
The Beginning

" Both him and her are useless! All day he sleeps with no responsibility and she is a slut! She has affairs with the whole city's men! You are the greatest mistake of my life!!" He screamed.

Ana Woke up hearing this and sighed. As usual her Dad was arguing with her mom about her and her elder brother. Till date she couldn't fathom why does her dad treats them this way.

Ana had to get ready for school. She is studying in high school. She freshened up and wore her uniform.

Ana looked at herself in the mirror. She has an average figure not too fat nor slim. An Asian brownish skin color with deep brown eyes.

As she skipped downstairs —

" You were a pauper! My dad looked after me and your two kids for 8 years without asking you a penny! And now that you have settled you treat us as your burden!!"

*Sigh* I just walked past them out the door because I had my school bus to catch.

"See that ungrateful child. She didn't even bother speaking to either of us" I heard my dad yelling before closing the door.

It doesn't bother me anymore though. Since past few years mom and dad always argue related to everything. I walked through the footpath and stood at the bus stop.

My life was normal and perfect untill few years. There was nothing wrong with us though. All this is about money. He started raising heights in his business earning money in good sum. But that's where it all changed. We became an eye sore to him much to my confusion. My dad's family are way too much. Dad has one elder and one younger brother. Both of who leech off him. Sometimes I wonder why does dad even allow this. According to him marrying my mom was a regret because she is a foreigner. As a result, we are kinda like outcasts in the family. My grandpa is no longer alive but my grandma is. She hates my mom and us to the core. Being from olden times, she is against foreigners.

HONKKKKKK!!! The horn of the bus brought me back from my thoughts. I entered the bus and reached school. I don't mingle much with anyone. I love being alone. I ain't bragging when I say I am a top student in my class. I prefer being alone but some girls are always out to cause trouble with me. I went in my class there was 10 minutes till the classes began. I went to my seat next to Mae.

" Heyyy Anaaaaa! How are you babe. How was Shay's Party? Sorry I couldn't attend" Mae asked me. She is a cute petite girl. I was grateful she wasn't present to watch all that drama. Me and her were desk mates since past one year and I actually spoke more than few words with her and him—

"Hellooo? Where the hell is your mind. Stop daydreaming. " Mae waved infront of my eyes.

"Uhuh... Sorry I got zoned out. Was just thinking"

That's when Zidane Stood infront of my desk. "Hey Ana. I just wanted to tell.."

TRINNNGGGGG! The bell rang and Zidane walked back to his seat. I sighed in relief. I really wasn't interested in talking to him anytime soon.

The first period was Chemistry. The teacher began explaining about amino acids which are mild acids.

Speaking of acids. The highly toxic and acidic slut of the classroom, Ray. I don't know why she is after me though. Just two days ago we had a birthday party by our classmate Shai. She invited all of us. Me and zidane were pretty much close but not anymore. I was more open hearted with him but he just used me to prove himself worth of the mean gang in the class.

Okay let me elaborate. Zidane and me joined Last year in this prestigious school. As new students we totally hit it off. Friendly conversations, sharing notes, helping out each other and so on. But he chose the popular gang in the class which consisted of the mean girl Ray and her lackies. They were rich and popular. Not that I ain't rich but compared to them my family status comes 4th and hers 2nd.

Anyway back in Shay's party me and Zidane were invited we celebrated danced and that's when Zidane took me to the backyard. We spoke alot it was beautiful because Shay's parents decorated the backyard with fire lanterns. So it had the perfect rhythm with the dark starry night. But it wasn't perfect night for me.

"So.. Umm" Zidane felt awkward scratching his head.

"Yeah dude tell me"

"Nothing. I mean this place looks good right"

"Huh mm" I replied while finishing my ice cream.

"Ana...you know I have this connection with you"

"Ahmm.. Yeah so? " I wondered what's he trying to say and threw away the ice cream packet.

"There is ice cream on your lips"

"Hhh? What where? Here? " I tried rubbing my lips with my fingers

"No.. Let me "

That's when he leaned closer and rubbed my lips with his thumb.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I mean I really did like him. Considering he was soo friendly to me since the first day.

"Ana.. " "hmm!?" I was a nervous wreck.

Our eyes locked He leaned in closer I was breathing fast. I was nervous ' Is this going to be my first kiss!? Come on I mean I am 18 now'

"Zidane... " I whispered. That's when out lips interwined. I felt weak in my legs. I didn't know how to do it either. I just let him take control.

I felt his tongue licking my lips. I moaned in his mouth. His hands gripping my waist. I was gripping his shirt's collar because I could no longer breath.

" 'Clap, clap, clap' what do we have here!?" I came to my senses abruptly and pushed Zidane away. There stood My dad! Together with toxic Ray, her lackies and few other guests of the party.

'Oh damnn.. The whole world is out there come watch my first kiss or what!?!'

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