
Chapter 9 - Mother and Challenge - (Part 2)

Hiroto and co. quickly returned to the classroom, he immediately spotted Tomoko and as he walked towards her, it just happened that she was just finishing her food on her lunchbox, and was currently packing it up.

"Tomoko-chan, we.." Hiroto called her name and tried to explain but suddenly she was surprised at the cute name she was called as she happened to drop her chopsticks that fell on her the lunchbox

"!!!" she looked at him, it was merely for a second as there were a glimmer of light reflected at her bland dead eyes.

"O-o-ok" she packed her lunchbox quickly and put in her bag, after she gets up, she patted her skirt and the nonexistent dust as if to make her cute. She would probably be cuter if she fixed her dead looking eyes and her emo hairstyle.

They walk outside the classroom, Yasuo meet up outside the door and said to be careful as it was a "war at the office', though he was just exaggerating. Hiroto and Tomoko walked side to side to Kirisu's office.

Sensing that Hiroto was probably thinking about her before in his mind. Tomoko suddenly let out a dangerous red blush in her dead eyes. 

With Hirito's attribute, he can pick things like this and seeing Tomoko encompassed with a weird vibe, he felt a cold shudder pass through his body. He didn't mind this classmate of his and just increased his pace of walking, he didn't know what he felt or maybe it was because of the girl who was walking beside him.

While Tomoko followed him and that made it felt like an eternity, as she would sometimes show a subtle gaze at Hiroto, with her dead eyes. He knows and sensed that Tomoko probably wants to speak something to him, well, maybe it's just his imagination.

They reached Kirisu-sensei office, Hiroto glanced at the fully blushing Tomoko who started muttering a chant or something. He knocked at the door and Kirisu replied with a 'come in.'

Hiroto entered while Tomoko followed after she awakened from her daydream.

"Tamaki-san, bring the gym uniform to the class, and give it to Yasuo so he can distribute it.." Kirisu pointed at the big bag at the corner. 

"Okay, sensei!." Hiroto quickly got the bag and lifted it up, it was not heavy as he expected.

"Kuroki-san, bring this papers at the class, it should be easy for you, Tamaki-san and you can distribute it." Tomoko just nodded with a subtle nod, Kirisu seems to understand her quirky attitude as she didn't seem to mind Tomoko's antics.

The way back to the room was silent. Though, he could sense something from Tomoko, they were able to get back quickly. Yasuo orderly gave out everyone's uniform according to the seat arrangement.

Hiroto and Tomoko shared half of the math papers with each other before distributing it to the class.

Hiroto and the other students waited for the PE class to start. Hiroto just talked with Yasuo and Takeshi about stuff.


It was the time for the Physical Education Class, all males would stay on the classroom while females went to the changing room. Since the school just recently became a co-ed school.

Yasuo and every male started changing to their gym uniform.

"Huuu, these three days of training was really worth it! Even though I can't see the changes but, I can feel the improvements in my strength, though there still soreness." Yasuo said while touching his body.

"It's good that you're not slacking with your work out" Hiroto said while he unbuttons his long sleeve polo then removed it. Like a virus that affected the  internet, Yasuo shout attracted everyone's attention.

"Whoaa!" males that was looking were able to see Hiroto's body as they also let out an amaze shout.

Hiroto's body had a streamlined muscles. His 6 pack abs had a symmetry, it's like a work of art. Coupled with his good looks, its understatement for his title. (AN: Why do we need to describe his body? 😫). Male students who had seen it was amazed and was curious how he did it, of course there were some jealousy in their hearts.

"Hiroto.. Your improvements." Yasuo curiously raised his hand to touch Hirito's abs but quickly back away as he slapped Yasuo hands from him as if he was going to be defiled,.

"Wtf, Yasuo, you gay?" Hiroto quickly snapped at Yasuo.

"How did you do it? You're not this fit during the mid school, that's really awesome,is it because  of your workout?" Yasuo with an excited look.

"Yeah, I'm also curious." Takeshi also change to his gym uniform after he put back his glasses.

"Yeah, I started working out my body during vacation, That's why it became like this" Hiroto half lied to trick Yasuo and others.

"I see that make sense" Yasuo and the others nodded, while Hiroto thought, 'no it doesn't, it's not possible in 2 month, but you can get a fit body (if you had a regular weight and just don't exercise) in that time frame, though it will be hard to get this awesome."

They would not be able to workout and gain the same body Hiroto had gotten, even if they work out for their lives. It's not the same as bodybuilding, his body wasn't bulky and he doesn't really want to get it like that. It's more like the explosive strength in his muscles that seemingly hide under it, even if it doesn't show when he had clothes, underneath was a not so bulky but not so thin muscles but just rather toned and when touched, you'll be able to feel its hardness and muscle density. 'Don't treat the foundation pill same as workout.'

Hiroto sighed in his mind and quickly wear his jogging pants and PE shirt. It will be troublesome if he was bombarded with more questions.

Yasuo was the first to go out of the room, with his lead, all males students lined up as they head to the gym direction.

Everyone from class A was already on the gym looking at the class B with curiosity. Of course as the class A were all females, they were more curious to the boys from Class B.

Walking inside, Hiroto and co. was stunned by the curious looks of the girls from both a and b. Of course they were more looking at Hiroto. With his 'Riajuu' posture and his athletic type body, every other fangirls and other were slightly infatuated. While the other tried to fix up their looks and some tried to pose.

Maki who was waiting for the class to start were also wearing a tracksuit, after the class B males arrived, she would secretly glance at Hiroto for some time. Though Hiroto noticed it, as he waved and smiled at Maki leading to her blushing before turning her head with a 'hump'.

Hiroto doesn't know if he's friends with Maki or not, he would try to talk to her and be her friend, since this girls was very nice to tease and was honest to her feelings even with her tsuntsun persona.

While everyone who see his wave and smile got heartstruck and was fangirling with their shout and gossip. Thankfully they didn't come to Hiroto or even he won't be able to stop them.

They wait for the PE teacher to come. While Yasuo, Takeshi and other pervs were lamenting over their bad luck.

"We're here Yasuo, but where is it. where is the b-bloomers!" Takeshi gossiped while he removed his glasses and try to wipe it with his shirt.

"I know Takeshi we're really unfortunate" Yasuo who was slumped his shoulders down while looking out  but seeing all girls wearing tracksuit that didn't show skin aside from their head and hands, there was a drop of tears that fall in his cheeks.

The PE instructor had arrived and explained about warmups and exercises. He tasked his students to go and find partners for an exercise. A and B PE class was joined, so every male student from class B was overjoyed on their heads, the only bad thing was that there was no bloomers albeit ther was Kirisu-sensei warnings on sexual harassment and that was embedded to their minds.

"You can also partner with the other class, the males can partner with girls if they get their approval. It's better for the two class to know each other because this would be a combined class for the whole year, that's all!" The instructor shouts so everyone in the gym can hear him loud and clear

"Yasuo! Wanna partner with me?" Takeshi readily invited him as he approached Yasuo, with a flick on his hands to his glasses.

"But..." Yasuo look at Hiroto with hesitation on his face.

"It's okay, I can invite others to become my partner" Hiroto looked at Maki who was still secretly glancing on him from time to time. Maki quickly retracted her gaze on him.

Maki's reaction got Hiroto interested as Hiroto approached Maki but seeing this, she tried to back away and was going to run but Hiroto was fast and caught her hand quickly, she didn't have time to react.

"Wait!, why are you running?" Hiroto felt Maki soft hand quiver, he lessen his hold on her hand. While Maki was still unable to move, like she was stunned by the events Meanwhile, her blush was still ongoing.

"W-what? You got something from me?" this situation made Maki remember their previous meeting, she didn't turn around and just closed her eyes, while she waits for Hiroto's answer.

"Yes, can I be your partner?" Hiroto straight to the point and that gives 1000x damage to every fangirl out there. Everyone noticed the scene of Hiroto who ran and caught Maki's hand like it was a confession or something. Now every girl who knows Hiroto use their 'Kyaa' while some just look at the interesting scene. The instructor was going to stop Hiroto as he felt it was forceful and be counted as a harassment but he waited for Maki's answer because she was just blushing in all of this process.

"...If you want a p-partner, there's your fangirls and many other girls!" Maki burst with embarrassment as she tried to remove her hand at Hiroto's hold. This was already the second time her first time was taken. 

"I want you to be my partner " Hiroto said with a straight face, while Maki who had her back looked at Hiroto not processing what she just heard.

"Eh?" Maki was surprised with Hiroto's answer, her face turned more and more red, her other hand closed tried to hide her face in embarrassment as she didn't know how to answer.

"Kyaaa.. What is this a  movie drama?!" Girl A feel a sense of deja vu when she heard Hiroto's answer. 

"Why do I feel I am in a movie?" Girl B stars to looking around wanting to find the cameras set up

"Doesn't she seems familiar, ah-h she was the red haired girl at the library, Hiroto-kun had also pulled her hands like this one, so that's why I felt this was similar." Girl C while thinking of the other scene in her dreamy head.

"Maybe they're in a relationship with each other" Girl D said while looking sadly at the development. Other who wants Hiroto's attention felt the same, they felt Hiroto was interested with Maki, or already had a relationship with her but they can't do anything about it. Ha-a, it look liked their plan of love letters was dismissed.  

"That guy is good, why can't I become like that" male students was cursing at this guys bravery, while Yasuo and Takeshi saluted and praised Hiroto in their hearts.

The instructor was looking at Hiroto with a suspicious look, any bad reaction from Maki would make him move, try to scold and punish him. He the instructor didn't even have the guts such as this at a ex-female only school. Why this student of his had alrwady done something in his first day in his class. He felt resentment to this guy.

"Choose a partner already!, don't make any commotion!" the instructor said snappily while looking at Hiroto and Maki, but they didn't seem to react to him, seeing made a tick to his bald head..

"Whoaaa, Hiroto since when did he become this bold at approaching girls!" Yasuo was surprised with Hiroto's sudden move to, well his surprise was understandable, Hiroto was the same as Yasuo before, before though.

"I respect that guy, Yasuo, Hiroto is our man." Takeshi felt admiration to this guy, he was a glasses type nerdy guy who girls doesn't, but it didn't mean that he doesn't want a girlfriend. He just doesn't know how to approach one.

Tomoko was in her fantavision while she looked at them dreaming about herself experience something like that. Though, her expression didn't show any of that.

"Look Kayochin that guy is brave nyaa" the energetic orange haired girl look at them with an iconic :3 cat like face.

"He is like a prince in fairytales" the light green haired girl said with stars on her eyes.

Just a quick minute Maki finally accepted his invitation. "Don't misunderstand this, I don't want to be the center of commotion" Maki defensively said while having an angry expression to hide her embarrassment, she eyed the others who was looking at them, and seeing this others tried to look at other things.

The instructor calmed down and seems that they know each other, he doesn't want to deal with things like this as it might implicate his teacher life here.

Maki's blush didn't leave her face.

Hiroto was happy inside and pull Maki's hand closer. "You don't have to be that distant, i heard you asking me something, if you don't get close to me, how would I know, this is a great chance to exercise our friendship." Hiroto with a low voice said to Maki with a big smile on his face as he looked at her, while it seemed forceful from him, he thought of why Maki wasn't in the music room in the last days, and felt like she was avoiding him. He was already interested in being her friends with her in the first place.

Maki who was red as a tomato nodded and did not meet Hiroto's look.

The instructor seeing them this close felt punching Hiroto, but since Maki was okay with it. As everyone had already chosen their partners, he started the warm up for everyone with a loud fake cough.

The commotion ended, every interested students was still glancing while they gossip to their friends.

While they are helping each other to stretch up "Nishikino-san, the other day.. You told me something after you left.. I want to hear it again" Hiroto was pushing Maki's body downward.

"I-I want… I want you to teach me how to play something that can move people's hearts with piano.." Maki finally opens her heart a little bit to Hiroto. 

"I seems you finally open up eh, okay I will teach you everything I got." Hiroto gently smiled to Maki, like a gentleman that finally saw his true happiness.

"Since when did you play a piano?" Maki finally have the courage to ask Hiroto a question.

"My mother was a pianist, you can say she taught me when I was a child." 

"Your mother? Your surname is Tamaki, are you.. Are you Tamaki Mamako's son?! The famous musician recognized in the music industry?!" Maki was surprised that she even forgot that they were still stretching. It was because ever since she was still a child, she sometimes heard Tamaki Mamako's performance from the television or when they are on a family trip they saw Tamaki Mamako's performance in person. Maki was inspired by her and that leads her wanting to play piano and had come to love music, but too bad she's an inheritor of a hospital that her father own so she can only dream of herself being a pianist that can make people smile. 

"You know my mom?" Hiroto was also surprised by the outcome, he had already searched on his predecessor's memory about his mother but what he only was that his mother left him to chase her dream and about the treatment. He never once did imagine that his mother was famous. No, it seems like his predecessor doesn't even care about his parents so he didn't know.

But thinking about his morning talk with his mom, Hiroto smiled naturally, Maki sees this and thought that his smiling face was really handsome. Hiroto talked about his Mom while Maki was intrigued and curious about his life.

After their stretching, was the test for sprint, standing long jump and etc. Hiroto was finally warmed up and thanked Maki helping him out, leading to her blush again. Well there was skinship here and there, but with just some tussle on each other, nothing really happened. 

Now the instructor allowed them to continue with a sports they like, with many different sports available, some male's asked for a basketball game with each other so that they can show off. 

After hearing that they will be having a basketball, Takeshi invited Yasuo and Hiroto to join the basketball game, since they already played ages before, and in computer games. They didn't like this sport much when they were younger. But now they wanted to play again. Yasuo and Takeshi had some experience in playing during their middle school when they're still not an otaku.

"Hey, can Rin join?, Rin is very good at sports! I will never lose to everyone! nya~" Rin raised her hand, the short orange haired girl energetically said while she approached the teaming boys who created a circle.

Well she wanted to participate in basketball, it seems she was boyish as she said with a straight face on the boys, though the boys thought that her verbal tick was really cute. They boys declined first but Rin rebutalled with a puff face.

"Rin is really good at sports, muhu, Rin will ask the instructor if you don't allow me to join nyaah" while she said with wronged looked, leading to the boys raising their hand in defeat as was put in the opposite team of Yasuo's group. 

"Do your best Rin-chan" the timid light green haired girl cheered Rin while she clenched her fist on her chest front.

While Hiroto borrowed the ball and tried to practice for a few moments before the game starts, well he had too, because he didn't have much experience and only his past life had some and his predecessor don't. 

Maki was glancing at him at the side as she wasn't really that athletic as her reflexes was really bad so she didn't join any game. While she cheered Hiroto from her mind though it only made her blush outside. She watched his antics, while she tried to not bother about others glance at her. 

Yasuo was placed as the role of the center in. He was responsible for passing the ball to the point guard when tossed at the center of the field by the referee, since he was taller than any of his teammates except Hiroto, while on the other side the male center is just a little bit taller than Yasuo. As for Hiroto he was the power forward of the team an all rounder. As for Takeshi he's the point guard who will handle the ball and perform a best pass for his team. 

Yasuo and the male center walk at the middle of the basketball field and prepared to pass the ball behind them. The instructor acted as referee, with a whistle on his mouth, he tossed the ball high up in the air as both Yasuo and the other male center responded quickly by jumping as high as they could in order to reach the ball that was thrown Yasuo was the first one to touch the ball in the air and pass it to Takeshi. Takeshi catches it and dribles it, first he jog towards the enemies field territory but all of a sudden it was stolen from his hand as he saw a glimpse of an orange hair pass through out of nowhere. Hiroto also noticed as he dashed towards their basket baseline  and raised his hand in order to block Rin's shooting position but Rin misdirected Hiroto which caught him off guard as she faked her shot while dribble the ball to the side inorder to avoid Hiroto who's blocking her path. She easily passed Hiroto and shoots the ball close to the basket, leading her team a score of 2. (AN: We don't really know how to play basketball.)

Rin technique in basketball was really good. Thought by Hiroto feeling pumped and feeling competitive he looked more serious.

The game continued with the other team Rin as like playing solo, while the other with their combined effort tried to stop and sometimes to score. Hiroto was leading the team, even though he didn't have much experience in basketball, but he compensated with his dexterity and visual acuity as he was able to catch up to Rin movement after some time. The game continued with  Rin's skillful play and Hiroto's quick reactions. While they seemed to focus, the two of them was actually having fun, as Hiroto hadn't exerted this type feeling before and he felt that having a competition with other us great. 

Every shot in the basket would lead the watching crowd clap and shout. Hiroto's fangirls were more excited than usual, as they seen him sweating more and more. His body outline become more visible. While Maki who was watching the game had a blush in her face as she unintentionally glimpse at his over becoming seen body.

The instructor referee stopped the game at the two round, he sighed. These two students was really athletic and they made the game interesting, maybe he should recommend them for upcoming competitions. He whistled while he shouted the fin score.


Rin's group won a large margin, since Hiroto didn't have a good grasp of rules and regulations in basketball, he had made few mistakes leading to the other group getting more score. He tried his very best but it seems you can't easily beat this laughing Rin with her cat like :3 existing on her face.

"Rin feel you didn't give your 100%, so i challenge you to another game nyaa" 

"Then, what game would you like to play" Hiroto felt competitive, with this girl who can head to head with his physicality, he felt bad about losing since he wasn't accustomed to the game. But in the end he had some fun and since there is still a time for another game, why not.  

Hiroto looked at Maki before smiling and waving. She give out a goodluck sign while there was a slight blush on her.


End of part 2

[We'll take a break tommorow as we would be planning the future story plot.]

Tired and sleepy

Review is very nice.

Stones is cool.


ColeSly, NaiRui

Sakura_Mikocreators' thoughts
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