
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Kỳ huyễn
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80 Chs

Crisis in the Old Castle (above)

  Inside the city lord's house, the city lord, Ogdin, Baron Wengurit, and Mage Jason, who was dressed in white robes, were sitting together to deliberate.

  "Mage Jason, the other six nobles of Blackwater City, except for Wilson, have all come, should we do it now?"

  Ogdin said with a calm expression.

  Mage Jason faintly glanced at Ogdin and Wingnut, slightly waved his hand and said: "What's the hurry? Now also not afraid to tell you, around Blackwater City, the constant harassment of thieves, in fact, is the Church's people. With their raids, these noblemen's knight teams, all out of the city to guard the territory, what else can they have in Blackwater City?"

  "So, they should still be given a chance, and if they are willing to return to God's embrace, then they are still believers of the God of Light! City Lord, it's your turn to step in next."

  Ogdin looked slightly changed, although he had previously speculated that the appearance of those thieves outside the Blackwater City is really strange, now confirmed by Jason, those thieves are indeed the Church sent people.

  The Church has been setting all this up for a long time!

  "Mage Jason don't worry, I'll go out and talk to them, but Wilson ..."

  Speaking of Wilson, Mage Jason looked up at Wengurit, the corners of his mouth showed a cold smile, and said softly: "Baron Wengurit, I know the conflict between you and Wilson, now give you a chance, a chance to take revenge! Wilson should be dead now, his territory was also destroyed, so, Wilson Castle should no longer exist, this matter will be left to you, I will send two more guardian swordsmen, you send someone to solve all the people in the Wilson family!"

  Wengouriet's heart was overjoyed, his expression all turned a little grim, and said in a deep voice: "Mage Jason rest assured that in the future there will no longer be any Wilson family in Blackwater City!"

  Said, Wingnut walked straight out, his heart full of joy, and old Wilson fought for so many years, he has long hated Wilson to the bone, now there is an opportunity, he will not let go?

  "Tirafa, take my knights of Wengurit, and the two guardian swordsmen given to you by Mage Jason, and go and raze the old Wilson castle, I don't want there to be another Wilson family in Blackwater later."

  "Hey, Father, don't worry, no one can get away from Wilson's Old Fort! But it's a pity that Merlin, the little bastard, went to Wilson's territory, otherwise, I would have killed him with my own hands!"

  Tilafa is also filled with intense hatred for Merlin.

  "Merlin went to the Wilson territory also can not live, can only give Wilson to accompany the funeral. Well, go on, when things settle down, I Wengouriet family, will certainly usher in the most glorious moment!"

  With that, Tilapha took two hundred knights and left the city lord's mansion in a great hurry.

  Outside of Wilsons Castle, two guards, still somewhat listless and leaning against the door, were talking in a bored manner.

  Suddenly, from a distance, a super-luxurious carriage pulled by four horses came flying at a fast speed, and the carriage owner looked in a hurry.

  The two guards immediately got into the spirit of the carriage, they both knew the carriage, it was the carriage of young master Gut, who was often with young master Merlin.

  Soon, the ultra-luxurious carriage stopped in front of the ancient castle, and a fat man jumped down from the carriage. Two guards hurriedly greeted him and said respectfully, "Young Master Gut, if you are looking for Young Master Merlin, then unfortunately, Young Master Merlin left Blackwater City two days ago and went to the Lord Baron's domain."

  "Went to the territory?"

  Little fatty Gut frowned, looking very anxious, and said in a deep voice: "Quickly take me to see Miss Mei Xue."

  The two guards also both knew that Gut and Merlin were close friends, so neither stopped them and took Gut to the old castle.

  May snow is eating breakfast, heard footsteps, looked up and found it was Gut, she could not help but frown, she had a bad impression of the little fat Gut and Anson, always felt that it was Merlin's "detrimental friend".

  But Gut didn't care about Mei Xue's attitude, but walked quickly in front of Mei Xue and said in an urgent voice: "Mei Xue, hurry up and leave the old Wilson castle, it's better to get out of the city and go to Baron Wilson's territory to meet up with Merlin."

  "What's going on? Gut, what's wrong?"

  Mei Xue put down the spoon in her hand and stood up to look at Gut.

  The fatty saw that Mei Xue refused to go, but also knew that if this matter is not explained clearly, it is impossible to let Mei Xue immediately leave the Wilson Castle. So I had to make a long story short, said in a deep voice: "Indeed, something big has happened, the Church of Light, suddenly launched an attack, the Gran City, Lute City and most of the cities of the Kingdom of Light, are in control, this is to seize the ruling power of the royal family ah!

  "My Dougran family has business in all parts of the Bright Kingdom, so we got the news earlier, and Blackwater City should also be within the target of the Church's seizure, so even the city gates were closed this morning."

  "But your Wilson family is the most dangerous, Baron Wilson comes from the army, loyal to the royal family, the church will definitely not let go, and I even inquired that the city lord of Blackwater City, Ogdin, as well as the Wengurit family, have defected to the church. With the conflict between the Wingulit family and the Wilson family, they will not let go of the Wilson Castle."

  Little fat Gut a brain will be he got the news, all said, on the breath, face are red, look indeed is exhausted.

  Mei Xue's face instantly became white, she hurriedly stepped forward, her tone was a little trembling, asked in a low voice: "Gut, what about father and Merlin? Are they in danger?"

  Little fat Gut gasped, shook his head slightly and said: "Baron Wilson and Merlin, I have no news for the time being, the city gates have been closed and no one is allowed to enter or leave, I also just got the news, which is why I rushed over to inform you. The most important thing now is your safety, even if you can't leave the city, but you absolutely can't stay in the old Wilson Castle."

  Guter paused, biting his lips tightly, his face changing expressions, as if he was making some kind of decision.

  For a long time, he raised his head, tightly biting his lips and said: "No matter what, Wilson Castle you can no longer stay. Mei Xue, there can only be five of you at most, immediately leave Wilson Castle, take my carriage, I will send you to a safe place, and when the situation in Blackwater City has eased a little, I will find a way to send you out of the city."

  It can be seen, Gut this move is a great risk, a little carelessness, he will also be implicated in it.

  Mei Xue looked up at the housekeeper, at this time, still need the housekeeper to take the idea.

  The butler looked at the red-faced Gut, and then boweddeeply to him and said, "Thank you, Young Master Gut, for being able to risk so much to save us, the Wilson family will definitely remember your great kindness. Miss Mei Xue, young master Gut is right, we must hurry to leave the ancient castle now."

  Gut nodded and said, "Good then, you guys go get ready, I'll wait for you in the carriage."

  Little fatty turned around and was about to go back to the carriage when a group of aggressive knights suddenly came outside, rushing directly toward the Wilsons' old castle.

  "No good, it's Tilapha who brought people ... finished, now even I can't leave!"

  For a moment, Gut's face was ashen, and his eyes were filled with fear.