

Tác giả: Faiz_Hikam
Romansa Kontemporer
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What is Lucifer123

Đọc tiểu thuyết Lucifer123 của tác giả Faiz_Hikam được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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Through a looking glass

In the quiet stillness of dawn, she slowly emerged from her slumber, her delicate frame nestled amidst the warmth of her bed. Gently, she wiped away a stray tear that had escaped during the night, a silent remnant of a hidden sorrow. Uncertain as to the cause, her heart bore the weight of a nameless longing. With a determined resolve, she rose from her cocoon of blankets, allowing the morning light to filter through her curtains and dance upon her face. Today, she would embark upon the familiar path that led to her cherished university. Each step she took along the worn cobblestones seemed to resonate with the echoes of countless journeys, as if she had traversed this route for centuries. As she meandered through the familiar corridors of her university, the air carried an inexplicable emptiness. The vibrant energy that once pulsed through the halls seemed to have dissipated, leaving behind a lingering silence that whispered secrets only she could hear. Her blockmates, those fellow travelers on the winding road of academia, greeted her with their customary smiles. She reciprocated with a smile of her own, a mask worn to cloak the turmoil brewing within. The weight of her emotions, concealed behind that facade, threatened to suffocate her spirit. Yet, she pressed on, determined to navigate this path with grace. The lecture hall beckoned, its doors a gateway to knowledge and enlightenment. As the professor's voice filled the room, her mind detached from the present, drifting away like a solitary feather on a gentle breeze. Her gaze wandered beyond the glass pane, fixated upon the vast expanse of the field bathed in the golden sunlight of a tranquil day. The azure sky stretched above, as if offering solace to her wandering thoughts. In that fleeting moment, a sense of peace enveloped her soul, capturing her in its tender embrace. The world around her faded into a blur, and she found solace in the untamed beauty of nature's canvas. It was as if the universe conspired to remind her of the harmony that could still exist amidst the chaos of her inner turmoil. As the professor's words dissolved into the background, she embraced the fleeting respite, allowing her spirit to soar above the worries and burdens that had burdened her heart. In that ethereal interlude, she found herself at peace once more, rekindling the flickering flame within her weary soul. Little did she know that this respite, however fleeting, would become the catalyst for a profound journey. A journey that would unravel the mysteries of her tears, illuminate the hidden corners of her heart, and ultimately guide her towards the purpose she had yet to discover.

Alacrity_ · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs


  唐然觉得自己要么是命不好,要么是得罪了上天。否则怎会遭小人陷害,全家被流放至凶险莽荒?   光是这样也就罢了,安心在这扎根发展,带领全家致富就是了。   可几个月后,好不容易种下的麦子成熟了,正要拿起镰刀。   却飞来一群大鸟,给她啃得一粒不剩!   不服输的唐然咬牙改种红薯,又是几个月过去,眼看着就快能挖。   这次来了一群獠猪,吃得连苗都不剩下!   唐然再咬咬牙,粮食种不了那就种水果,一年过去了,眼看着就有香蕉吃,突然来了一群猴子。   唐然:……   该死的荒兽,非扒了你们的皮不可!   见她这么惨,邻家的小哥哥实在没眼看,“明日紫阳山庄要去狩猎,我打算跟着去捡漏,你去不?”   不信邪的唐然咬了咬牙,“去!”   种地不成,老娘就去打猎!   好歹这紫阳三公子俊美无双,怎么看都很养眼,跟着去怎么也不吃亏!   然而她不过是吃错了点东西,长相有些变化,一群人就防她就跟防贼似的。   唐然无奈表示:“我真是女的。”   众人:“滚开,离我们公子远点。”   唐然一巴掌将喊得最响亮的那个抽进土里,皮笑肉不笑地问:“你们刚说啥来着?”   众人:……

舒长歌 · Tổng hợp
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696 Chs

I Shouldn't Have Read Regressor's Mind

'I read the regressor's mind, I shouldn't have done that.' This was the biggest regret of the Executioner and Chief Inspector of the empire, Caelum Achard, who could read minds. After all, who would want to learn about the end of the world and humanity — an apocalypse? He would be happier to be oblivious to this knowledge and live his already tiring life without more worry. Alas, he couldn't do that now. Knowing the fate of the future was an irrecoverable thing. At first, he was no different than an overworked civil servant until he was sent to the prestigious Aurora Academy to babysit a group of princes and princesses. He considered it a vacation, after all, who would dare to harm royalty? But who would have thought that there is a regressor, a reincanator, and transmigrators in an academy? "Vacation? My foot, that is just an impossible lifetime mission!" ------ *First, even though the name of the novel 'I Shouldn't Read Regressor's Mind', Caelum won't read the regressor's complete mind in the first 50 chapters. *Second, this novel has harem but it won't be Pokemon catching style and it won't be bigger than 5 wives. *Third, Caelum isn't your cold and calculating guy with little to no emotions. Tags: FANTASY, ADVENTURE, MAGIC, DARK, STRONG MC FROM THE STARTS(Not strongest or anything though.), COMEDY [WARNING: MC will not go around saving everyone it is especially for when it puts him in danger. But if he can save someone using his powers or position in the empire, he might. He will kill innocent people if he has to. The world setting is DARK, don't forget this. *** This novel participates in WPC. If you like the novel, support it with power stones, comments, and lots of love

DawnThree · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

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