
Mage of Might

The peaceful earth is targeted by mysterious monsters. They are targeting the inner dimensions of the earth. Those monsters are trying to damage the barrier. Who is casting them? The protagonist, Kuro is a 27-year-old man who is blessed with excessive physical strength.

Shoji6 · Võ hiệp
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15 Chs

Unexpected Encounter

The city was shrouded in a perpetual twilight, its sky a canvas of gray and crimson hues, as if the world itself couldn't decide between day and night. A biting wind whipped through the narrow, cobblestone streets, carrying with it the acrid scent of smoke and decay, making the air feel heavy with tension. Inside the bustling restaurant, the warmth was a stark contrast to the chilling exterior. Conversations flowed softly from table to table, the clinking of cutlery blending into the low hum of murmuring patrons.

Kuro moved with a sluggish grace through the dining area, his thoughts drifting far away from the present moment. The manager's sharp voice snapped him back to reality.

"Kuro!" The manager's irritation was evident. "Our customers aren't going to wait forever. Why are you so slow?" His eyes burned with frustration. "We're losing customers because of your slow service. Pick up the pace!"

Kuro nodded with little emotion, his voice flat. "On my way, manager."

The manager glared at him, clearly dissatisfied, but Kuro was already on the move. After serving the table, he returned to the kitchen, where his co-worker, Haru, was waiting. Haru leaned against the counter, watching Kuro with a casual curiosity.

"You always look so unmotivated," Haru said, his voice light but concerned. "Bro, you good?"

Kuro gave a soft snort, wiping his hands on his apron. "Do I look like I'm good, Haru?"

Haru laughed, shrugging. "Come on, man, you've only been here a week. It's normal to be slow at first. Give it time."

"Yeah, maybe," Kuro muttered, his voice distant. The bell from the front rang again, signaling another order ready to be served. "Gotta go," he said, slipping back into the busy dining room.

At a nearby table, three girls sat talking and laughing, their conversation bubbling with an energy that seemed to clash with the somber atmosphere of the city outside. Kuro approached them, balancing a tray of food with ease.

Suddenly, Mika, one of the girls, stiffened. A shiver ran down her spine as an unfamiliar magical presence washed over her. Her senses sharpened, her muscles tensing involuntarily. Something was off.

As Kuro placed the dishes on the table, Mika's mind raced. Who is this guy? she thought. He's hiding something, I can feel it. The magical pressure emanating from him was subtle, but powerful, like a storm waiting to be unleashed.

"Here's your order, ma'am," Kuro said, his tone polite but distant.

"Thanks," Rukia, one of the girls, replied with a smile.

"You're welcome," Kuro answered, already turning away.

"Wow, he's a gym guy," Naoto said with a teasing grin, nudging Mika. "Look, Mika. Not bad, huh?"

Mika blinked, trying to focus, but her thoughts were still tangled in the strange energy she felt from Kuro. "Y-Yeah," she murmured, her mind elsewhere.

Naoto frowned, leaning closer. "You okay? You don't look so good."

Mika forced a smile, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. "I'm fine," she lied. "Just realized I forgot to do my assignment. Crap."

Rukia waved her hand dismissively. "I'll lend you mine. Why are you so worried?"

"Thanks," Mika replied absentmindedly, but her focus remained on Kuro. Something wasn't right. He didn't seem like the typical worker, not with that level of magical pressure. Wizards with this much power usually keep their weapon in plain sight... so where's his?

Her thoughts spiraled further. Why would someone this powerful be working in a restaurant? There was a mystery here, and Mika intended to unravel it.

Just as Kuro was about to retreat to the kitchen, Mika found herself blurting out, "Hey, what's your name?"

Her friends immediately fell silent, eyes widening in surprise before they broke into giggles.

"Mika!" Naoto teased, grinning from ear to ear. "What's with you?"

Mika flushed. "Can you guys stop?" she muttered, embarrassed.

Kuro glanced back at her, expressionless. "It's Kuro," he said. "It's written on my uniform."

"Oh." Mika's face turned an even deeper shade of red. "Sorry about that."

Inwardly, Kuro sighed. What an idiot, he thought, his eyes flickering briefly toward her. She forgot her assignment… and couldn't even read my name on my clothes. Four-eyed people can be dense. But outwardly, he remained calm.

"Do you need anything else?" he asked, his tone flat.

"No, thanks," the girls replied, and with that, Kuro returned to the kitchen, his mind drifting once again to other things.

Three days later, Mika found herself on her usual route to university, staring out the window of the bus as it rumbled through the city streets. Students milled about on their phones, chatting with one another, completely absorbed in their own little worlds. Mika, however, couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of Kuro. There was something about him that gnawed at her curiosity, refusing to let go.

Rukia and Saki hadn't come to class today. "They're probably sleeping in," Mika muttered to herself, rolling her eyes. "We only have one class. Typical of them."

The bus came to a halt, and Mika stepped off, heading toward the university's main building. The classroom was buzzing with life. Sunlight streamed through the dusty windows, casting playful shadows on the worn wooden desks. The faint smell of chalk and cheap perfume hung in the air, mingling with the murmur of student voices. Some were lost in their phones, while others whispered secret conversations, their eyes darting around to avoid the teacher's gaze. A few simply stared out the window, their minds far from the lesson.

When the class finally ended, the teacher dismissed the students, and most hurried out in a rush. Mika lingered behind, gathering her things slowly, her mind still preoccupied. She was about to leave when five boys and two girls entered the room, blocking her path.

One of the girls, a smug-looking brunette named Shiho, stepped forward, her lips curling into a sly smile. "Hey there, cutie," she cooed, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "Going somewhere?"

Mika frowned, unsure of what was happening. "Yes," she replied cautiously. "Do I know you?"

Shiho's smile widened. "Wow, you don't even know your seniors? It's been almost a month, and you haven't bothered to introduce yourself."

Mika's confusion deepened. "I've never seen you before."

A tall boy with unruly, electric-yellow hair stepped forward, his hands casually stuffed into the pockets of a worn leather jacket. His eyes, hidden behind dark sunglasses, gleamed with something unsettling.

"You don't know us?" he drawled lazily, a mocking grin on his lips. "We run this university, little girl. You should've known by now."

Mika's heart skipped a beat. This was trouble, and she could feel it.

Shiho smirked, "Wow, a village girl. You must be from Lumina Village, right?"

Mika stayed silent, her fists clenched at her sides.

Katsuragi sneered. "Let's just cut to the chase. We have a party tonight. You better be there, or you'll regret it."

Mika's anger boiled over. Without thinking, she stepped forward and slapped Katsuragi across the face.

A stunned silence fell over the room. Katsuragi's hand shot up to his cheek, disbelief written across his features.

"You b*tch!" he snarled, his eyes wild with fury. "You'll pay for that!"

Just as Katsuragi prepared to retaliate, the door burst open. A figure stood there, a broom in hand.

It was Kuro.

Everyone froze, staring at him in shock.

"Huh... oh crap. The door fell off," Kuro muttered, stepping into the room. "I'm just here for cleaning."

Mika's heart raced. That magical pressure... it's him!