
Chapter 11


Hiroto woke up early and was feeling a bit uncomfortable to the sofa were he slept. He rubbed his back only to see a certain mother who was curiously looking at him.

"Why didn't you join me last night" Mamako pouted then followed.

"Okaa-san was going to tell you bedtime stories"

"Mom, I am not a kid anymore"


Hiroto immediately wears his tracksuit and gets out for his daily training.

Now he thought about it 'Isn't the park getting crowded everyday?' There were many girls in the park as if they are waiting for someone in the park.

"That boy hadn't been working out these few days I wonder what he's doing"

"Eh, maybe he got a girlfriend"

"Noo, I would volunteer for that position.

The girl in the crowd noticed Hiroto getting closer.

"Ah, he's here." Girl A said with an excited smile on her face.

"Eh? Where?" every girl in the crowd looked behind.

"Kyaaa, he's really here." girl b said."

Hiroto suddenly stopped before the entrance of the park. 'It seems I need to look for another place to exercise.'

Hiroto doesn't want to be bothered by the girls in the park so he turned around and jogged in another direction to look for a place which was not crowded.

"Ahhh he ran away! Chase after him!" The girl seems to be the leader who commanded the girls to chase Hiroto. But too bad Hiroto was too fast that leaves every girl out of breath, some of the girls have a good stamina and chase after him. Hiroto looked back and saw some of them were still chasing him, so he finally ran and turned to another way to lose them.

After Hiroto lost them he finally heave a sigh of relief then started to look for a place, after half an hour he saw a long staircase which led to a shrine. 'I guess, this is a perfect place. If I remember correctly this is Mojin Otokozaka stairs. It seems not crowded and makes my level of training a bit higher.' Hiroto started to run on the stairs, it seems that he is having fun running on stairs rather than only jogging everyday to the park.

"Hoo-oh, I think this stairs can give me more leg power, but I think I need to go back now too bad. " Hiroto looked at his wrist watch, his mother will be worried of him if he stay too long.

Hiroto ran down the stairs, after getting home he washed his body and changed his uniform. He

Went downstairs and happily ate and talked with his mother.

"Don't forget to go home early, okaa-san will be waiting for you"


The homeroom was going to start, Kirisu-sensei entered the room. She quickly said,

"There will be no afternoon classes."


Yasuo and everyone was already celebrating in their minds.

"But you all would have an exam for two hours, I have been preparing. The student council would be your proctor"

"And everyone should give their best and get a passing score, that's all" Kirisu-sensei cold glance at the room was felt by everyone before she left the room.

"Were fucked.'' Every boy felt the same, while Yasuo was interanally cursing why they had a get together yesterday rather than learning.

"I haven't studied yet, lets cram for a bit, just don't get noticed by the teachers"

"Let's do this!" while every male 'ohh' with a determined expression.

Hiroto liked their enthusiasm, well everyone still had a chance if they're lucky enough. Yasuo was urged by Takeshi before so they already had knowledge for it.

"Hiroto, have you studied enough to pass the exam?" Takeshi asked while he fixed his glasses.

"I go to the library everyday, what do you expect me to do there?

"Chasing girls?"x2 as Yasuo and Takeshi said the same thing.

"Did you think I'm a skirt-chaser, Why don't you join me, you can see for yourself." he signed while he shaked his head in disappointment to his two friends.

"Yeah yeah but no thanks, we don't want to see you flirting with that red hair girl while we bitterly study." Yasuo and Takeshi tactfully decline.

"Hey, don't you trust your friend."

"Look who's not joining with us everyday."

"ahh-h sorry?"


"WTF!, Your tsundere face looks disgusting, hey Takeshi stop Yasuo"


The morning class ended abruptly, the teacher quickly gave an assignment for the first time.

"Tomoko, who had brought a lunchbox with her, looked at Hiroto who was preparing to go to the library. She was blushing and fidgeting as if she was going to speak, she

"T-tamaki-kun, c-can I-i-i, join you to eat l-lunch?"

Students begin to gossip to themselves.

"Hey that silent girl had guts"

"Hiroto would decline her is he?"

"But you know their infatuated look at Hiroto tells us that she had a crush on him."

Every fangirl would, with good looks and an athletic body with his bonus piano skill. Well everything he had was perfect except his lonesome personality as he only talked to the people he knows and already acquentade. For them, Hiroto would only speak a bit if they disturb him, so it was just better to look afar and be the members of the Hiroto fanclub eternally.

"That emo girl was ahead of us already, what do we do?"

"They know each other after all."

Hiroto, who just heard Tomoko's gladly accept her.

"Sure, I'm going to eat at the library, you don't mind that?"


"Okay then let's go" Hiroto with his things marched to the library, while Tomoko skittered behind him, seemingly afraid of the looks from the other girls.

Hiroto and Tomoko found an unoccupied table and sit there. The other girls didn't disturb the two, though that only made Tomoko shyer. Hiroto asked her straightly

"You don't seem to talk too at our other classmate?" Hiroto looked at the embarrassed girl whose eyes were going circle as if she wasn't handling the situation very well.

Tomoko calmed herself down, she dropped her head while saying stutteringly.

"I-i h-haven't-t made f-fri-e-end-s w-with-others y-y-et."

"Calm down, you don't need to be shy about, just talk to me normally, deep breath and relax." Hiroto calmed her down, while she tried hard, though there was still shyness left. Seeing that Tomoko wasn't speaking he smiled.

"Do you mind if you be my friend, I can help you experience with others so you won't stutter that much."

"Ok" she quickly replied with a high pitched tone of voice.

The diminutive girl was really a mystery, she had her emo hair and from her eyes she seems to be a person who always stays up at night, well his predecessor was the same as her.

"Don't stay up late, you won't get cute if you do so."

"C-c-u-te?!" she wasn't looking at Hiroto bit she seems to be bursting already, 'Aiya, it seems I overdid it' Hiroto thought as he followed up.

"Well we need to eat our lunch, i'm already hungry"

Tamako didn't reply as she seemed to be in a daze.

Well Hiroto flicked her head but she didn't process what he said, then in that moment she realized what just happened like a bucket of water, her head was filled with red of embarrassment.

Hiroto scratched his head then ignored Tomoko's reaction for now, it seems it would be hard for this girl to fix her personality. He opened his lunch and ate while he glanced at the girl beside him. Tomoko ate her lunch afterwards but they didn't talk much later. Meanwhile, Hiroto was the one who had talked all of the time.

At that time he wondered why Maki didn't visit the library this time..


Both Hiroto and Tomoko got back to the room. There was no lesson for the noon class but they had an exam, so when he got on the classroom he saw all of his classmates busily reading books and notebooks they jutted in the lessons.

Seemingly time didn't pass much when the pink haired teacher came in. All the students quickly hide their materials before sitting and looking at Kirisu-sensei with different expressions.

"Ayase-san of the Student Council would be your proctor for the test, if you got caught cheating, you won't do well after that, is that okay?"

"Yes sensei"

"You can come in now, Ayase-san" Kirisu sensei calling was cold but that's just her. She walked to the door and talked to Eli for a bit before going out of the classroom but not before eyeing every males that made their bones chill.

Eli collected the papers then passed it to the students. She looked at Hiroto and Yashi and gave them 'good luck.'

"Listen the exams will consist of..yada.yada.yada, good luck to everyone."

Eli looked at her wrist watch as she set up a timer on her mind before she officially began the exam.

While every male seemed to know the mighty student council attitude towards cheaters, so every one of them didn't have the courage to cheat, so they have to rely on their own abilities.

After the exam finished, Yasuo slumped down while he relaxed. While the other was not so good, the surprise exam was really a surprise for them. Even studying just now could only help them with a handful of questions

"I think I can passed this time, hehe"

"Well we studied a bit after all, all we need to do was recall it" Takeshi with a flick on his glasses, a beam of light emitted from it. Takeshi followed.

"I think Hiroto would pass as well, as he always goes to the library." Yasuo said with a joking manner.

"Maybe you're right"


He performed at the auditorium again, while before he was able to go, he was held back by the newspaper club for an interview.

"Are you related to Tamaki Mamako, the professional pianist in the country?"

"Yes she is my mom"

The listener could not help but gasp, it seems his piano skills were inherited so they didn't bother it for now. Though with this information, it seems his life would get more rowder.

"Do you have a girlfriend right now?"

"No, I don't have any" Hiroto shook his head.

"Then do you have someone you like?" the member of the newspaper club's eyes shine brightly

"No, I don't think I have someone I like yet" Hiroto scratched his cheek and shyly smiled.

"According to our investigation Nishikino Maki the first year student seems rather close to you and some rumored that you two are secretly going out and some saw you two inside the music room playing a piano while flirting with each other."

"She recently became my friend and we are not going out . As for the music room I am teaching her about playing a piano since she is also playing that musical instrument.."

"I see, then other girls still had a chance it seems." The member of the newspaper club wrote all the details that Hiroto said in her notebook.

The interview only lasted for 10 minutes, he heard a clapping and the overzealous girls who heard the information. It was the start of the frenzy, he didn't know he just unleashed the tide. He skipped and hastened his steps before hiding in the music room.

"Look Umi-chan, you heard Hiroto-kun had a girlfriend they said." Honoka point to Hiroto and the interviewer

"No, Honoka-chan, Hiroto-kun said that he doesn't have any so Umi-chan still had a chance!"

"What are you talking about you two?!" Umi was furiously blushing listening to the two girls talk.

- - - -

Hiroto closed the door and saw Maki playing the piano. She heard the noise of the door and saw Hiroto entering before she stopped playing the piano.

"Hey, why don't you hear my performance at the auditorium, you were always alone here, don't tell me you haven't made friends in your class?"

"W-what are you sayin, of course I have friends!"

"I'm already your friend, right?

"Who wanted you to be a friend."

"Oh come on."

"By the way, you didn't come to the library on lunch just now?."

"We didn't have any class at noon, Why are you asking, you are waiting for me there?"

"Yeah, that's right"


"...." Hiroto scratched his head. Did he make this girl angry. Girl's emotions were really weird sometimes. But at least she

Hiroto taught her as usual while they're 'friendly' banters got better.


-Chairwoman POV

"Everyone already knows the situation of the school, while we tried to alleviate the expenses by adding few males to the freshmen. It wasn't enough, but at least the school was extended so that everyone enrolled would be able to graduate." chairwoman said sadly, while she seems reluctant as well to leave this school as it was something that was important to her.

They already reminded at the freshmen ceremony that they might be the last batch of graduates at the school. They were more worried if some freshmen students would fail in their grades, if that's the case then they wouldn't be able to accept them as they were the last batch. The cause of this problem was because of the fewer enrollment of students. Since there were many academies that had better terms in everything so new freshmen would choose the better one.

"The freshmen had only 2 classes, while we tried to implement co-ed education, it seems that other academies still had better advertisements than us." Teacher from the upper class said.

"Sadly that's true, we can only hope for everything would go as planned" Kirisu-sensei said.

"All professors would tell their homerooms about the meeting on monday, and also we would be busy for the coming weekend" the chairwoman followed.

"Yes chairwoman" everybody replied.

"And by next week, you all teachers must ensure the grades of the students must at least have passing grades when terms comes." the chairwoman continued.



Hiroto went back early, which surprised Mamako. Later Mamako said to get ready for their 'date' well they changed their dress and after that they took a taxi.

"Where should we go mom?"

"Let's see, I think Starmall should be fine"

"Or we could eat first, what do you think, Hiroto kun?"

"You decide for it mom, since you're always away and everywhere I think you're more familiar in the city than I. What I only wanted is to accompany my mom as a family. "

"My, Hiroto-kun had really grown up" Mamako was so pleased that her son was able to think maturely. While hugging Hiroto.

"H-hey stop that mom, it's an embarrassing look, The driver is looking at us." The driver who is happily looking at them from the front. While Hiroto was struggling

'What a lovely family' the driver nodded in approval while remembering his own family waiting for him at home.

At the taxi stopped "We are here, Enjoy your trip" The driver smiled.

"Ara, Thank you. Driver-san" Mamako bows on the driver and gives the fare to the driver.

"Let's go." Mamako giggles and hugged Hiroto's right arm.

"Mom, stop that. Look, many people are already looking at us." Hiroto shyly look down not wanting to face the crowd

"Hehe They're jealous, I got a handsome son to accompany me.." Mamako tightly hugs Hiroto's right-arm not wanting to let go.

"Keep accompanying mom," Mamako dragged Hiroto to the entrance and still hugging his arms

"Okay okay." Hiroto on the other hand helplessly sighed and follow Mamako

"We should go to Fashion store first, okaa-san needs a dress for her next trip." They stopped in front of a store full of high quality dresses for females. Mamako was delighted, she hurried him while she held his hand.

Hiroto felt helpless while he smiled a bit, he got dragged to the different fashion shops, well he was the one who will give every opinion to the dress his mother will wear, while sometimes she would pick for him as well. He was a bit worried about the prices but she told him not to worry and treat it as a gift from her mother., well he accepted while he dropped his head not before being patted at his head.

"Hiroto, What do you think?" Mamako slid the curtain to the side, showing her casual black dotted silk dress that doesn't hide her mature body. Her D cup (ehem) was fully accentuated with the wear making her look more gorgeous and defining.

"You look pretty mom." Hiroto gasped in speechless, he should not really react like that.

"I'm so happy, then I would pick this dress, come one here, you should try this as well."

In that meantime, they would gather the attention of other ladies shopping, well the pretty and the handsome mother-son duo was that eye catching. Even the lady seller would blush from Hiroto's who was changing his wear with a helpless expression.

"You should try this mister" The lady seller recommends a good suit for Hiroto.

"Out of consideration I will only allow you once, only Okaa-san can recommend to Hiroto-kun" Mamako get the recommended suit that the seller gives and handed it to Hiroto.

"Your his mom?!" The seller was so surprised by the words of Mamako. She can't believe that this beautiful lady was actually that handsome boy's mother.

"Is there something wrong with that?, hmpf!"

Mamako selected other american clothes for him to try.

"Try this Hiroto-honey." Mamako smiled brightly.

"..." Hiroto gave up his resistance and just tried some of the clothes.

Hiroto brought some money with him, he would buy necessities for his SP endeavor since he wants to try and see if it would be able to reap some SP, to a different type of grinding.

"See this phone Hiroto-kun, doesn't it look nice"

"Mom that has a pink color, I don't want that, and it's not cheap, look at the price it has many zeroes on it."

"Ehh, mah what about this" Mamako showed in front of his face, one of the latest android phones. 'Chamchung S10' Brand.

"Mom that's not cheap as well. Let's pick another one."

"But Okaa-san pick it for you, see I also have this one as well, we would have pairs, don't you think it's sweet?"

"...Sigh, thank you mom" Hiroto didn't know what to say anymore, but he was feeling a bit weird inside. That weird feeling that he doesn't understand since he's previous life, the warmth of being spoiled and being with someone.

"Don't feel bad, this is so that Okaa-san could see you more clearly even if i'm far away"

"Okay okay."

Hiroto passed by the camera store and bought a Dogitech webcam. It seems to be a good brand here. Well, Mamako had seen him looking and selecting so she bought it for him as well. While Mamako was busy, he quickly bought other miscellaneous things needed for his upcoming SP grinding. For his photography, well he didn't buy one for now, a camera was more pricey than a webcam and he didn't want to let Mamako buy more.

"Hiroto-kun, that's where you are , what are you doing here, you bought another one without asking for your Okaa-san, I will get angry you know.


You can't easily escape Mamako's clutches, she was like she had a radar in her head. Hiroto facepalmed at what he was thinking.


After shopping, he was dead tired. Women would always be energetic when it comes to shopping. Hiroto had already filled all parts of his body with shopping bags. Mamako still wanted to shop though, but it was already late so they ate at the fast food first, while they attracted people's attention. They quickly returned home after that, he realized shopping was more tiring than workout.

"Mom what time will you go?" Hiroto asked.

"Early in the morning, you asking that, you're already missing your Okaa-san?" Mamako put her hand on her mouth with a 'fu-fu-fu' sound.

"Yes, Even though it's been three days feels like a day for me. I'm gonna be sad" Hiroto shyly laugh

Mamako saw the vision of young Hiroto again for a moment then said "..... Don't worry, I will come back as soon as possible next month. " Mamako hugged Hiroto and gently pats his head with moist eyes.

Hiroto let his mother hug her a bit longer.

"It's okay mom, even though you and father were not in the house, I am strong to live alone." Hiroto rest assured his mother for being worried about him after she's away

"You're still my child, I can't stop worrying. Hehe"

- - - -

Hiroto typed for an hour and finished another chapter of Vol 2. He uploaded Chapter 4 of Vol 1. Meanwhile, he linked his contact information to his author page. Then he got ready to sleep, first he checked his door to see if it was locked. Then he slumped at his bed. He looked at his SP first.

[SP: 496]

With a smile he closed his eyes. He had many things to do tomorrow.


If you find errors please mention to us.

lol its weird.

Mamako in tagalog literally means 'my mother'.

Last scene of Mamako while she go away, sad boi MC-kun

ColeSly, NaiRui.

Sakura_Mikocreators' thoughts
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