
Love Separated by The Atlantic

This story is a sequel to 'That One Flight', I recommend you read that story first (if you haven't) just for the story to make more sense :) *This book has some explicit content* *UNDER REVISION* BOOK TWO from the 'O'Neill Series'. *PREVIOUSLY NAMED 'LOVE IN BELGRADE'.* *EXTRACT FROM THE STORY* "Umm, hi James, Ana here... in case if this phone number does not seem familiar to you. I just wanted to see how you are... umm... so... how are you?... I'm good if that is what you were going to ask me..." I pause before letting out a sigh. "But not as good as when I am with you..." I say, not believing how freely I just said that. "I... I miss you... very much... I can't help but wonder if you feel the same about me... if you miss me too...". Then my mind goes blank. "I... I..." I begin, searching for a topic. "I hope you have a good stay in Belgrade... I guess me wishing that I could see you again would be a bit too much of a wish..." I end my words with a giggle. I find myself, once again, walking around my living room. "Anyways, that is all that I wanted to say. I wanted to see how you are and if everything is okay. I also read that letter... you have a really beautiful way with words..." I say. "But how do you know I don't like being woken up?... Actually, I don't think anybody likes being woken up, so scrap that question..." I giggle, but then I shake my head. I am taking too long. "Sorry, this message must be very long by now, so I am going to finish now... I just... I really want to see you in person again..." I then once again pause as I look down at my legs that rub my carpet. "Anyways... that is all I have to say... see you- I mean, probably not really, but I am hoping I'll get to see you, you know...". A sigh escapes my lips. "Bye..." I say before distancing my phone from my ear and press the red button.

Strale · Thành thị
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23 Chs

Chapter Eleven - Day One.

"Choose one, him or me... him or me..." I hear a familiar voice speak to me.

I open my eyes, I can see that I am in a different room. I gently sit up and I take a brief look around. I am in my room, someone is beside me.

I lean over to see and I stumble upon Igor, sleeping like a baby. I giggle to myself, he looks too cute when he sleeps.

That was when the thoughts hit me, where is James and why is Igor here?

Anyways, I sit up and move to the side of the bed. With my feet, I try to navigate my slippers, and after a minute or so I succeed.

I am getting ready to stand up but I am suddenly stopped.

"Where are you going, Ana?" Igor whispers into my ear.

"Don't you want to stay a little longer in bed with me. I have got a big surprise for you, I think you are going to like it..." he adds as I can feel his hands wrap around my waist.

"Barem me obraduj da si mene izabrala... a ne njega... (At least make me happy that you chose me... and not him...)" Igor tells me, pointing towards the door.

I turn around and see James standing by the door.

"Choose me or him..." James says, staring at me.

"Choose me..." I hear Igor whispers in my ear.

"Choose me..." I hear James whisper into my other ear.

"You know you can have us both if you want, but not for long," Igor gently speaks into my ear, moving a strand of hair from my face.

"Or you can just have one of us..." James says breathly into my ear.

"Choose one, Igor or James." I heard a voice in her head again.

"Choose one... me or him...".

*heavy inhale*

I suddenly wake up.

I find myself on the sofa, both James and I are tangled together.

I look up and down his handsome body, before focusing my sight on his face.

"I will always choose you..." I whisper under my breath, caressing his stubbled cheek. I can feel him react by caressing my hand with his stubble, that is when I can see him grin.

So he was awake all this time?... Of course.

He opens up his eyes and before I get a chance to even think he flips me over, so he is now on top of me.

"Good morning, my beautiful. What did you mean by 'I will always choose you'," he talks into my ear breathly.

I feel him push himself into me, trying to force an answer out of me. I can feel his jeans-covered hard manhood rubbing against my thigh, slowly heading towards my core.

"Tell me..." he growls.

What did I do to deserve this?

"I love you, James. I will let nobody take you from me and I will let no one take your place..." I tell him, I honestly feel lucky that I have him in my life.

He looks into my eyes for a few silent seconds before planting his lips onto mine. I close my eyes as I let the pleasure wash me over like a wave. Our tongues turn and twist as they dance together. His kisses head down to my chin before going down to my neck.

He kisses and suckles my neck as I let out gently moans of pleasure.

Then... we were interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Fucking hell..." I hear him growl under his breath, getting off me.

"Sorry..." I tell him before giving his lips a small, but passionate kiss.

After the kiss, I turn around and pick up the phone, I look at the caller's ID. Andrea.

"Halo?" I begin.

"Eee, dobro jutro, jeste spremni? (Hey, good morning, are you two ready?)".

"Spremni za sta? (Ready for what?)" I ask her, I can feel my confusion grow.

"U obilazak Beograda... (For a tour of Belgrade...)" Andrea says.

"Nisam ti rekla? (I didnt tell you?)" she adds.

"Ne nisi, ja sad ovo cujem prvi put. (No you did, I only heard you telling me this once and that is right now.)" I reply.

"Ah, okay. Vi se sredite, mi ce mo da vas pokupimo... (Ah, okay. You two get ready, we will pick you up...)".

"A ko ste 'vi'? (And who is 'you'?) I ask her.

"Ja i Darko. (Me and Darko)" she replies.

"Vazi... kad stizete? (Okay... when will you come?)".

"Nadamo se uskoro... (Hopefully soon...)" she begins. Then you could hear her giggling. "Nemoj sad, na telefonu sam... Darko... (Not now, I am on the phone... Darko...)".

"Sta radite vas dvoje!? (What are you two doing!?)".

"Nista... (Nothing...)" Andrea replies, but it sounds too suspicious to be nothing.

"Joj Andra, hajde... (Oh Andrea, come on...)" she could hear a deep, man voice grunt at Andrea.

"Darko..." I hear her moan out.

"Andrea?..." I call out.

"Izvini, trebam da idem... (Sorry, I got to go...)" she answers.

She instantly hangs up.

"Was that Andrea?".


"How is she?" James asks.

"She is fine, she is with her boyfriend now... Doing stuff...".

He gives me a weirded look.

"Yeah... that stuff..." I add.

"Well, I did hear her moan from here... so you know...".

I just nod.

"But it makes me curious..." he begins. I look at him to show that I am listening to him, but I slowly back up as I see him walking towards me.

"I am wondering how you will squeal when I drive my fingers into you..." I hear him growl under his breath as he clenches his hands into fists.

I begin to feel intimidated by him, but it just makes me feel more aroused. I begin to feel lust.

"You know you can't go anywhere..." he says before pinning me against a wall.

That was it... I push my lips into his as I jump and wrap my legs around his waist.

His kisses cause a feeling of electricity to flow through my body.

He moves his kisses down to my chin before moving his head to my ear.

"Let's finish what we started before we got interrupted..." she whispers into my ears.

"Yes... yes please..." I reply, begging for him to continue kissing me.

He chuckles before assaulting my neck with his lips biting, licking and kissing me.

"James..." I call out his name as the pleasure he is causing me is taking over my whole body.

He stops kissing me as he begins moving.

"Let's continue this in your room, what do you say?" He asks me, squeezing my butt cheeks.

"Yes... yes..." I squeal out.

He has full control over me now... but I don't even care, he has to do all the work...

He carries me into my room before closing the door and locking it.