
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Võ hiệp
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59 Chs

CH 34: A New Party Member?

(A/N: For certain reasons that I won't waste time for, MC's name will be Alistair from now on instead of Slathilia. I will also change the previous chapters. And since I'm planning to make this my pen name for all of my works, since, I won't lie, Slathilia is weird. Also, sorry for not updating, I was on the grind in my game for an event.)


"Gauw?" Alistair looked at Serenity curiously. Confused, the noirette looked at Natasha :"Uh... translation please?" Natasha chuckled :"He's asking if you're an Adventurer too. After all, we did see you carrying a large ass sword."

Serenity, smirking :"Oh. What, couldn't I have been carrying that for self defense?"

Natasha, smirking :"I'm worried about what the hell you were trying to defend yourself against with THAT."

Serenity, chuckling :"No, that's true. I'm an Adventurer. What about you? Considering how you have a dragon with you, I'd assume you would definitely pick a combat oriented job."

Natasha :"Yeah, actually, we are Adventurers too. Not for long though. We registered just two days ago."

Serenity :"Oh, wow, you're total newbies then. I'm not one to talk though. I haven't been one for that long either, to be honest. Just a few weeks."

Natasha, smirking :"There, Al, you guessed it right. Congratulations."

Serenity, chuckling and stroking his head :"Congrats, lil guy, you deserve a reward!"

Annoyed at being treated so childishly, he glared at them, causing them to chuckle at his cute grumpiness. As he sat there, face showing annoyance, but his swaying tail betraying and showing his enjoyment in liking her touch, a familiar figure appeared.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Elysse smiled, carrying a large tray filled with absolutely delicious and gorgeous food. The tray was big. So big in fact that Natasha stood to help her, assisting her in putting the tray on the table with a hungry look :"Thank you~."

Thanks to the size, Alistair even had to jump on Serenity's large chest to free up some space. "Well, hello there." The noirette smiled, gently scratching his head. He had to admit, although she wasn't as voluptuous as Natasha, she was still a lot sexier than the average woman. He still liked Natasha's a lot more though.

Also, he had noticed something about the beauty. She had horns. And wings. And a tail. But they weren't like his, large and bulky. Her black, extra limbs were slender and graceful. Her horns were small in width, but were long and unlike his, they were completely straight. Her wings were lean, it was obvious with how she had folded them to not bother others. The tail dragging behind her was long enough to reach the ground, impressive considering her long legs. It was also slender, like a pretty rope, with a heart shaped end.

'Oh, so she's a demon? Isn't the demons being the absolute baddies the common trope in isekai stories? But considering how no one minds her race, that doesn't seem to be the case here. But damn, just as you would expect from an introduced female character, her tits are huge. Big enough for me to stand on them in this size at least.'

Now he couldn't help but want to try and sit on Natasha's chest. But before that, there were some very important things to pay attention to. Food. Putting the food on the table, Elysse wiped the sweat on her face with a smile :"Alright then, I hope you enjoy the food!"

And with that, she walked away. With Alistair, Natasha and Serenity all staring at her fat, jiggly ass wobbling away. When they looked at each other, they all laughed meaningfully. "Now then, let's enjoy ourselves!" Natasha clapped her hands, impatience written on her face. "Gauw!/Don't mind if I do!" Both Alistair and Serenity cheered excitedly, before digging in.

"By the way, do you work by yourself?" Natasha asked, biting into a voluptuous chicken nugget after dipping it into some juicy, gorgeous hot sauce :"Or do you operate in a party?"

"Nah, I'm by myself." Gulping down the bitten pizza in her mouth, Serenity answered :"Haven't met anybody I wanna work with or anybody who I have some synergy with. Just teaming up with random people would drag me and my efficiency down instead.

What about you two? Is it just you two in a party, or are you part of a larger party? Wait, you have registered Alistair as an Adventurer, right? A monster with enough intelligence can also register. If you haven't already done it, you should definitely register him too."

Natasha, chuckling :"Don't worry, we have him registered as well. And no, it's just us too in a party. And besides, how are we supposed to get into a big party when we've barely registered as Adventurers?"

Serenity :"Hmm, I honestly thought some big and famous parties would have approached you two to invite you into their parties. After all, you've got a damn dragon by your side. I don't think I need to tell you what kinds of beasts dragons turn into when they grow up."

Natasha :"No, nobody like that has approached us."

Serenity :"Huh, wonder why? They either haven't heard of you yet, which is unlikely since word travels around fast, or maybe they just aren't around. Maybe away on quests that aren't happening around here."

Natasha :"Hm? You can take quests that take place in different places than around here?"

Serenity :"Of course! It happens quite often if the place or person can't solve it with just the Adventurers of their own place. Or they just need a large amount of numbers. The payment is usually rather big for those kinds of quests, since Adventurers need to travel long distances. You know, to make up for the traveling expenses and whatnot."

Natasha :"Ooh, I get it, I get it."

Serenity :"Oh, by the way, do be careful of whoever just comes up to you to invite you into their party if they said they are veterans."

Natasha :"Why? Are there dangerous people around?"

Serenity :"I wouldn't go as far as to call them dangerous, but there are some weird rumors around about some parties. So yeah, be careful."

Natasha :"Alright, whatever you say. Better be safe than sorry."

Serenity, smirking :"Glad to see you're not just looks. Although being an Adventurer requires more brawn than brains, not knowing how to use your head can get you in some REAL trouble."

Natasha, chuckling :"Thanks, I guess."

Turning to Alistair, she spoke in a baby voice as she tried to stroke him :"And we don't want anything happening to the cute little dragon here because of carelessness, right?" But her hand was struck by one of his tails as he glared :"Gauw! (Get your oily hands away from me, bitch! You're about to stain my fresh and beautiful scales!)"

"Ow, mean." She pouted childishly, but it was obvious she wasn't hurt at all. Natasha chuckled :"He doesn't like to get dirty. You were just asking for it with your oily fingers there." Smirking, Serenity teasingly tried to poke him, finding the way he would swipe his tails at her cute. She felt like she was playing with a cat that would try to attack when you turned your hand into a claw at it.

"Grrr..." Annoyed, instead of attacking her hand, his mouth attacked her share of food instead. Immediately making her panic as she hurried to get her food away from him :"Hey, it's not fair to go for my food! You already have your own!"

"Gauw!" He shouted, while Natasha translated :"He's saying then stop messing with me while I'm trying to eat. At least wipe your fingers before trying to touch me with your oily fingers." While holding her food away, she glared at Alistair :"Geez, alright, no need to be so aggressive about it. We'll call it a truce, alright?"

Scoffing, Alistair returned to eating his food. But just as he took a bite, groaning in delight at the taste of his chicken nugget dipped in glorious hot sauce, Serenity smiled teasingly. While Natasha chuckled in amusement, she sneakily tried to poke one of his tails.

When Alistair sensed her approaching finger, he lost it. Putting aside the food, he roared at Serenity, chasing after her. Startled, Serenity jumped to her feet, trying to escape :"Woah! Hey, chill, little guuuy?!" But instead of just threatening her this time, he started chasing her. Jumping down from the table, he ran after her, while she started running away from the angry baby dragon.

The scene of a full grown girl running away from an angry and shouting baby dragon was quite comical. Watching her run around tables, passing between them and jumping over them to lose the dragon was funny enough to make everybody in the restaurant laugh loudly. And seeing the girl recover so quickly from the traumatic experience she went through, the hellish things she saw, made all of them smile and sigh in relief.


After finishing the majestic, absolutely fucking glorious meal they had, the three of them exited the restaurant after paying for everything. Stretching, Natasha groaned in delight :"Damn, that hit the spot!" Rubbing her filled stomach, Serenity beside her nodded :"I absolutely agree." Alistair, laying down on Natasha's huge breasts, with a comically bloated stomach, nodded as well :"Gauw..."

Not to be surprised, all the male passerbys looked at him with envy. What they wouldn't give to be laying on where he was laying. While all the female passerbys looked at something else with envy. What they wouldn't give to have what those two beauties had.

"It was fun, Serenity. Thanks for keeping us company." Natasha smiled at the noirette, before smirking at the dragon laying on her titties :"It was fun, right, Al?" Causing the dragon to scoff :"Gauw. (I guess.)"

Natasha, chuckling :"He says yeah."

Serenity, smiling :"Thanks, I had fun too. The meal was seriously good too."

Alistair :"Gauw?"

Serenity, looking at Natasha :"Translation please~."

Natasha, amused :"He's asking where you're going? Guess he had more fun than he admits to."

Serenity, laughing :"Well, I'm happy I'm not hated by such a cute fella! I'm going to the Boar Bear Inn, which is in that direction. I've been staying there ever since I've come to this city."

Natasha :"..."

Alistair :"..."

The duo stared at each other, before Natasha smirked at Serenity :"Girl, you won't believe this."


"Hahahaha, who would have thought that we would be living in the same inn?!" Serenity laughed aloud :"How the hell did I not meet you two sooner? You basically take all the spotlight wherever you go!"

'Plot convenience. You'll get used to it. Or maybe it's just because of Natasha's Magic.'

"And we're even roommates at that!" She said as they walked towards the Adventurers' Guild. "Yeah, it's a real surprise." Natasha agreed :"I guess this is fate." Causing Serenity to smirk :"Didn't expect you to be someone who believes in fate and destiny, Natasha."

Natasha, smirking :"I do tend to surprise people a lot."

Serenity, smirking :"Ain't that the truth. So are you guys planning on taking a quest together?"

Natasha :"Yeah, actually. I thought we might as well get some money since it's still pretty early. What about you?"

Serenity :"I have nothing else to do, so might as well."

Alistair, looking at Natasha :"(Why don't we go together?)"

Natasha :"And here you were acting so annoyed with her just a while ago."

Alistair, grumpy :"(I'm fine with her as long as she doesn't mess with me when I'm eating.)"

Serenity :"What's up? What is he saying?"

Natasha :"He's saying since you're planning to take a quest too, why don't we all go together? I don't think it's a bad idea either, you don't look weak at all. So how about we partner up for today."

Serenity, smiling :"Oh, won't I bother you?"

Natasha :"Why would you bother us? If I thought it was a bad idea, I would've just told you something else rather than what he actually said so it wouldn't be awkward."

"Well, then don't mind if I join you guys!" Smiling brightly, she side-hugged Natasha from the side :"Thanks for having me!" Alistair, who nearly fell, glared at her :"Gauw!" Causing her to smile awkwardly :"Sorry, sorry. But I can't help it, it's my first time partnering up with someone since I became an Adventurer!"

Smiling in amusement, Natasha nodded :"Then let's hope for happy cooperation. Who knows, maybe it will lead to something permanent if we are able to work well together."

"Then don't expect me to hold back!" Serenity grew even more excited. Riled up, she flexed her bicep :"You'll see that the sword I'm carrying around isn't just for show! I will slice and dice any opponent and monster we face!"

[Magic Swordsman, Serena ???, joined the party!]