
Lycan Wars

In a catastrophic car accident, he should have met his end. But fate had other plans. Survivor of the wreckage, he emerges forever changed. With each passing day, he discovers that he is no longer ordinary – his being infused with extraordinary superhuman strength, speed and every other senses in his body. Something else must had occured after that accident and he needs answers. As he grapples with the weight of his newfound powers, he finds himself caught amidst a world of anomalies, shifters, and vampires. But it doesn't end there. In a race against time, he must confront the relentless hunters who seek to eradicate the supernatural. Can he reclaim his humanity, even if it means standing up against an entire war of the supernatural? This dark fantasy of self-discovery, supernatural beings and a fight for redemption will leave you spellbound. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am deeply sorry for the irreversible mistake I made before starting this novel. it is infact an original novel and not a fanfiction. I sincerely apologize once more.

Clintonn0sike · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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38 Chs


Panic froze Linnea in her tracks, her eyes widening with terror as she was still unsure at what just occured.

In a serendipitous twist of fate, with desperation and determination, Noah's dormant lycan powers were awakened, manifesting in a surge of raw energy coursing through his veins.

At first bewildered and unsure of how to grasp this newfound strength, he quickly realized the dire circumstances at hand.

"Run! Get away from here!". He shouted at her commanding her to flee to safety.

She was scared out of her senses but still manage run, as fast as she could.

After making sure she had gotten some distance he turned back his attention to the Void being who was staring ,with murderous intent flowing freely .

In the blink of an eye, Noah lunged forward, his agile form propelled by his lycan abilities. His fists clenched tight, muscles rippling, he unleashed a full-powered punch with blinding speed towards the malevolent creature.

However, much to his astonishment, the creature defied all expectations, retaliating in kind with an unexpected punch of its own.

As their fists collided, a devastating shockwave reverberated through the air, shattering the surrounding glass windows into a cascade of deadly fragments.

The sheer force unleashed by the clash of their fist rattled the foundation of the school itself, causing vibrations to ripple through the very core of its structure. The once tranquil atmosphere transformed into chaos, as students and faculty alike recoiled from the tremors.

Though caught off guard by the creature's formidable strength, Noah's s determination remained unyielding. He wasn't helpless anymore.

His eyes burned with a fierce fire that matched the intensity of his resolve. Realizing that mere physical strength wouldn't be enough to defeat this relentless antagonist.

As the dust settled and the echoes of their clash subsided, Noah steadied himself, readying for the next confrontation. The battle had only just begun. With his heart pounding and adrenaline coursing, he steeled himself for the forthcoming battle.

No one was coming to his rescue so he was dead set on making sure he wins this fight no matter what.

Armed with inhuman agility and otherworldly strength, Noah persistently launched a barrage of attacks.

Strikes directed towards the creature, it countered, evaded, or even defied his attacks with an unyielding resolve. Each blow was met with a calculated display of its own strength, leaving Noah to question his own abilities.

"I thought once I unlocked my powers, this will be easy to take down... But he's countering every punch and kick I throw at him".

Noah gritted his teeth , putting every ounce of strength in his punches, all to increase the damage he was giving the Void being.

It seemed merely to toy with him, taunting his futile efforts .

As the fight waged on, Noah sensed a disheartening reality – the void being , instead of weakening, was progressively adapting. It began to match his extraordinary speed, its movements mirroring his own, leaving him unnerved.

The disparity between their strengths grew wider, with Noah's vigor and might declining due to the overwhelming strain of his newfound transformation.

He couldn't maintain this form for long. Sure, it gave him a huge power up but it was still all new to him.

It was in this moment Noah decided if he was going to win then he should embraced the need for a different approach.

Giving distance between himself and the Void being, he paused, his breaths heavy and his heart pounding with the weight of his uncertain fate, searching for a strategy .

He knew nothing about it, besides that it was after his life. He didn't think this far since he was sure that he would contact Aries to intervene and fight it.

He recalled their discussion about how tough the void being was ,but this was far more than he expected.

In the stillness, Noah's mind raced, analyzing the patterns and movements of his enigmatic foe.

"They have to be some sort of weakness to this thing but what?".

He knew werewolves weakness were wolfsbane and silver but this wasn't a werewolf of any kind.

He was getting exhausted,but at least every injury inflicted on his body were rapidly healing .

Nevertheless, the Void being, undeterred by Noah's assailant's determination, continued to gain momentum. Its existence seemed to be fueled by an infinite abyss of darkness, untouched by the fatigue that plagued Noah.

A creature made of pure darkness that was extremely fast as it was strong, durable and able to quickly adapt. All the odds were against Noah as each time he thought of a strategy, he felt it wasn't going to work.

The Void being had to have some kind of weakness, but what?

He was running out of time , authorities were already outside the school and would come in here any moment.

A creature made of pure darkness..... Pure darkness!. That's it ! . Noah's eyes widened as he realized a risky strategy to win this. He wasn't hundred percent sure but this the best idea he could come up with.

Taking a deep breath, instincts kicking in,

visibly exposing his vicious claws, Noah let out a loud roar before charging towards it.

Just as Noah launched himself towards the colossal black, misty, and terrifying creature, time seemed to slow down.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins as he braced himself for the impending clash. With a thunderous roar, the creature swung its massive fist towards him, its enormous strength poised to deliver a devastating blow.

In a split second, using his agility and quick reflexes, Noah shifted his body weight almost leaving an after image with the speed attained, his muscles coiling like springs as he narrowly avoided the creature's punch.

The rush of air from the missed strike brushed against his cheek, serving as a chilling reminder of how close he had come to mortal danger.

Undeterred, he seized the opportunity to strike back.

In a breathtaking display of athleticism, Noah dodged the next punch that traveled at an even greater speed as he executed a spinning front flip, twisting through the air .

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation and fear, the tension so thick it seemed palpable. Sweat dripped down his face, mixing with the dirt and grime, but he ignored it, choosing instead to channel his focus towards his foe.

As he completed the flip, his keen eyes locked onto the creature's head who watched as he descended. With precise accuracy, he aimed a powerful axe kick towards his target. The force behind the kick was unimaginable.

As his foot connected with its mark, a shockwave reverberated through the area, causing the ground beneath them to shatter.

The very foundation of the school cracked and crumbled under the immense power of the blow. Debris flew in all directions, cracks appeared in the concrete beneath them, spider webbing out in all directions, a deep fissure formed, splitting the earth beneath them and revealing the lower floor of the school.

It plummeted into the depths of the lower floor, of the school.

Noah needed time to think as he recalled every incident about the creatures attack , like it seemed to only come out more when there's little or no light present.

The first time it appeared was horrifying but it didn't come close to when it attacked him on his way to meet Aries. It was far more powerful,bigger and faster then, which made Noah to conclude that it's strength comes from darkness itself. His point was further proven as he stared at the hallway which they were having their fierce battle.

Every florescent light had been shattered leaving the room almost dark.

"No wonder it was getting stronger". Noah thought. "If darkness strengthens it , then it's safe to say light must be it's weakness".

He had to get the creature outside where the sun shone bright, but immediately his thoughts was interrupted as the Void being was back, it's claws latching onto to the edges of the hole it fell into ,pulling it's huge misty like body up.

Noah's heart pounded fiercely at how unreasonably durable this thing was ,but he calmed himself, knowing he was going to end this .

Noah propelled himself towards the creature with relentless determination, closing the distance rapidly.

A fierce growl escaped his lips, his glowing yellow eyes narrowing with unwavering focus. Power surged through his veins, electrifying his every muscle. As he neared the towering creature, he unleashed a devastating fully powered punch, intending to force it out of the building window.

But astonishment seized Noah when the creature effortlessly halted his punch with one hand, an uncanny display of strength.

'SNAP!'. A brief gasp of pain slipped from Noah's lips as the tremendous force caused his hand to snap, shattering the bones within like fragile twigs.

Agony surged through his body,

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!". Letting out a guttural scream of anguish.

Glaring at Noah with it's fiery eyes, it retaliated with immense power.

In a single, lightning-fast movement, it unleashed a mighty punch that struck Noah's s

skull with devastating impact.

The ground trembled beneath the force as Noah's head collided with the cold, unforgiving earth. The sheer intensity of the blow threatened to engulf him in the black tendrils of unconsciousness.

Closing his eyes, Noah's mind fought desperately against the encroaching darkness. His determination flared as he clung to his rapidly fading consciousness. Through the fog of pain and confusion, he could sense the weight of defeat hanging heavy in the air.

As the black, huge, misty creature loomed over Noah who laid helpless with his back on the floor, its massive fists came crashing down upon his chest, it seemed as though all hope was lost.

'BAM!', 'BAM!', 'BAM!', 'BAM!'.

Each powerful blow sent waves of pain through his body, leaving him gasping for air and fighting to stay conscious.

His heart felt constricted, his ribs being mercilessly battered.

"I was stupid to think I was the main character and this was a movie where the hero always win. I can barely breathe and its not slowing down on its attack. Even with all this power, I'm still helpless. Everything is getting blurry and I can't even hear the sound around me anymore. Is this how death feels like? It's so cold and I'm scared. Mom..... I'm sorry for not.... telling you... everything...."

He could feel his strength waning, his form weakening as his once-glowing white hair slowly returned to its original black color, and his vibrant yellow eyes dulled back to their normal state.

He wasn't going to fight back anymore. He couldn't ,even if he tried.

A deafening crash echoed throughout the space as a massive metal beam tore away from the ceiling, plummeting toward the creature. The impact loosened its grip on the Noah, allowing him a brief moment of respite. The creature let out a roar of anguish, its anger momentarily disrupted.

Though his vision was blurry, he could make out exactly what was happening.

As he staggered away from the dark monster, pain reverberating through his body, he clung to the flicker of hope that had been ignited within him. The heavy burden of exhaustion weighed him down, but determination coursed through his veins.

Maybe it wasn't over. Maybe it wasn't his time yet. Maybe he could still win this.

Summoning every ounce of strength he had left, half of his hair on his hair turned glowing white once more and his eyes turning into an even brighter yellow. Noah pushed through the agony , barely standing up straight.

The seconds were precious, his vision blurring and his legs threatening to give way.

Not allowing a second to pass for the creature to regained its composure. He lunged after it.

Blood dripped from his mangled arm, staining the ground beneath him. The excruciating pain sliced through his body like a knife, but he refused to let it deter him. With a crazed determination in his eyes, he summoned all his remaining energy to form a clenched fist, disregarding the intense throbbing in his broken arm.

As he swung his battered limb forward towards the towering creature, his knuckles collided with skin embossed in pure darkness, instantly amplifying the agony coursing through his body.

The creature's massive frame shuddered from the impact, its colossal form hurtling through the air.

To Noah's greatest surprise, he witnessed a deafening crash filled the hallway as the creature smashed through the school window, shards of glass exploding into the sunlit room. Its guttural, wailing roar reverberated off the walls, blending with the sound of shattering glass in a hellish chorus.

Writhing in pain as it fell to the ground, the creature's monstrous silhouette grew smaller and smaller against the backdrop of the blazing sun. The searing rays engulfed the Void being,its roars diminishing into feeble cries as it disintegrated into thin air. The inescapable heat radiating from the sun swallowed the creature whole, erasing any trace of its malevolence.

As the tremendous weight of the creature's absence sank in, the pain from his shattered arm screamed louder than ever. Noah staggered, his body trembling from exhaustion and the overwhelming surge of adrenaline.

"I did it" He said, almost collapsing to the ground. The pain, relentless and unforgiving, seemed unbearable now that the adrenaline high had evaporated. Yet, amidst the throbbing agony, he couldn't help but revel in the triumph before him.

He had won and best of everything, he was still alive.

His broken arm hung limply at his side, with a weary smile, he turned to exit the building when he felt a sharp sting at the back of his neck . It felt like a blade of some sort.

"Don't move.."

To be continued.