

A girl who is about 17 yrs old is sitting before a laptop and is busy typing something with her right hand and in her left hand she is holding a hamburger. She is taking a bite from it from time to time without taking care of basic eating manner. Her legs are on the chair and table infront of her is in complete mess. It is difficult to differentiate between her notebooks and and the magazines because everything is spread in a very disoriented manner and is basically mixed up with each other. One can say that it completely looks like a disaster if they saw her room.

The girl has beautiful apperance but she has dressed herself in a sloppish way. She is only wearing long yellow colour loose t -shirt to cover her body. Her black hair is also in a complete mess and looks like it has not been combed by her for many days. She has a bright and beautiful almond like eyes which make her look even more pretty. But even after in this state no one can say she looks bad because her messy appearance can't hide her unique charm.

She is Maria a final year high school student in America. She is 5 and 7 inch tall and is very famous among her friends. She is a talented singer and dancer and has good grades in her studies. Everthing about her is perfect but there is only two major flaw in her personality . First she is as lazy as a bull and second she doesn't like cleaning anything. She prefrerred to sleep and eat whenever she is free. That why her friends also called her foody.

Right now she is chatting with her friends in a messenger group. Tommorrow they are going to get their graduation degree of their high school but they get a news from someone that Maria is leaving America after graduation and is joining a university in China because her family asked her to come back in China . Ofcourse they are not happy about it but it is her family decision so they can't say anything. So they are discussing about the farewell party of Maria because day after tommorrow she will left . Hence they decided to give her a party after graduation ceremony.

Maria doesn't want to go in party but she can't break their heart so she simply agree with their planning. After chatting for a long time she gets bored so she says goodbye to them and turn off her laptop .

She had finished her hamburger so she is not too much hungry now . So she lays on her bed and looked at the sky. Her room roof is made in a modern way so she can easily open it by pressing her remote.

It has been long time since she had been in China . She was only six years old when her family send her here . She was just a small girl but they still send her alone to live in this foreign country by herself. They paid for her everything and she doesn't lack anything here but she knows what it was like to live like this. She got enrolled in the best school in America , she lived in a big bunglow which only rich kids can afford. She even had her personal car to go her school and had private tutor in her home for her study. Home what a joke when did she ever had a home she is simply living like a rich orphan girl abandoned by her family.

Her father died when she is only two years old . Her mother is a housewife and doesn't have any way to earn money for herself and her daughter. So she eloped with a rich businessman after three years of her father's death .His wife had ran away with someone else and divorced him. He also has two children with his first wife - a daughter called Su Qi and a boy called Su Chen. Su Chen is five years older than her while Su Qi is only one year older than her.

When her mother is going to marry her step father had put a condition before her that after one year when new academic session will start she had to send her daughter far away from his family. In return he will arrange everything for her till she turn 17 and passed her high school . After that he will let her to come back in China and let her get admitted in university but after that she has to earn for herself for her livelihood . He will only pay her university fee and for other things she had to depend on herself. He only has his two children in his eyes and for her he has no affection . He only married his mother because he wants someone to take care of his childrens and her mother is a perfect choice . Because she is a simple minded person and has no knowledge about outside world.

Maria thought about her childhood looking at sky and soon fell asleep.

Next day she wakes up early in the morning since she has to go to meet Sophie. Sophie is her best friend since childhood and know her very well. They had decided to get ready in her home and left for the ceremony together . It's 6am Maria dressed in sports wear comes out of her bunglow because she has the habit to go out for jogging everyday . But today it's different because today is her last day in America, tomorrow she will be in China. She becomes sad as soon as she thinks about it but then she puts her sadness aside and started jogging in the field.