

Hazel smith a daughter of the third richest family love to paint and have an adventurous life away from the claws of rich lifestyle.what happens when she meets the underground mafia boss, who is also the richest man in the world , the Vigil Richardson. Join me on an existing journey to see what destiny is installed for them DAILY UPDATE AND MASS RELEASE EVERY FRIDAY LETS GET IN TOUCH

Moro_Barikisu · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

chapter 3

A young man enters his car and his driver stiffens. The cold aura coming from the man send shivers down to his bones. " Mr Richardson please straight home?" Giles the driver asked as the fear shows in his voice. A nod from his boss is enough as he starts driving. At the back seat of a black Mercedes Benz seated the most dangerous and ruthless man .He also happens to be the richest man on earth. The head of the Richardson family and the dream man of every girl.

Vigil's pov

Leaving the gym this morning I asked the drive to go straight to Randolf's my baby brother loves their painting brushes. Somehow he developed a love for painting recently and won't let me rest as he keeps bringing me new paintings every week.so when he asked me to get the brushes for him I couldn't say no. Only to encourage a nut job of a girl who won't stop staring at my face not release my wrist from her tight grip

I return to the car more annoyed than I was before.i mean I get that am handsome and rich but staring right at someone's face like that is creepy. Giles have been my driver since I was ten so I don't really get why he is so scared of me. I get to my pent house and went straight to shower and get ready to go back to LA tonight. Dale won't let me be if he doesn't get the brushes tonight. Plus I have a lot of business to take care of before I leave for Vegas to support sly .That love struck guy is getting married next month. We have been friend together with the other guys since childhood so , is only write I support him. Giles inform me my jet is ready so we both leave for the rooftop of my pent house where the plane was waiting

We arrive in LA after some few minutes. I see dale and my mum the moment I step down. " Bro what took you so long and did you get my brushes" he asked with a smile on his face." It's not long and yes I got your brushes go check my bag." Dale may be 14 but most time he acts like a 6 years old.what can I say my mum love to baby her kids even me. " V go get ready lunch will be ready soon and no you can't eat in your office . You are barely here so when you are, I want you to experience and enjoy some family time." She said sternly not giving any room for negotiation. " Okay mum I will be in my room". I said heading to my room to get some rest before lunch and then am back to work.

" Have you you spoken to sly , how are the wedding preparations going and when are you leaving" my dad asked. " Yeah I did everything is going perfectly. I will leave in a couple of days". I said know very well he is not done with the questions." Have you given any thoughts to meeting with Diandra mason. I think its about time you settle down. She is a lovely girl. You went to the same high school right? " He asked smiling like he deserves father of the year award for that." Dad this will be the last time we discusse this. And I told you before , I will decide when to marry on my own and if you should know I never spoke to her whiles in school neither do I want to do so now". I said filed with rage. I don't know why my dad feel like he has the right to match me with some blonde ass bitch . To him marriages are like business deals and I need to make one to strengthen our relationship with the mason's. I don't do marriage, or love. Emotions make us weak. The only people I care about are my family. Even my friends are like business deals. " Vigil is your dad you are speaking to. And Charles he will marry when he is ready. Now both of you zip it. You can fight whenever you like but not at my table". That's the woman of the house. Adeline Richardson. My dad may be a dangerous and fearless guy but my mum is a different story and also my dad's weakness. We both kept quiet and resume eating as we've been told. My mum smiles at this. Her green eyes shining. Am still maveled at how her red her looks so wavey and beautiful after all these years.

After lunch I went to my office to get some work done. My mum never understands why I have to work So much just as she doesn't understand why we live in a billion dollars mansion with every painting costing more a 100 million dollars.The most we expensive interior designs . We have our own highly train security cause you will be shocked at the number of people who will love to bring down our family , kidnappers , hitmen and So on. The world of the rich is not as smooth as people think.