

Ight so there was this girl named Gabrielle but everyone called her Gabby for short, she was around 5,2 and she was absolutely beautiful like everyone had a crush on her but a lot of ppl didn't like to confess bc she turned down EVERY SINGLE GUY, like 20 dudes a week and I had a crush on her but never said anything bc she would say no ofc she was very weird towards me idk why but she would look at the ground a lot around me I thought it was bc I scare her (I am 5,8) and when I say stupid jokes that ik no one would laugh to she would laugh despite anything, the class was going on a field trip to a art place and I wasn't very fond of art and neither was she luckily we got chosen to sit next to each other on the bus, (never been so happy and afraid at the same time) she took the aisle seat so I was stuck by a window, we didn't talk much on the bus I played some games and outta nowhere she asks me(mind you we never had a conversation before) "do you have a crush on someone" my heart just when from 78 bpm to 150bpm I said as calm as possible "yeah hbu" yk what she says this girl said "yeah, who is your crush" I just remained silent and then changed the subject saying " hey do you do any sports"(ik quite well she does gymnastics) she said yeah and we became friends on the bus and stuff but I was bored out of my mind when we got there, I snuck off and when I was sneaking off I went behind a rock, a very large rock and just hid there untill I heard the voices dissappear I looked down bc I felt something warm on my leg Gabby was on the floor just staring at me. Her eyes were so damn beautiful like I had to stare back, little did I know I stared at her for like a solid minute before she looked at the floor again

"let's go somewhere with actual entertainment" I said

I held out my hand to help her up and she grabbed it in the most delicate way I remember that feeling of her hand to this very day, when I helped her up I saw a notebook

"whats in there?" I asked

"No-... Noth-... Nothing" she stuttered

I've never heard her stutter but it was so damn cute like a mouse yk? We walked and talked again

"so who is your crush?" she asked

I sighed

"Have you ever had a crush on someone and they happen to be popular but you also know they are WAYYY out of your league so you just watch them from afar and watch them fall in love with other ppl but then they don't?"I said

She looked a bit shocked at what I said

"You won't know untill you take the leap. Like let's say 'HYPOTHETICALLY' you liked me. Ok, and you see me turn down like 30 guys a day, you KNOW I don't like them but how will you know if I liked you? Again this is only a hypothetical question"

I was at a lost of words like never thought it about that way

"But let's just say hypothetically if I did like you(Which I do) and I saw you turn down every guy how would I ever know I got what it takes to keep you safe and keep you happy everyday, and if I fail how will I know how you'd react?" I responded

"Again that's the risk of liking someone you have to take a risk. You have to risk everyday of your heart being crushed, but if you trust them enough and love them enough you will learn that its ok to put your trust in them." she said making sure I understood everything

I never EVER thought about it that way, she's good at understanding this type of stuff

"So how will I be able to get the courage to ask them? How long will it take?"

"Its up to you that is a thing only you can solve yourself"

"But what if you are still scared regardless bc of other obstacles?"

Gabby looked puzzled bc she was trying to understand where I came from, she then laughed and just ran off.

She may have small legs but this girl can run, like we were down a large hallway and she was half way down it in 3 seconds, I decided to drop the subject and ran after her. Didnt take long but when I got to her she ran faster and then she tripped. Turns out tile floor isn't forgiving on your kneecap she slid on the floor, she started to cry bc her skinned knee I got worried so I picked her up and she instantly stopped and just stared at me again, I tried to smile and give her reassurance but I just looked weird, she laughed and then she stared at me for like 4 minutes(I felt her stare) while I was walking. She was really light then she gasped and said "What if blood gets on your hoodie!"

I just laughed and said "You don't have to worry about that I am more worried about how I am gonna explain this to the teacher"

I looked at her and tears where forming and she then cried, I was sad that she was crying

"what's wrong Gabby?" I asked

She then cried more and I put her down on her feet and just hugged her idk why but she looked like she needed a hug. She hugged me really tight like really tight

"I am sowrry I didnt mewn to I just wwanted to have fuwn, now your gonna get in trouble becawse of me(TRANSLATION: I am sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to have fun, now your gonna get in trouble bc of me)"

I picked her up while hugging her and she then decided its a good idea to wrap her legs around me, I whispered in her ear so no one could hear

" its alright I don't care about getting in trouble I am ok with it you don't have to worry I will be ok"

she stopped crying and then she looked at me again and just stared and I relized her legs were around me and that me face was very close to hers, she then buried her face into my shoulder and started to giggle, I laughed a little bit bc we went from becoming strangers to friends, and now I am holding my crush in my arms and she is hugging me with her arms wrapped around my neck, she then looked up and pointed in a random direction and said

"onward steed"

" yes ma'am" I replied

she then started playing with my hair while I was holding her, I told her while trying to not laugh "yk that tickles me" she laughed and said sorry and sorry about my hoodie again I said "you know what I am now ok with you messing with my hair" then she just rested her head on my shoulder and I was able to smell her perfume VERY clearly and she just said quietly "your hoodie is soft" and fell asleep, I sat down on the floor just waiting for a staff member to walk by bc our bus picks us up in 30 minutes, I saw one and asked if they have bandaids, the employee said" yeah we have some lemme go get some for you and came back 5 minutes later, and when I put Gabby on my lap facing away from me to put on the band aid she stirred a little bit and I looked down at her and noticed how beautiful she is when she's sleeping and how defenseless she looked I smiled and picked her back up and the employee asked "are you guys in a relationship?" I blushed REALLY HARD LIKE MY FACE WAS RED the employee laughed and said "well it seems like you guys aren't but it also seems one if not both of you have a crush on each other" I nodded and kept walking, Gabby woke up after 10 minutes and she apologized for sleeping she just thought it was soft and comfy I said its fine I didn't mind at all, she noticed the band aid and said thank you to me and I just nodded, we talked for a while and then I stared at her and she saw me looking so I just did the thing where your vision like goes blurry when your thinking and she then smiled and continued to hug me I then relized that we are gonna be late so I put her down on the floor and told her that our bus is gonna be here she checked her phone and then gasped and said "We gotta run like now our bus is here and they are leaving in 1 minute!" I didnt bother putting her down i just asked her to hold on tight and I ran so fast idk if it bc my back started to hurt from the constant weight( she felt like 110lb not too heavy but will be painful after a while) and when we were at the doors I asked if she can walk she nodded so I put her down her legs were asleep from being wrapped around me lol, and I held her hand for balance, when she got balanced again she held onto my hand a bit longer when I opened the door we let go and giggled, when we got back to our seats she saw that I was tired and then said I can sleep on her lap if I wanted to, never in my life have I ever turned to a tomato, it would be rude to say no so I accepted it when I laid down she started to run her hands through hair and I started to calm and when I started to sleep my hand moved and I felt something smooth touching it, I noticed it was her hand so I allowed it and I felt her compare her hands to mine it was cute my hands were large to hers but then I started to sleep again she held my hand and started to hum it was like listening to a angel. I fell asleep and when I woke up I relized that I was on Gabby and I sat up and she ask "how did you sleep" tbh I haven't slept that good in forever I told her those exact words she blushed and I saw and I smiled and I decided to say something that would make or break my day, so I said " so you have a crush imma take a guess, I think its Jack." She laughed bc everyone shipped them two all the time I said now your turn , she guessed someone that was my friend ( that was a guy) I said "heck no I don't like him I am into girls" she laughed and I knew she was teasing me and I teased her a little bit by saying "yk my dream had a angel humming it was amazing you should have heard it" she went from laughing to beet red I smiled, she put her head on my shoulder again and said" I like your hoodie its comfy" and I said something that was wayy to bold for me I said" I can take it off and put it on my lap for you" she said sure and she laid down and when she laid down she grabbed my hand and placed it on her head and said "can you play with my hair idk if I can fall asleep from the bus noises, I said ight and played with her hair and it was so soft like it felt like a cloud and I braided it bc I have a sister and she taught me somethings, I then saw she was already asleep judging by her breathing (i am good at fake sleeping bc I can even my breathing and make it seem like I am asleep) I then saw that the ppl across from us looked at me and I just put my finger over my mouth telling them to shut it, they laughed dont know why but I ignored them( I get bullied a lot so I am good at ignoring ppl) I then saw that Gabby hand was hanging off the seat so I went to bring it onto my knee but when I touched it she grabbed it and I heard her mumble "dont let me go please I don't want you to" I then whispered "I would never let you go Gabby I never will." She was asleep and I knew it but nice to think that I said that to her despite her being asleep. Then I held her hand the entire time and when we got there I nudged her a little bit and she was in some deep sleep to not be woken up by me and everyone yelling bc they were getting off I waited a little bit for everyone to get off and go home then I picked her up and put her on my back and walked to where she lived (she lives across the street from me so I just had to walk her to her parents) when I was walking off the buss the driver said " your such a good boyfriend" I told her that we are just good friends and she said " yeah ok like I am gonna belive that Gabby our star student, trusts all her friends enough to sleep next to them" I said whatever and walked home and when i tripped it woke Gabby up and I said sorry like 3 times and said it's ok and laughed, I asked her " do you trust your friends enough to sleep next to them?" She said "Nope, your just a special exception" I laughed and said "because two ppl thought that we were boyfriend and girlfriend" she laughed and said something thinking back on it i think I heard "hahaha not yet anyways" but I shrugged it off thinking she said something else... yeah she definitely said that I just asked her. She then hugged my back and said " why are you so comfy first your hoodie and now your shirt" i laughed saying that I put some magical comfy spell on it so she likes it she laughed when we got to her house she looked dissapointed I asked "what's wrong are you sad that you won't be able to hug my hoodie" she said "no thats not it" I said "welp here you go, have my hoodie as a thank you gift" she looked very confused but happy and took it and didn't question what I said luckily she then said "I have a secret come here so I can tell you it" I got really excited to hear it and when I got close she said "closer" and when I was literally 2inches away from her face Gabby kissed me on the cheek and said "take that as a gift for making that boring field trip fun and also the secret is you smell good" I was lost i just stood there and she said " you best hurry its getting dark out and your mom is probably gonna skin you alive from what I heard i said thank you and ran to my house, when I got there I told my mom EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. She laughed and bonked my head and said "when did I raise such a dense boy" I was confused by it and just ignored it and went to my room and passed out.

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