
Mage and Suitors

Chapter 1

I was watching Master Rain interact with his students. Even though I have been a teacher for a few years after I got my mage rank. I still feel I have a lot to learn to I tend to watch the older teachers to see how I should do certain things. A few moments later I see the last student leave so I closed the door behind them.

"Master Rain, I have something I wish to discuss with you." I walk up to his desk as he is still looking down work on some paper work.

I place the letter on top of his paper work to grab his attention. That is when I see him look up with a strange look on his face

"Who sent you this letter Talissa?" He asked while sitting up in his seat.

"Who do you think?" I responded with a serious face.

Master Rain just stared at me with a look of oh no.

"Does any one else know about this letter and have you read the contents yet." He asked picking up the letter.

"No.... I have not told anyone your the first." I responded as I see Master Rain stand up then hands me back the letter.

"This is not the place to read a letter of such importance." He said walking towards the door. "We need to go somewhere more private. You never know who is listening in on our conversation." He opened the door then headed out, I shortly followed behind.

Walking slightly behind Master Rain we head home which is about a twenty to thirty minute walk from the front of the academy. I look around to see most of the students heading to popular places to study or to hang out. It does not feel that long ago since I was student since I was lucky enough to get a job here. Well mostly working under Master Rain since he chose me to take under his wing. Each year the Master Mages gets to chose one student to work under neath of them, until they can get their trial or test to become a mage. Still does not feel like it has been seven years since I graduated from the academy . The moment I finished that thought I noticed that we were already outside the house were Master Rain lives. "Come inside Talissa, were we can talk." Master Rain holds the door open for me to come inside, while he writes a rune on the door that blocks anyone from listening in on the conversation.

I nod then head inside then walk to the kitchen table to sit down. I wait for him to finish before I pull out the letter. I felt nervous on what the letter is going to say. This is the first time I have gotten a letter usually Master Rain gets the letters pertaining to me, so this has me worried as well. About ten minutes later I see Master Rain walk into the kitchen the wave his hand to bring over tea cups and the tea pot.

"You can open the letter while I make our tea." Master Rain say while crushing herbs to put in the tea pot.

I pull out the letter then work to open it. I break the wax seal then read the letter out loud so that Master Rain cane hear it as well. The letter says as follow:

"Dear Talissa,

You presence is requested in front of the Elders. We deem it is time for you to begin your journey to become a Master Mage. We believe your skills have grown enough to be to the next level. So as soon a you read this letter please respond as soon a possible so we can give your date of meeting the Elders. The only thing condition to meet the Elders you must wear your mage robes.


Elder Urair"

Once I finished reading the letter Master Rain puts down the pastel since he finished grinding the herbs then puts them in the pot.

"I will get you a some magic paper and a pen so you can write your response." He said adding water to the tea pot then leaves the room for a few moments.

Once he comes back with a stack of magic paper and a pen, then places it in front of me. He doesn't say anything to me just goes back to making tea. I grab a piece of paper then start writing my response which was short and sweet to the point. Then sign the letter then speak where I wish the letter to go then I see it fly off to Elder Urair.

"That was fast. It seems you are getting more comfortable with magic paper." He says while placing a tea cup in front of me.

"It is easier than the mail system at times if you need to do a quick response. I am still getting use to it since I have only been using magic paper for three years." I responded to him before taking a sip from the tea cup.

After finishing my cup of tea, I felt a sense of calm from the tea which

relaxes me every time.

"Master Rain, you need to give the recipe for this tea it always calms my nerves." I said while pausing to my next thought. "Do you think you could walk with me to the building when they give me the day, but that's only if your able to." I said starring at the tea pot.

"I will walk with you to the front door as that's as far as I am allowed since I was not summoned by the Elders." He responded to me with a bit of a sad look. "Soon you will be on the same level as me. I feel bittersweet due to I got to see you grow so much as a person and as magic user. I will only be a magic note away if you need anything." He said with a sad tone that matched a sad look on his face.

A few moments of silence passes by as a magic note comes in then floats in front of me. I grab it then remove the wax seal to see that they wish to see me tomorrow.

"So when do they wish for you to come?" He asked.

"Tomorrow." I said with a nervous tone.

With a nervous look on my face I see Master Rain comes then put a hand on my shoulder.

"You should head home and get everything ready for tomorrow. Do not worry about your classes. I will be at your place around six in the morning since it will take us a couple of hours to reach the Elders from here." He said heading to the door.

I did not respond since I knew he was right tonight I have to get everything ready for tomorrow since I have no clue what is in store for me. I said my good nights to Master Rain then start heading home since its still late afternoon. By the time I get home since the roads are crowded it is late evening when I am in front of my apartment building. I go to my apartment which is on the third floor, took a bit of a time since the stairs were a bit on the crowded side. Once I get to my door I feel tired since I know tomorrow will possibly be a long day. Once inside my place I head straight to my room to get everything set out for tomorrow. I have not worn my mage's robes often since they were mostly for special occasions or when meeting Elders. I unfolded it from the dresser drawer then laid it out on a chair to get all wrinkles out.

I went to kitchen to make my self a sandwich as my dinner since I was not overly hunger since I was nervous about tomorrow. I finished pulling out what I needed for tomorrow which was a ribbon for my hair to tie it back a bit. Then I head off to bed so I could at least get some sleep.

Middle of the night.....

I woke to a horrible sensation that something awful was trying to wash over me and turn me into something else. That sensation woke me out of a deep sleep so I felt on edge. It was still a long time before it would be dawn so I went to each window and doorway then wrote a rune meaning light and purification to ward off what ever this sensation was. It took over an hour to cleanse the apartment of this horrid feeling. By the time I was done I felt extremely tired, then I began to wonder if Master Rain felt this sensation as well.

So I went to the kitchen under candle light to write a quick magic note to Master Rain to see if he felt this sensation as well. I wasn't sure if he would reply tonight but as soon as I settled into my bed once again a note came flying in. I looked at the note which confirmed that I was not the only one. It gave me a bit of comfort. After a few more notes exchanged I ended up falling back to sleeping hoping to not feel that horrid sensation again.

Little did I know what was lurking in the shadow would soon be my greatest enemy of all time that would test everything I know about the world.

In the morning I started my day by doing what I always did which was taking a shower, fixing my hair then getting dressed before making something quick to eat which this morning was a fruit salad along with an open face egg sandwich on a bagel. I finished my breakfast then I go to clean my face then brush my teeth then heading out the door. When I get to bottom floor of the stairs I notice Master Rain starting to head inside so we pretty much ended meeting at the door.

"Morning to Master Rain." I said with a soft voice since I was a little nervous since I knew where I was going.

"Morning Talissa, ready to head out?" He said with a calm tone.

I nodded my head then we headed out the door. We were heading off to the train station to go to meet the Elders. It was a twenty minute walk to the train station when we noticed that ever train was running a bit behind since they were down a few conductors. A noticed was posted on some of the train lines that they suddenly lost a few people last night.

"I wonder if was because of the strange feeling we felt last night is part of the reason that these people have gone missing?" I said to Master Rain in a low hush tone of voice.

"Maybe you will find out more when you talk to the Elders. They always ask strange questions." He responded a hush tone as well.

We looked to find the right board to see when our train will becoming to take us to the central station which is the central part of the country. Once we found the right board we had about a ten minute wait.

"I think we timed that about right." I said in a low tone.

Master Rain just nodded as we head to the platform we needed. Once we get there we noticed the train is just pulling in. Once fully stopped we see a lot of people off load with everyone wearing different expressions. Once were given the okay we pay for our ticket then pick the car we wish to sit in. We go to the observation cart to see the area in between the station. This train goes straight to central so its a straight shot there with no stops in between since there are no other stations in between here and central. Were the first town on the outskirts of central since its mostly for the academy. This whole town is built around Tempest Academy which means its either your a student or work for the academy in some way. Pretty much the whole town is part of the academy.

I hear one last blow of the whistle then the train starts moving. Its about a three hour train ride from the academy to central. I get settled in that when Master Rain tells me to put my hood up so no one can see my face. Depending on what your robes look like shows what rank you are in Rosen Quarts. A few moment later a refreshment cart comes by to see if any one wants something to drink. I pick out a fizzy fruit drink that tastes like mixed berries which helps me feel a little better. I see Master Rain pick out a mint water which is so him. I realized that I have a close relationship with Master Rain. I think I have come to view him as a second father to me since I have not been able to see my real father in a long time. I write home often but I have to do it the normal way that people of non-magic use since I am the first one in my family to have this much magic in there blood.

As I sip my drink slowly while I think of how far I have come. If it was not for Master Rain sponsoring me I would not have been able to attend Tempest Academy. I feel I need to always do my best to make him proud of what I have done. So he really is like a father to me. About an hour and half later plus three fizzy fruits later I really needed to use the bathroom which was close by. I get up to use the bathroom real quick then come back to find Master Rain asleep snoring away in his seat thankfully no else but us were in this car.

I just chuckle while I hear him snore which sounds like a bear fighting with a horde of bees. I just look out the window for a while kind of just spacing out for the time to pass by since I already knew we were half to central.

All I heard was whistle blowing which startled both Master Rain and my self away. I did not realized I passed out that's when I look out the window seeing we were close to pulling into the station.

"That was not a long enough cat nap." He said with a stretch of his arms.

We both still had our hoods up while stood up to stretch our legs before getting off the train. It was only a few minutes later we hear another few whistle letting everyone know its pulling into the station.

"Are you ready?" He asked with a slight worried tone.

"As ready as I can be for this." I replied back trying to not feel intimidated on meeting the Elders by my self.

Once were able to we get off the train then start walking towards the tallest building in central. I know after this I will be seeing the Elders on my own which feels like a big step for me. Which means soon I will be on level footing with a lot of the great Masters, which in of it self is intimidating. As I am lost in thought I do not realize that we have already gotten to the tallest building in central. I take a deep breath before we walk through the giant double doors. Once we walk inside I walk up to a desk with a floating magic orb.

"State your business?" The floating blue orb asked.

"I am here to see the Elders." I responded to the question.

"One moment..... Teleporting you now." The orb said with a bright flash of light.

Once the my vision cleared from the bright flash I noticed I was outside a set of huge double doors. Then a group of voices boomed together.

"Enter!" The group said loud and clear.

As I walked towards the doors as they naturally opened. I walked towards the center of the room where I saw five chairs each on there own pillar. Each seat was filled four out the five Elders were wearing masks. Only the leader of the Elders does not wear a mask which is Elder Urair who is also headmaster at Tempest Academy.

I keeled before the elders like a knight does before its ruler. I bow my head as I make sure my voice carries as I talk, I just pray my nervousness does not come through.

"Hello my Elders." I paused to make sure I was speaking clear. "You have asked for my presence so I am here before you." I said keeping my head bowed until told other wise.

"You may lift your head and stand young mage." Elder Urair speaks with a firm tone.

"We have watched your actions closely young mage." A female Elder speaks with a serious tone.

"We have seen how you treat your fellow mages as those ranked lower than you." A male Elder speak with a happy tone.

"We have seen how your abilities have grown thus your skills improved." A another female Elder speaks with a tone that sounds like she is praising you.

"Yet we have seen how you doubt your self thus questions your choices." A another male Elder speaks with a sad tone.

"We have also seen how quick you are to take action when it is needed thus seen how you help those around you to better themselves." Elder Urair said with a pleasant look in his eyes.

"We wish to grant you the title of Master Mage." The Elders speak as one.

"Do you accept the new rank young mage?" Elder Urair asks me with a serious yet joyous tone

"Yes, my Elders. I am grateful that you believe I am ready to have this rank. I will make you proud." I said giving them a deep bow.

"You do not question our choice?"The Elders said as a group.

"I know far better then to question the Elders who see, hear and know all that is going on within our country. For you know far more than I do." I responded starring into Elder Urair eyes.

"I see your not afraid to speak your mind young mage." Elder Urair pauses for a moment. "We will test to see if you are ready for the rank of Master Mage." He finishes speaking the stands up from his chair.

I keep my wits about me, while not moving from my spot. Soon I see all of the Elders have stood up from their chairs then holding their hands out. Soon I see a bright light of different color along with the pressure of the room starting to build pressure. After each minute the strength of the pressure keeps building I would say about forty-five minutes later its starts getting a little harder to breath. I know if I move my legs an inch they will buckle. I feel my body wanting to buckle but my will stops its from happening. An hour later I feel like I am going to pass out due to the pressure but in my mind I need to hold out for as long as possible an hour an half later I fall to one knee almost gasping for air. A minute later the pressure was gone and I noticed the Elders sitting back in their chairs.

"It seems you are ready for what may come at you next." A female Elder says with a surprised tone in her voice.

"I am surprised you did not scream out." Elder Urair said to me. "Let us grant you your new rank. So please stand up to accept your new rank." He said holding out his hand where a orb of many colors was building.

Each of the Elders were pouring some of their own magic into the orb it stayed about the size of a grapefruit.

"We grant you the title of Master Mage." The Elders spoke this while the orb went flying into me and at the same time changing my robes to a color of silver instead of a copper color.

It also no longer looked bulky on me it actually fit to my form which apparently looked sexy on me since I am taller than most women.

"Use your powers wisely." Elder Urair said to me.

Then a strange silence fell to the room. That's when the Elders gave me a strange look.

"May I ask you a question?" I said with a serious tone.

"Speak!" The Elders responded with a unhappy tone.

"Did any of you in the middle of the night have a horrid feeling wash over you like your light and magic were trying to be sucked from your soul?" I asked while having a serious look.

"I see." Elder Urair said with a surprised look.

Then I see the Elders talk among them self deciding on how to respond to my question. Which made me think that they were unsure how to respond to me. The next moment got me by surprised with there actions.

"We did feel that sensation thus we have a mission for you. Since we feel you no longer need to be a teacher for you must help our new found ally how to combat the same feeling you dealt with last night." Elder Urair said to me while the other four Elders left the room for some reason.

"Come again?" I replied in a state of shock since I figured I would never want to be anything else but a teacher of magical creatures.

"They need someone who can help train them against it, while also teaching them of the threat." Elder Urair said before walking up to me looking deep into my eye while placing his hands on my shoulders. "It will greatly aid our kinship with the country of Ebonmere. There is still a lot we do not know what their culture or their customs." He said not looking away from with a serious look on his face. "We feel that you are perfect for the mission. So will you accept the task set before you?" He asked while letting go of my shoulders then taking a few steps back.

"Since you feel I am right for this task I will combat this evil that seeks to take away everything everyone has worked so hard for. What right do I have to refuse." I replied with a serious tone while taking a pause to make sure I said it clearly. "I am honored to take up this task my Elders." I said while kneeling down while bowing my head.

"I hear by grant you the task to aid our allies while combating the evil the threatens us all. Do your best to learn everything can about our ally and the enemy that we face." Elder Urair said with a booming commanding voice.

"I accept." I replied then stood up.

Once I finished lifting my head I noticed the other four elders come back into the room each holding a box in different lengths and width. One of them is floating the box in the air since it seemed heavy.

One by one they come up to me to grant me an object that will help me on my journey. Which surprised me a great deal, then again you do not hear many Master Mages are asked to leave the home country to help another. The first of the five elders came up to me.

"I grant you a bag that is never ending and you never feel like your carrying more than five pounds." The female Elder took the bag out of the box the bag was of a dark teal color and was built like a messenger bag.

"Thank you." I said accepting the gift.

"I hope it proves useful for you." The female Elder said while giving me a light bow before walking away.

"I grant you a orb that lets you send magic notes to who ever you wish where ever they may be." The male Elder pulled it out of a small box, the orb was a swirl of many different colors.

"Thank you." I said accepting the gift.

"May it help ease your loneliness." The male Elder said while giving me a light bow before walking away.

"I grant you a staff of great power. It may look plain at the moment but once you take hold of it then it form will become clear." The other female Elder floated it over to me.

"Thank you." I said right before I took hold of the staff.

Once I took hold of the staff in a bright flash of light then I see a star in a middle of a ring which had a moon on the bottom and sun at top. While the ring was wrapped in a vine covered in different flowers each with a different power of magic inside. The vine wrapped all the way down to the bottom of the staff which I see different runes slowly appearing keeping a soft glow.

"May it help you with your battles to come." The other female Elder said with smile then bowed then walked away.

"I grant you a tome of knowledge so if you have any questions your not left with out an answers. All you have to do is write your question on the first page then answer will be written." The other male Elder said while handing me this big book.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"May it help you if you ever feel stuck." The other male Elder said before giving me a bow then walking away.

"I present you a letter to me the Emperor of Ebonmere. When you present the letter you will be granted a place to stay." Elder Urair said while presenting a me a gold letter with a silver wax seal.

"Thank you." I responded back with a smile well more like a brave face.

"Once you finish packing your apartment thus packing what you will need we will take care in seeing all of your stuff is moved to your new place of living in Ebonmere. Just send us note when you have arrived." Elder said with smile. "Please keep in contact with me. Its sad to see one of my best teachers leave but you are given a great task." Elder Urair said with a mixed emotion look on his face. "We wish you safe travels." After he said that a bright flash of light washed over me which brought me back down to the first floor.

After gaining my sight again after the bright flash of light I see that Master Rain looked really worried about what happened. I just started walking out the building with a new bag off my shoulder with a tried look on my face. Once out the building I look for a place to sit so I could tell Master Rain what will be happening. I found bench right outside the train station then I sit down to formulate my thoughts. A few moments later I see Master Rain come sit right beside me.

"It seems you have a lot on your mind?" Master Rain say while looking down at his hands.

"I do thus I will tell you once we get on the train since there is a lot to tell." I said standing up to go wait in line for our train home.

It takes about thirty minutes for the our train to show up. Once we hear the whistle of the train we need to get on. We pay for our ticket then fine where we wish to sit. We end up picking the small train cart up by the trains engine. We sit across from each other and I end up looking out the window knowing I most likely will not be for a very long time do I see this landscape before me.

"Congratulations are in order." Master Rain says while ordering some things from the refreshment cart since we are going to be having a late lunch. "Lunch is on me." He says placing chicken salad sandwich and fruit salad in front of me. "I know your not a huge fan of all meat sandwich." He replied while I saw the size of his sandwich.

"You always go over board on your meat sandwiches." I said with a slight giggle in my voice. "Thank you for lunch." I said taking a bite of food.

About thirty minutes go by as we finish up our lunch. After the food I felt so much better which made me want to talk to Master Rain.

"Besides my new rank, I was also granted a task they felt I was fit for." I said looking at my new bag. "Plus they gave me a few items that may help me." I placed them all on the table to see if Master Rain could figure it out.

"The never ending bag those are rarely granted...." Master Rain started looking at each item with great detailed. "The staff is a common gift... while the tome is also rare..." He paused when he saw the orb and the letter. "Your leaving the country. May I asked where you were tasked to go?" He said with a shocked yet sad look on his face.

"Ebonmere." Was my answer.

"Our newest Ally. So why there?" Master Rain asked trying to get some details.

"To learn there culture and customs, while also helping them fend off the darkness thus also train them against the evil that is threatening us." I responded before finishing off my drink.

"I see when do you leave to head in that direction." Master Rain said with a sad smile.

"As soon as my apartment is packed up and gather what I need to make it to my new place in Ebonmere." I said with a bittersweet look on my face.

"Okay do you want help packing plus getting everything you need ready." Master Rain said with an encouraging smile to see if that would lighten the mood.

"Most certainly its always faster with two people." I gave him a small smile to help better the mood.

With our conversation leading to probably the very last lesson I will ever receive from Master Rain. Even after we got to the train station our conversation was deep and felt like a old times when we were traveling to together where he taught most of everything I know. I was trying to make sure that I enjoyed the time I have with Master Rain.

About three days later.....

"That was the last box and my bag is packed." I said out loud.

"Now what are you suppose to do?" Master Rain said after we put all the boxes into one room.

"Send a message to Elder Urair, then tomorrow morning I hop on the train that takes me to the pier so I can board my boat to take me Ebonmere." I said while finishing up the magic note then send it off.

"Well tonight you will be spending the night at my place where I can give your going away present." Master Rain said with small smile.

"Master Rain you did not have to do that." I said with a surprised voice.

"Please now just call me Rain since we are of the same rank now. Also please write to me often I wish to know how your doing?" Rain said with a small smile.

"Will do." I replied with a smile since I knew I could write to him when ever I could.

As soon as we start heading out I noticed all of my boxes starting to disappear one by one. I lock the door for the last time then we start heading down stairs for me to return my key. I felt a little sad since I have lived in this apartment since I started teaching which was about three years ago. To some people that doesn't seem like a long time, for me I felt like I did a lot of growing in that apartment in more ways then one.

Now for my last night in the country of Rosen Quarts I will be spending it with the man who has been my mentor since I was a young child. Hopefully he does not mind me not wanting to go out. I want to treat it like I would on the nights we would have dinner together to go over certain test materials for the students. I feel I would actually miss being a teacher, but what I think I will miss most of all is Master Rain. It will take some time for me getting use to calling him by his name not just his rank as well. In a matter of ten minutes I am no longer a tent at this apartment building it was a nice place to live since it was fairly close to the markets and parks.

In another twenty minutes we were back at Master Rain's place. I had a small feeling that I really did not want this day to end, then I also was feeling excited for the adventure that was about come. It would be the first time being on a trip like this on my own. I think Master Rain could sense a little bit of my fear for what lies ahead for tomorrow.

"Do not worry for you will be fine." Rain said as he unlocked his door, then we both went inside. "Make your self comfy, I am going to get your present." He said shutting the door behind me.

Instead of the going to sit at the kitchen I went out to his patio to gaze at his lovely garden that he works so hard to going. It seems every year he would add a new plant to garden. I always felt a sense of calm when ever I would sit in his garden. I remember the first time he found me sitting out here and I believe it was the first day I was here as well. I remember the next day would be when I had to take a test to see even if I could be admitted to academy. I remember any time I felt sad walking among the plants and flowers would cheer me up.

At this moment all my memories of this place came flooding back all the good and even the bad. I felt a single tear roll down my face.

"I am surprised you picked here of all places to get comfy." Rain noticing the sky was changing colors to its deep hues as the sun was setting. "Then again anytime you had something on your mind this where I would always find you." He said lighting the lanterns in the garden which gave it a soft warm glow.

"I believe this be one of the places I will miss most of all." I spoke the honest truth with that. "I am scared, yet excited to see what my future holds..." I paused mid thought. "Who knows how long I will be gone or if I am able to come back." I took a breath to calm my tears rolling down my face. "So tonight I wish to engrave all my memories of here in my heart so I do not forget." I said finally turning towards Rain. "I wish I could find a way to thank you for all that you have done for me but I guess for now all I can do is show you how much I have learned by doing this task set before in hopes that I make you proud." I wiped the last of the tears from my face. "You were always like a father to me so I will make sure to keep in touch." I said with a smile.

Master Rain also had tears in his eyes for he knew it would be a very long time before we saw each other again. That's when he handed my present which I opened up to find a book writing with all of his recipes, plus a mortal and petals so I could make my own oils and teas. Also in the box was a never ending quill I could use to write on anything thus it never would smear. I gave Master Rain a hug and we had a giant dinner filled full of my favorites so I would remember his amazing cooking. For this would be the last night of my old world for as tomorrow my whole world would be changing uncertain if it was for the better or worse.

Even after we went to bed, I only ended up sleeping for a few hours since I had to catch an early train to get me to the pier by a certain day or I would miss my ship then have to wait six days for the next one. I got dresses in my traveling Master Mage robes which looked like an elegant dress a high ranking elf would wear. I put my bag over my shoulder then heading for the door. I wrote a good bye note to Master Rain. I did tell him I would let him know as soon as possible when I got to where I need to be.

I knew I would remember this moment for rest of my life since it was a major turning point in my life. On this cool brisk morning I knew I had to be on guard at all times. For I knew I could not fully relax for a moment since I was traveling through a few hot zones between here and where my ship was going to be. I took a deep breath after making sure the door was locked I walk to the station which on had two trains there. I was surprised how quick the walk was thus had time to double check to see which train was heading east.

Five minutes later I was on my train heading east towards the ocean. The train was mostly empty which I knew would not last long due where I was heading this train a ton of stops. This is where my true adventure begins for me. Who knows what the future has in store for me.

I have been on a train for almost three days when the smell of the ocean is in the air. You can taste the salt in the air. As the sun starts to rise the water reflects so beautifully like your staring a liquid silver dancing in the new light of dawn. Its not the first time seeing the ocean for some reason this time it seems more magical. When we pull into the station I can see a bunch of lines for boats from different places. It seems a little on the crowded side. I mostly looking for a sign that say Ebonmere on it.

As I am walking down the main road that leads off to different docks I get this strange sensation that someone is following me. So I turn around slowly to see if I am being followed, which no one was there. By the time I get to the end of the road I see the sign for Ebonmere.

"Thank god.... I haven't missed it." I walk up to the ticket counter as I said that.

"Good morning Miss, how may I be of service to you?" The person from behind the counter asked me.

"Need a one way to Ebonmere, please." I said pulling out my coin purse.

"Mostly certainly may I ask why your going to such a remote place by your self miss?" The person said while ringing up my ticket.

"On urgent matters for Rosen Quarts." Was all I could say.

"Your from Rosen Quarts!" They seemed scared at that fact. "Here is your ticket miss, please enjoy your time at Ebonmere." They said with a shaky voice.

"Thank you will try to." I said heading up to turn my ticket in to the ships captain.

Once I stepped foot on the deck of the ship a sense of mixed emotions filled my heart and head. I went to one of the seating areas to gaze out at the docks while departed from port. I felt a few tears rolled down my face.

"Come on... this is not a time to cry." I took a deep breath then slowly let it out. "Its not like I am never going to see this place again at least I am able to come back and visit at least a few times." I said while the docks started getting smaller and smaller from view. "Its only a three day ship ride you should be fine." I said heading to the room I was given until we dock port.

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