcaster until he walked into Count Pumang's castle.

  Following Count Pumang into the hall, a burst of warmth coming from inside the fireplace filled the entire hall.

  Count Pumang took off his heavy armor, sat down casually on a wooden chair and waved a hand to Merlin, "Mage Merlin, don't be polite, please sit down."

  After Merlin sat down, the castle maids brought a small cup of soup that looked a little sticky, with some black leaves floating on it and a piece of something odd that looked like fish scales, with a burst of fish fragrance wafting out of the heat it emitted.

  Earl Pumang smiled slightly and lifted his cup, "Mage Merlin, try my Ravensburger's iced fish soup first."

  Earl Pumang tilted his head and drank the broth in the cup cleanly, breathing a long sigh of relief, with a hint of intent on his face.

  Merlin has little interest in such a strange broth, but seeing Count Pumang drinking so painfully, he couldn't help but be a little curious, so he picked up the cup and took a gentle sip.

  The taste of iced fish soup is a bit sour, but after swallowing the fish soup, there is a burst of sweetness on the tongue, and when the fish soup goes down, a warm feeling quickly rises up and quickly spreads to the whole body, so that people can not help but want to moan in comfort.

  Merlin then drank the soup in the cup cleanly in one gulp, slightly squinting his eyes, and could not help but exclaim: "Not bad, not bad, this ice fish soup is really wonderful."

  In a strange country, first of all, there is a big difference from eating and drinking.

  After drinking the iced fish soup and feeling much warmer, Count Pumang casually asked, "I'm afraid it wasn't easy for Venerable Merlin to come all the way to Ravensburg, I wonder what Venerable Merlin's plans are for the future?"


  Merlin thought for a moment and then replied, "Let's settle down first and then think about the rest."

  In a strange country, the first thing is to first stabilize and familiarize yourself with the environment.

  With the slightest flicker of essence in his eyes, Count Pumang suddenly lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "Mage Merlin, you should be a free mage! Then why don't you join me in Ravensburg and stationed in Ravensburg? There should also be some powerful elemental swordsmen among your family members, they can also join my Ravensburg, I can guarantee that your family members in Ravensburg, will live a good life."

  "Join the army? Dear Count Pumang, I'm really sorry, we just want to settle down in the Black Moon Kingdom first, besides, we just experienced a tough battle in the Light Kingdom, so I, as well as my family, don't want to join the army for the time being."

  Merrill refused without hardly thinking about it.

  Old Wilson, because of his former identity, would certainly not agree to join the army of the Black Moon Kingdom, and furthermore, Merlin still thinks about being in the Black Moon Kingdom and becoming an even more powerful spell caster, it would be even more impossible to bind himself to the army.

  Moreover, the current situation in the Kingdom of Light is unstable, no one can say whether war will break out, and if a war breaks out, I'm afraid that Ravensburger will bear the brunt of it and face danger.

  Naturally, Merlin would not join Ravensburger and join the army of the Black Moon Kingdom at this time.

  "That's a shame. ..."

  Count Pumang shrugged his shoulders, a look of regret on his face.

  "My Lord Count, Her Ladyship asks you to come back to the house, saying that it is urgent."

  A gray-clothed maid hurriedly came to the hall and whispered.

  "What's going on?"

  Count Pumang frowned, looked upstairs with some doubts, then stood up and said to Merlin: "Mage Merlin, you sit down for a while, I'll be right there."

  With that, Count Pumang stood up and walked up to the second floor.

  In a room on the second floor, a full-figured woman was walking anxiously back and forth in the room, looking up at the door from time to time.

  "Madam, what's going on that's so urgent?"

  Count Pumang hurriedly pushed open the door of the room and saw the Countess who was walking back and forth in the house with a somewhat disturbed look.

  The Countess hesitated a little, but finally picked up a letter on the table and handed it to Count Poumont, whispering, "It's a letter from my brother Céline, read it yourself."

  "Count Selim? What's happened to him?"

  The Count of Pumang took the letter from the Countess suspiciously and opened it to read it.

  Gradually, however, Count Pumang's brow furrowed and his face became more and more ugly, with a vague hint of anger in his expression.