
Loving You is Deadly

There's a sudden feud between the Higher and Lower family. The Lower Family has attacked the Higher Family's estate in search for the heir(Kelan Pierce). But little did they know that he had already left the home before they even arrived. Later on, he was invited by some friends to a bar to go hangout and have drinks. He was met by one of the Lower Family's top guards(Prince Wilson), and was taken into custody. Prince had released him later on since he felt he didn't really pose any threat to what he had thought. But little did he know that won't be the last time he sees the young heir. (Irregular time when published but every once or twice a month) Also support me on Wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/1304548642?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=MsDeville23&wp_originator=QihkEvynS1rM7MLF%2Bf1vAms0RtNgMhm3bl3rgi7GJueru67mNFf%2FyM2o9EuHgo9mEmm%2FCiqd8ZzMt0ldfZMw%2FVNFN1t7zjwv8CrUq%2B4oh3KrRWRsjMLXotdUkwSdXWxy

MsDeville · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Kidnapped

The sound of gunshots had filled the house of the Higher Family. The Lower Family had invaded their house killing off their bodyguards and people. They wanted to capture the heir to the Higher Family, but little did they know he had already gone into hiding before they came.

"Ale, check how Mr. Kelan is doing and check the number of guards he has." One of the main guards said through his mike.

"He has a total of 10 guards actively guarding the safe house, that's about enough for him Gene." Ale responded.

"Alright thank you Ale, make sure to keep an eye on him we don't want the Lower family to find him." Gene said.

"I am, the Lower Family hasn't found his whereabouts yet I'm currently tracking their location." Ale replied.

"Okay." Gene said before the mic was cut off.

When Gene turned off his mic, he heard a sound as if someone were coming up behind him. He turned around and started blasting gunshots at the person. They went down instantly. Before he could get the other person, someone had already shot him.

"You should be more careful, Sir Gene." The guard said.

"Thank you for the help, Leo." Gene replied.

"No problem." Leo said as he blasted gunshots at the upcoming people in front.

As Gene, Leo, and Ale were protecting Kelan back at the Higher Family's Estate, Kelan was busy taking a snooze through the whole chaos back at the safe house. Once he woke up, Kelan went to the bathroom to get ready for the morning.

Once he got out of his room, his breakfast was already on the table waiting for him to eat. As soon as he sat down, he had already eaten three bites in less than a minute.

"Looks like Master was very hungry this morning." The maid had said.

"Well of course I have to eat your food before it gets cold Ms. Lana." Kelan replied as he flashed a smile.

"Oh my, you sure know how to flatter someone." Ms. Lana said as she became flustered.

"I'm not, I'm being very genuine." Kelan replied.

"Oh, whatever you say sir. Anyways I'll go clean up your room for you." Ms. Lana said.

"Okay thank you!" Kelan replied before Ms. Lana left to get the supplies.

As Kelan was finishing up eating, he got a sudden call.

"Yes Ale?" Kelan said as he answered the call.

"Mr. Kelan, the Lower Family is continuing to invade the house. What should we do?" Ale asked Kelan.

"Don't worry, I have someone that I can ask for help." Kelan replied.

Kelan ended the call then dialed another number.

"Hello, Kim, can you bring some of your guards to the Higher Family's House? We're getting invaded." Kelan asked.

"Dang why does this have to happen at this time...ugh fine I'll send some of them but tell dad to give me 1 million dollars." Kim replied.

"As if he'll give you. Anyways hurry up, the Lower Family look like they aren't stopping until they get my head on a platter." Kelan said.

"Yea alright I will. Now bye." Kim said as he hung up the phone.

Kelan sighed as he was slightly annoyed by his little brother. Kelan got up and walked to the veranda and sat down outside. The guards were standing in front of the gate ready to attack any intruder that appeared at the safe house.

As for Kelan, he was just busy playing games on his phone not really caring what's happening back at home. He then suddenly got a call from his father.

"Kelan, I need you to oversee some business back in Korea for me." His dad said.

"Like what?" Kelan asked.

"I got a call from the Korean investors, and they wanted to speak with me, but you know about my issues already, don't you?" His dad replied.

"Yea alright just get a plane for me. I'll head over there tomorrow." Kelan said.

"Thank you, please don't disappoint me." His dad said.

"When have I ever?" Kelan asked.

"Whatever, I'm leaving now." His dad said as he ended the call.

Kelan put the phone in his pocket and went into the house then to his room. He started packing his bags for the trip to Korea since he knew it would take a while until he could come back here. So, he packed enough for at least 2 weeks.

Once he was done, he felt a little tired and fell asleep on his bed. Once he had woken up from his slumber, he got another call from someone.

"Hello?" He said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey Kelan, did you just wake up?" The guy on the phone asked.

"Oh Jay, what's up?" Kelan replied in a low tone as he was still tired.

"None I was just asking if you're free to come to hangout with us tonight. Leon and Time will be there." Jay asked.

"Yea I'll be there." Kelan replied.

Thanks man! We'll be at this place called "Fine Wine" at 8pm, theirs a new singer coming that everyone's been hyping up. So, we want to see his live performance tonight." Jay said.

"Oh okay, you got a video of him singing?" Kelan asked, seeming a bit curious.

"Yea, it's from one of his YouTube videos, hold up let me send it to you." Jay replied.

"Okay, well I'm off, I still need to finish packing." Kelan said.

"Alright then, later." Jay replied before cutting off the call.

Once the call was cut off, the video had already been sent. Kelan sat on his bed and clicked on the link to the video. As he listened to the song, he got mesmerized by the guy's voice. He couldn't help but listen to the song more than once.

As 8pm was getting closer, Kelan had his outfit already on. He waited outside for the guards to bring the car to the front gate. As soon as they did, he got into the car and drove away to the bar his friends were meeting at.

Once he reached, he was greeted by his friends standing outside waiting for him.

"Ah you finally made it! I almost thought you bailed on us." Jay said.

"You know that won't happen. If it's a chance to go clubbing, you know I'm right there." Kelan responded.

They all started laughing together.

"Well, it's good to see you man, how's things going back at the house?" Time asked.

"Just chaos, the Lower Family wants my head on a platter right now." Kelan responded in a joking tone.

"Dang must suck to be you right now, right?" Time said as he started laughing.

They all started laughing together again.

"Anyways let's go. It's almost time." Leon said as he wrapped his arm around Kelan's neck.

Kelan nodded and all of them walked into the bar. They found a table close enough to the stage and sat there together. They ordered their drinks and were talking and laughing about things.

Suddenly the lights went out and a flash of light was on the stage. They got quiet and paid attention to the stage. The guy on the stage came forward to the microphone and started talking.

"Hello everyone, you all may know me as Prince from my YouTube performances. But today this is my first time performing live for many people to see. I hope you all enjoy and cheer me on today!" Prince said.

Everyone started cheering and yelling.

"Thank you, you all, now let's begin in 1, 2, 3.-." Prince said before the lights came off once again.

When the lights were off, they heard Prince singing but the closer and closer it came to them. As if he was walking around them. Suddenly the light flashed on him once again but this time he was getting closer to Kelan's table. As he did, he and Kelan locked contact for a slight moment.

Prince did a slight smile and broke eye contact and looked at someone else. Kelan felt a slight thump in his chest. He then took a sip of his drink. Suddenly he felt a nudge to the side of him.

"Hey, what do you think? He sounds rather good, don't he?" Jay asked him.

"Yea, he does." Kelan replied as he continued to sip his drink.

As Prince continued to sing, Kelan sat there and watched the whole performance without taking an eye off him. Once the performance was done Kelan was going to clap until he realized that he shouldn't and put his hands down.

"I hope you all enjoyed my performance today. I hope to see you all again, Bye!" Prince said before he walked off the stage.

Kelan then got up.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Kelan said.

"Okay, hurry up though." Leon replied.

Kelan nodded in response then walked away to the bathroom. Once he got in, he was met by Prince standing right in front of him. He was standing with his arms crossed with a smile on his face.

"Hey there." Prince said.

"Hey..." Kelan replied feeling a bit awakard.

"So, what did you think of my performance today?" Prince asked.

"It was good." Kelan replied.

"Hmm that's good to hear." Prince said.

Kelan nodded then went to wash his hands when suddenly a gun was pointed at his head. Kelan held his arms up.

"You know it's nice to see you, Kelan, the heir to the Higher Family." Prince said.

"You work for them?" Kelan asked in a surprised tone.

"Yea, kind of wasn't expecting to see you since today's my day off but at least I'll get my work done." Prince replied.

Prince then took a rag from his pocket and put it on Kelan's mouth to prevent him from breathing. Kelan then suddenly lost consciousness. Prince took the rag off and put Kelan on his back. He then sneaked past the number of people coming by. He then went upstairs to the room he was staying in.

"Dang! He sure is a workout." Prince said when he finally reached the room.

He threw Kelan on the bed and sat next to him. He turned towards him to see that he really didn't have any movement at all. Prince was going to dial his boss's number but instead he decided that he'll wait to do that.

Suddenly he heard his phone make a sound. He took the phone out of his pocket to see a text from his friend.

"Where are you Kelan?" Jay texted.

Prince unlocked the phone with Kelan's finger and texted him back.

"I'm going back for today; I feel a little tipsy." Prince texted back.

"Okay then see you later." Jay texted.

Prince turned off the phone and got up from the bed. He grabbed the rag and wrapped it around his mouth. He then tied his wrist to the bed and his wrists together. He then tied his feet together.

He then went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once he got out, he heard movements in the bedroom. He walked over to see Kelan moving around and yelling. Prince sighed and shook his head. He went over to the bed and sat next to him.

"Can't you be quiet? Do you want people to find you?" Prince asked.

Kelan kept yelling but it was muffled by the rag around his mouth.

"I guess I'm going to have to knock you out for a second time." Prince said as he got up.

Suddenly Kelan became quiet.

"Oh, are you afraid of getting hit? Hah, and you're supposed to be a big mafia." Prince said.

Kelan rolled his eyes in response. Prince got up and took the rag off his mouth.

"There, also you can yell and whatever, but these walls are soundproof. Plus, this whole bar is runed by the Lower Family. So good luck getting out." Prince said.

"Let me go." Kelan said in a stern voice.

"Oh really? You better be glad I was the one who found you. It would've been worse if it was the other guys." Prince replied.

"What do you mean?" Kelan asked.

"You would've already been in the hands of the Lower Family by now." Prince explained.

"So why don't you turn me in?" Kelan asked.

"Honestly, I don't want to work on a day off. So basically, you're lucky." Prince replied.

"So, what are you?" Kelan asked.

Prince took out a pin from his pocket.

"The Lower Family's top main guard. Also known as Sir Dylan's personal bodyguard. But I also work as an artist on the side." Prince explained.

"You sure talk much for a guard." Kelan said in an annoyed tone.

"You asked and I give an answer. That's all, plus this isn't confidential information so no harm telling." Prince replied with a sly smile.

"Yea alright, so am I going to be kept tied like this or..." Kelan asked.

"Yup, can't risk letting you lose out of my hands, you know?" Prince replied.

Kelan sighed and leaned his head back onto the bed. Prince got onto the bed and laid down right next to him.

"Enjoy your short time here, Mr. Kelan~." Prince said before turning around.

Kelan sighed and closed his eyes to try sleep. It was kind of uncomfortable to sleep in the position he was in. The next morning Kelan woke up to an aromatic smell. As he tried to lift up his head a little, he saw Prince humming while cooking. Prince turned around to see Kelan awake and smiled.

"Finally awake sleeping beast?" Prince said in a playful tone.

"Mhm." Kelan responded.

"Well, I made breakfast, want some?" Prince asked.

Kelan shook his head in response. Prince turned back around and brought a plate of food to him.

"Here, the tea is almost done." Prince said as he handed the plate to him.

Before getting the tea, Prince had untied Kelan's hands. As soon as his hands were free, Kelan then took the first bite of the food and to his surprise it was actually good. He started eating more until there was almost none left. Prince came back with the tea in his hand.

"Looks like you were hungry. You didn't even wait on the tea." Prince said.

Kelan looked up to him, but he stayed silent and took the tea. Prince then sat next to him.

"Hm you're not as talkative as you were yesterday. What's wrong?" Prince asked.

"Are you really in position to ask that?" Kelan said in an annoyed tone.

"Hm not really, but I still care for my prisoner. But honestly, I don't want to do this either." Prince said as his tone of voice lowered.

Kelan looked up to him kind of confused. Prince turned to him and flashed a slight smile then turned back around.

"Honestly, I'm doing all this to help my little brother. I just want to be able to sing and for others to enjoy it, that's all. But I can't only focus on myself since I don't have parents and I have no help or support system. So, I have to sacrifice myself as an older brother to take care of my young brother. You know that feeling, right?" Prince said.

"Mhm, I know." Kelan replied.

"Do you really? Have you ever had to take care of your younger siblings because there was no one there for you and them?" Prince said as he questioned him.

Kelan stayed silent since he didn't know how to respond to that question. Since he's never really been in that position before.

"Forget it. Give me your plate and cup I'll wash it." Prince said as he held out his hands.

"Mhm." Kelan said in response.

Prince took them and got up to go to the sink. Kelan sat there wondering what he was thinking during that moment. Then suddenly Prince's phone started ringing.

"It's my boss, stay quiet, don't make a sound." Prince said to Kelan.

Kelan nodded and laid onto the bed. Prince answered the call.

"Hello Sir Dylan." Prince said.

"Hello Prince, how's things going at the bar? I heard there was a spotting of Kelan at the bar." Dylan said.

"Yeah, I saw him, but I couldn't get close since he was surrounded by people. I'm sorry sir." Prince replied.

"It's alright, can you come over today? I'm lonely today since my friends aren't available." Dylan asked.

"Yea I'll come. What time?" Prince replied.

"Hm like at 4pm." Dylan said.

"Alright then." Prince replied.

Dylan later cut off the call and Prince put his phone in his pocket. He then turned towards Kelan.

"I'll be leaving later today so I'll untie you. But know if you try to escape, you'll get caught by the others. So, I advise you to stay here and stay put." Prince said in a serious tone.

"Why can't you just send me over with you later? Don't you want to get your work done?" Kelan asked.

"No questions just stay put, alright?" Prince said ignoring Kelan's questions.

"But-." Kelan said before he was cut off.

"You want me to leave you tied up because I will." Prince said as he was getting annoyed.

Kelan kept quiet. Prince sighed and laid down on the bed. He turned to his side not facing Kelan. Kelan looked over to see what he was doing but he just had his eyes closed. He looked as if he was sleeping. Kelan leaned back on the bed and sighed.

He decided that he'll go to sleep too since he didn't have anything else to do. As they were sleeping it was already 3pm. Prince had woken up and got up to go change his clothes and pack his bag. Once he came out Kelan had already awoken.

Prince leaned over to untie his arms and feet. Once he untied them, he went to the door to unlock it when suddenly Kelan grabbed him.

"Where are you going?" Kelan asked.

"To meet with my boss. Stay put and don't cause trouble." Prince said.

"Oh ok..." Kelan replied as he let go of his arm.

He went to sit on the bed and Prince opened the door then left. Kelan looked out the door to see if he had left. As he did, he saw no sign of him anywhere. He then looked around for his phone to see it was left on the counter, he took it up and started scrolling through it. He saw that there wasn't much on it except for Jay's message from last night and seeing he had got into his phone and replied to him.

Kelan put the phone in his pocket and went to the closet to look for a hat and mask he could use to sneak out. He found them and put them on. He unlocked the door and looked out to see if there was anybody passing by. The hallway seemed empty, so Kelan sneaked out. He went downstairs to make sure nobody was suspecting him.

He then went through the door and walked at least a couple of miles to make sure there was nobody following him. Once he was certain, he called the driver to come and pick him up. As soon as he came, he jumped in and headed back to the Safe House.

As soon as he reached, he went into his room and remembered that he had a meeting with the Korean investors. He decided that he'll head back home to pay a visit to his father in person. He took a shower and changed his clothes, he then carried the bags downstairs and put them in the car. He then got in the car and headed off to the Higher Family's House.

Once he reached, he was greeted by his younger brother Kim at the front.

"Looks like someone decided to come home. Didn't you have a trip to go to today?" Kim asked.

"None of your business. I need to discuss something to father towards that matter." Kelan said.

"Well, he's in his office right now. I'm heading off." Kim said before walking away.

Kelan shook his head in response and headed to his father's office. Once he reached, he was met with a glare towards him once he got in.

"Why didn't you meet the investors today?" Mr. Gun said sternly.

"I'm sorry father, I was kept hostage by one of the Lower Family's bodyguards." Kelan explained.

"How did that happen?" Mr. Gun asked.

"I went to a bar with my friends but apparently it was a bar runed by the Lower Family that was kept secret from us." Kelan explained.

"Hm ok. Well tomorrow you will get on a flight to Korea. I can't lose these investors. You understand right?" Mr. Gun said.

"Yes, I do." Kelan replied.

"Now go, I have some business to deal with." Mr. Gun said.

Kelan nodded and walked out of the office. As he came out, he was met by his brother Kao standing in front of him.

"Looks like someone finally came back." Kao said as he looked his brother up and down and crossed his arms.

"Yes, I did." Kelan replied.

"Hm finally, it was getting boring with all the fighting and war here." Kao said as he put his arms down.

"Mhm." Kelan replied.

"Are you going somewhere tomorrow?" Kao asked.

"Yes, I have to meet with the Korean Investors." Kelan explained.

"Oh, can I come?" Kao asked.

"Ask father first then I'll allow you to come." Kelan replied.

"Awe! No fun!" Kao said as he started whining.

"Don't worry just ask him I'm sure he'll say yes." Kelan said.

"Yea you always say that! Fine I'll ask..." Kao replied.

Kao then walked into the room and Kelan walked away. Kelan walked to his bedroom when he was met by Gene fixing the sheets of the bed. Once he turned around to see Kelan standing behind him, he stopped what he was doing and bowed to him.

"Welcome back Mr. Kelan." Gene said.

"Mhm Gene, how have things been at the house?" Kelan asked.

"Yesterday Mr. Kim was able to come and help us out, so we were able to get rid of them." Gene explained.

"Mhm that's good to here. Well tomorrow I need you and Pinky to assist me in going to Korea tomorrow." Kelan said.

"Yes sir." Gene replied.

"Mhm." Kelan said.

After Gene finished fixing the bed, he then walked out of the room. Kelan went to sit on his bed and started scrolling through his phone making sure he didn't miss anything. As he scrolled, he didn't really see anything out of the ordinary, so he put his phone down and laid on his bed. As he laid down, he slowly fell asleep.

When Prince left the room, he headed downstairs to the car at the front waiting for him. Once he got in, he was met by Dylan already in there.

"Hey Prince." Dylan said as he greeted him.

"Hello sir." Prince replied.

"Why are you being so formal? We're out right now. No reason to act formally with me." Dylan said.

Prince nodded in response. Prince got in the car, and they headed off. Once they reached, Prince came out to see a hotel in front of him. Suddenly he felt someone put their arm around his shoulders.

"So, what do you think? Looks pretty nice right?" Dylan asked him.

"Yea, it does." Prince responded.

"Well, let's check in. I already made reservations." Dylan said.

Prince nodded and both of them headed into the hotel. Prince waited in the lobby for Dylan to finish signing in. Once he was done, they headed to the room. Once they reached, the room was big. It had a kitchen, a bar, a dining area, a balcony, a door to the bedroom, and a bathroom in the bedroom and near the living area.

As Prince looked around the place, he looked at the place like there were stars in his eyes. When Dylan looked at him, he couldn't help smiling at the look he was giving it, it looked so cute to him.

"So, you like the place?" Dylan asked him.

"Yea it's really nice." Prince replied as he was still looking around.

"I'm glad, I paid quite a lot for this room. I'm glad you like it." Dylan said.

Prince nodded in response then headed into the bedroom. Dylan went into the kitchen to prepare something with the groceries he had already bought that were in the fridge. Prince was in the bedroom taking pictures and posting them.

He also got on the bed and started jumping up and down on. He then fell onto the bed and was smiling from ear to ear. He was happy that he was able to be spoiled in this way. He then got up and headed to the living room to take pictures there and post them.

He then went into the kitchen and secretly took a picture of Dylan cooking. He then sneaked up to him and took a surprise selfie with him. Dylan was a bit surprised by the sudden picture but wasn't really surprised since that's how he usually was like.

"You're doing this again." Dylan said.

"So, what? You look good in the picture. See!" Prince said as he was showing him the picture.

"Yea I know. But you look even better in these photos." Dylan said.

"I know~." Prince replied.

Dylan pinched his cheek.

"Looks like someone's cheeky today." Dylan said.

"Ow! Hey!" Prince yelled out.

Dylan stopped and started laughing. Prince started giving a pouty face.

"Awe cheer up. I'm making your favorite tonight." Dylan said.

"Hm fine." Prince replied.

Prince went into the living room and turned on the TV to watch a show. As he waited for Dylan to be done cooking, he suddenly fell asleep on the couch. Once Dylan was done, he walked over to set the dining table. He then looked to see Prince fast asleep on the couch. He took a picture of him then woke him up.

"The food is ready." Dylan whispered to him.

"Hm." Prince replied.

Prince still kept his eyes closed.

"Then I won't serve any for you then." Dylan said.

Prince woke up quickly and sat at the table. Dylan started laughing at him.

"Shut up! Now let's eat!" Prince said.

Dylan nodded in response.