
Loved by you

layladore · Tổng hợp
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19 Chs


Layla decided to wear what she had on the night before after taking her shower, since it was closest to business attire she had at the moment.

She began moisturing herself with body butter that smell like amaretto's. As she let that seep in, she refreshed her hairstyle. She walked out the bathroom scared to sit anywhere because of the moisturizer.

Layla was in her own suite as Derrick room was adjourned to hers. She woke up to a personal wake up call from Derrick saying "Time to get up, sweetness"..." breakfast in an hour".

Layla went straight to sleep when she arrived so, she didn't know where Derrick room was. She was disappointed she couldn't pop up and surpise him at the moment.

Distracting herself, She found an R&B station on the T.v.. She swayed to songs trying to assist the body butter to absorb. When one of her favorites came on. Placing a towel at end of the bed she sat and began to signalong. India Irie I am ready for love lyrics filled her lungs and woed the space around her.

Derrick heard her and questioned if it was her... Leaning his ear to the door he pressed and listened while tying his tie. Her voice was different from the orginal singer but her vocals were that of a professional.

When she came to the bridge, she has lungs compacity comparable to Whitney Houston. Feeling robbed of not being sing too Derrick enjoy the vibration of the melody her voice carried.

Layla follow the instructions to meet at the Cabin Le Don. Entering what she thought was a resturant was really a private room, facing a white sand beach with crashing waves by a cove. A singular table nicely arranged in the center of it all. Hugging her from behind Derrick embraced her, handing her a rose. Layla smiled wholeheartedly and turn around "it's beautiful".

The host approached "sir... madam... please follow me". He ask the two while pulling out the chair for Layla "Do you wish to retract the windows?" Derrick hint at Layla to answer when so replied "After the meal". The host hand them each a menu and said "Very well".

They ordered, ate, talked like the night before. It surpised Layla as the window opened and the scent of the ocean filled the room. The waves crashed beautifully in front of them. Layla expression was so peaceful Derrick adore her even more. Layla took time to appreciate everything in the moment. He love this about her, removing any doubt in her character he wanted to have. Layla closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Derrick whispered the most breath taking view I have ever seen. Breaking from her trance her smile was huge showing her dimples in both cheeks "Isnt it!, so tranquil..."

Derrick response "Yes" the word hissed passionately. That's when Layla realized he was talking about her. His view was her. Connecting with him didn't take much, it was if they shared one mind, what he yearn for she did too.

She shared her joy by gazing in his eyes reaching for his touch she extended her hand. Layla said to him when their hands intertwined. "I hear your call as if it my own heart". "I will respond with care and love alike, I will only see you as I know you only see me, We are connected and forever will be".

Placing the rose in his hand, "Come complete me". Without hesitation Derrick got up and slid the rose through her hair. Layla replied "Simplest of pleasures is to see your organic joy", kissing his palm.

After rounds of kissing and dancing to the sounds of the wind, it was time for business. Derrick went in more relax than he ever had in any meeting and that was because of Layla. Although his spirits were high it didn't stop his god like presence. Stepping in, Northbrook placed his suit jacket over Layla even though it was in upper 80's outside, the conference room were usual cold.

Seating her to the right of him. Layla recognized one person in the room and was shock. She looked at Derrick and immediately locked eyes.

Even though he features were cold, his soul was not toward her so, she understood and let him break contact first. Holding her composure, Northbrook formal introduce her to the investors in front of him.

Jack Lee showed confusion and frustration on his face before asking "Why is Ms. Amor here, this is a meeting for investors".

Northbrook shot a look to Lee that sent chill to the core of his bones. "As your aware Ms. Amor, is a primary shares holder of Vallonce hospital".

Derrick only allowed Jack ignorance to farther his point to the investors. If not he would have other uses of his tongue if it were up to him since Lee didn't seem to value it. Jack sat back correcting his position. "If there are any more question or concern hold then until after the presentation", Northbrook continue warningly.

Layla smirk at her Zaddy a work. Derrick felt the sultry heat on his skin, Layla was transmitting to him as he gaze her way giving her a behave response with his eyes.

Northbrook presented Layla program including profile budget and portfolio. This shocked Layla but, she let out no expression. The person who expression did change was Jack. One of the investors asked after the presentation "Is this the project Mr. Lee presented to you yesterday, It's brilliant". Jack responded, in a matter of factly tone, "Thank you"

Layla looked at Derrick by the smart board and immediately relaxed as he said. "This program was not designed by Mr. Lee so, how could he take credit?, that's lowly at it finest". Jack face grew bright red as he blurt out, "How dare you attack my character!!. The other investors look confused.

Layla shifted her weight from one side to another when Jack let out a laugh pointing to Layla, "Ahhh... that's why your here. Derrick looked at her sitting pretty and unbothered.

He expected her to look at Jack the annoyance in the room he was gonna squash. Her response surpised him when she looked straight at him. She wasn't worried. She understood now why she was present. To test her trust in him and for her to fully gain all of his.

Layla saw the glimpse of light in Derrick eyes, only she could reach. She wasn't mad at his tactic. The opportunity to close that chapter of her life with out regret, he got her closure like he said he would, for that she was greatful.

Jack astonished by her non reaction made him look like a mad man to the others in the room. He sat demanding with his eyes for her attention. The same attention he dismiss every chance he got, he fought heavily for it now.

Northbrook broke Jack focus off HIS Amor. He placed the electrical wire taps in front of him. "Lady and gentlemen, we have here the bugs I gathering at the Vallonce directors offices and conference room". The proposal plans were not his.

Mr. Lee face flush as he regain his composure saying "What does this prove?" "Do you always leap this far out of water". Northbrook never broke his cool but his aura peak to dead elevation.

Tired of his antics, Northbrook turned on the device and aloud static squeak sound echoed filled the room coming from Mr. Lee cellphone. Jack reacted by pulling out his phone and shutting it off.

Caught red handed, Mr. Lee now understand why his phone would squeak out of nowhere from time to time. Northbrook was fucking with him from behind the scenes.

The other investors stared at him with disgust.

One investor chimed in, "The program is still a brillant idea for us all but, we can just move forward without knowledge of whom the originator is, that risk we can not afford".

Derrick walk toward Layla as she interjected "What gave you the impression we'd waste your time if we had no idea who the originator is".

With that the investor said "Well, who is it?", "Will they attend this meeting" another chimed. Then another " The agenda won't hold the same value if we have to push this back a couple of months". The room filled with chatter all at once. We have to strike while the iron is hot," another chimed.

Layla sat back watching their speculations go wild. Then said your looking at her. Shock was across everyone face. Not giving anyone mercy she continued "Would you like to use your pen or mines".

Northbrook stood behind her their image was the strongest anyone had ever seen in the years of living. Derrick started it but, Layla was the one the took the kill.

Just like that the meeting was over. Jack was the first to leave the room. Nobody cared enough to notice because everyone were busy making small talk while shaking the couple's hand.

He was waiting for Layla by the door as the investors exit one after the other, none bothered to muster a good bye to him. He was dishonest and unethical. His discredit would spread fast especially since it happen during a Northbrook deal.

Northbrook rubbed her shoulders as he asked "Did sweetness, have fun today with her Zaddy". She tilt her head back "Yes!, can we go now"... Laughing at her child like expression Derrick said, "I love that you see only me".

"Tell me want you need after the slaughter you've performed". Layla smile ecstatically "Let's go to the beach!"... Derrick bent over gribbing her neck then planting a kiss on her lips as he replied, "Your wish is my command".

Layla was pulled forcefully as she exit the room infront of Northbrook eyes by Lee. Trying to pull her away he realized Northbrook had a hand around her waist preventing her from moving. Layla we need to talk now!!... he sneered, tugging at her again.

Layla stomp on his feet causing him to release her. Northbrook smirked at her defense as he lifts her closer in his space.

Layla stroke Derrick head and said "down"... softly in his ear. He complied, as she lead him out and continue to strut pass Jack Lee.

Jack ran around Northbrook and right back in front of Layla. Northbrook was about to rush him when suddenly, He seen a little fist curve around landing a punch to his face knocking him out cold. Derrick chuckled as he watch Jack drop.

As he check her hand "Two K.O's, feisty kitty you are". "You dont need saving from the world but, it may need saving from you". Derrick said, as he kissed her wounded hand.