
Love like petals, chapter 13: A day changed into a date?

A week has passed since I came back from Rachel's home and only 4 days are left for vacation to end and mid-terms to start. Almost every one is stressing over studies including me. Maths being the first exam subject made it even worse. Even though I am good at it, it still do require a lot of practice, that's why I was currently practicing maths when I received a text notification. It was Liam and I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat.

The only person who texted me was Rachel and it was rare for any other person to text me. Liam was the first boy other than my dad to text me, which could have been one of the reason that my heart felt heavy.

I clicked on his contact and saw:

"Hey! This is Liam, I believe this is Daisy on the other side?"

"Yes" I replied.

"Oh ok!"

And then it showed Liam's typing for quite a while and then the message popped up:

"Do you have time today? I am kind of missing some notes of maths as I joined the school late. Could you please bring your notes in the mall where we met previously…"

"If you have time of course!!"

"And I don't know any students near my location, that's why I am asking you for help!"

I could feel my heart racing as I was reading the text.. but before I could reply anything another message popped up:

"Oh ya! You can bring Rachel if you want! I didn't had her contact number that's I am asking you."

I could feel a throbbing sensation in my chest out of no where. I didn't knew what kind of feeling it was but whatever it was, was another pain in the ass.

I just replied him with 'ok' for which he replied:

"Thank you so much please tell me the timings!"

"3:45pm" I replied.

"Ok!┌|o^▽^o|┘" Liam texted.

Another cute looking emoji.

I still had 1hr left to go, So I texted Rachel:


And Rachel gave her reply with the speed of light:

"Oooo, it's rare for you to text me first╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭"

"Yah so, Let's meet up at Big Mart."

"Ooo~ What happened today? Did the sun rose from West?(╯°□°)╯"

"Rachel, you coming or not."

"Ok ok, I'll get to know it anyways (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯! What time?"



I got up from my study table, washed up and got dressed. I don't know why but this time dressing took more time than usual. I told my mom that I was going out with Rachel to study and took my notes. It was already 3:30 as I got out of my home.

It took me 10 minutes to reach at Big Mart, where Rachel and Liam were already there talking to each other. The throbbing sensation came back which annoyed me, but I walked further towards them.

Rachel looked at me and exclaimed:

"Oh! XIA! There you are!" and rushed towards me to whisper:

"So the sun itself has approached you, that's why you called me…( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"What the hell are you saying? What sun?" I asked.

"Ahh! Don't act so out of the world! Just look at him! Each and every person passing him is glancing at him! He is blinding for the audience! Except me of course! I have my Ivan." Rachel said.

"Whatever." I replied and walked towards Liam.

I could feel my heart beating faster with every step that I took further towards Liam who was smiling at me. After I reached Liam, he looked at me with an apologetic face and said:

"Hey! I am so sorry for disturbing you.."

I shook my head in a way to say 'No worries' and then handed him my notes. He took them and his expression beamed as he said:

"Well, it might take some time, would you mind sitting inside a nearby café? You can have whatever you want, I'll pay for it! Please!..."

I couldn't deny him and turned to look at Rachel who was not behind me.

I was startled and tired to find Rachel, but she was no where to be seen. As Liam saw me getting worried he asked me:

"Everything's fine? You're looking for someone?"

I shook my head again in order to say 'No'. I took out my phone and saw Rachel's text:

"Xia, I got some work to do! Gtg!"

"Oh and I would have been a third wheel between you guys if I joined you in your Date( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)."

"So enjoy your day- I mean Date."

"Just text me if you need me ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ"

"K bye! Lets talk after this."

That B[@#$%&!] left me alone, and now it was just me and Liam. Liam suddenly asked me:

"Oh ya! Where is your friend Rachel! She was here a while ago!"

Hearing Rachel's name from him ruined my mood even more and now I was pissed. If he really wanted her that much then couldn't he just had asked her for notes instead of mine. I didn't reply anything to him, for which he said:

"Oookkk… she might have gone back… but it's ok, I'll just complete my notes real quick! You won't need to wait much longer!"

We went inside a nearby café and sat down in one of the seats. Liam soon started to copy down the notes while I sat in front of him quietly. A gorgeous waitress rushed towards our table and said to us:

"Congratulations! You won our café's couple coupon! It is only available for first 50 couples who come in our café, and your on 47th!"

The word 'couple' was revolving around my head, and I was too stunned to speak anything, Instead of me Liam overstated:

"Oh! I think you have misunderstood something, We are not a couple!"

"Ah! I am so sorry! Let me make up for it!" replied the waitress and then she rushed towards the counter made something and gave it to Liam while saying:

"Here please accept it as an apology, it's a Tulip Latte, Hope you enjoy it!"

I was just sitting their looking at their faces like a dumb child. 'What about me?' I thought to myself. The waitress gave me a cunning look. All my first impression of her was gone. I realized that she was totally flirting with Liam or was trying to tease me.

I looked at Liam who was puzzled to see the Latte, soon he looked at me and signed me as if he wanted to say 'Do you want this?', I couldn't say anything for it, I just looked down at my hands which were clenching tight due to the uncomfortable environment.

I couldn't look into Liam's eyes but after a while I heard him saying:

"No thanks! No need to apologies, People make mistakes and it's normal!"

"B-but its for free, Y-you can have it!" the waitress said with an unstable voice.

"Ok then!" said Liam as he slides the cup towards me. The waitress aggrieved:

"But it's for you!" and Liam replied:

"Yah! And now it's up to me what I do with it."

Bet the waitress got pissed as the way she stomped away explained it all. Liam laughed and turned towards me to say:

"Did you saw her! *Laughing* The way she stomped! Man she was totally irritated!"

I was just looking towards Latte that Liam passed me, and then looked at him. He looked pretty charming when he laughed, and then a thought popped in my mind 'why did he gave it to me?'. I wanted to ask him so many questions but before I could, Liam said to me:

"Why aren't you drink it?... Is it perhaps, You don't like sweet drinks!?"

I shook my head in order to say 'no' and pointed towards the drink to whisper:


"Sorry I couldn't hear it properly, could you repeat please.."

I just shook my head to say 'Its nothing' and took the cup as I bowed towards Liam as a 'Thank you'.

I drank a sip of that Latte, It was sweet. Very sweet. Liam continued to complete his notes. After finishing the Latte I felt drowsy laid my head on my crossed arms at the table and took a nap.

I was dreaming about my grandma, whose warm hands were caressing my head as I laid my head on her lap. After a while I could hear someone calling my name, it was Liam. I jolted awake and Liam exclaimed:

"Woah!! Calm down! I was just trying to wake you up…"

I didn't say anything to him and pointed out towards the notes for which he replied:

"Oh notes! Yah I have completed it!"

I took out my phone and saw it was 5:50 already. I stood up and took my notes where as Liam rushed towards me and said:

"Aren't you hungry? Why don't you order something from here? I'll pay for it."

I wanted to deny him but my stomach growled at the wrong time and it was so loud that Liam could hear it. My face blushed out of embarrassment whereas Liam with a beamed face said:

"You're hungry, Its ok! Its not something to be embarrassed of! Go order something!"

Well it was not embarrassing for him but It was surely humiliating for me. I could help but to order whatever I first saw in the menu and my head sank down in shame. I couldn't even gather enough courage to look at Liam. Soon I could feel vibrations of my phone in the pocket of my pant.

I took it out to see Rachel calling me, I sprang from my seat and signed Liam that I was going to take the call. I went outside the café and there was a sense of relief inside me. I then picked up the call and Rachel exclaimed:

"Xiaaaa~ How's your date going?"

"Well its been worse, thanks to you for leaving me in between!"

"Awww, Don't get angry! Come on it can't be that bad, right?"

"Yah it wasn't, I have already buried myself in the coffin of shame."

"I have to go back inside the café, bye."

"Ohhh~ you went to a cafe~ which on-"

I ended the call and went back inside to see another girl talking with Liam.

Every time I'd see any girl talking with Liam, there will be a throbbing sensation in my chest and it makes me feel pissed. The thing that made me even more pissed was Liam's smile whenever he'll talk to them.

I walked towards my seat and said:

"Excuse me" while looking at the girl as I walked between her and Liam. The girl flinched back after giving me a puzzled look and an awkward smile and I sat down on my seat. Soon the waiter came out with the unknown food that I ordered.

It was some pretzels, a pastry and a banana smoothie. After a while Liam sat back down on his seat and smiled at me as I was taking one of the pretzels.

It made my heart flutter a bit as I took the first bite of pretzel. I could see that I was the only person eating something so I asked Liam in a low voice:

"You're not eating?"

"Hm? Oh, I am fine! You can eat them." Replied Liam.

But it was quite embarrassing to be watched while eating, that's why I pushed one of the pretzels towards Liam.

"Oh, is that for me? Thank you!" Liam replied with a beamed face and gobbled up the pretzel.

I soon finished my pastry and started to take drink the smoothie, Delicious. I looked at Liam who was ordering another smoothie for himself, and as he received his smoothie, his expression beamed up.

At that time I started to notice that Liam was quite easy to read, His mood beamed up with a little positivity or encouragement in his surrounding and his mood frowned down if he felt discouraged or guilt. It somehow made him look really innocent and I almost imaged him as a 'Puppy', I mean what can I do, he just behaves like that which makes him look cute….

As I finished my smoothie, I took out my phone to see the time which was 6:26 already!

I took up my notes again, thanked Liam and was rushing out of the door with Liam following me when a waiter exclaimed:

"Dear customer! Please take this with you" and he passed a picture of me and Liam towards us.

Enjoy love like petals, please share your thoughts in comments.

Sam005_ncreators' thoughts