
The Solstice

As I drink the blood, he watches me, I do not spill a drop. When I am done with the blood Terminus is looking at me intently. I feel self conscious about what just happened as he looks at me. Why must he look at me so is he pleased or did I do something wrong?

"I will need you to escort me to the Solstice, there is a dress waiting for you in your room" He says as he turns to leave the room and check on everything. "Also I have moved your room to one right across the hall from mine as you are no longer a maid in my house."

"As you wish my lord" I say with a bow as he leaves the room, I clean up the room before I leave and head to my new room. This will be the first time I have been to the solstice as a guest and not a maid serving. I walk back to my room and there is a lovely dress laid out on my bed. The dress is a deep creamy Ivory color with a black lace trim on the bottom. On the back of the dress was three long tassels that ran from the waist to near the bottom of the dress the tassels had an intricate pattern woven in. The front of the dress had two more of the same designed tassels. There was a lace like belt adorned with a black rose on the waist of the dress. The top of the dress was cleverly designed and had an Ivory lace that hung off the shoulders and hanging from the lace was golden gems dangling on black strings. It had very short sleeves. Tears begin to fall down my cheeks, the dress is lovely and far nicer than anything I have ever owned. When did he even have this dress placed here, was he planning this for a while? How can I even thank him for such a lovely gift? I wonder if everyone will look down on me for being just a simple maid, I do not think being turned into a half vampire makes me more then what I was. I go and take a shower and get cleaned up, once I am done, I dry off. I put my hair up in a nice up-do style with a few strands hanging down in curls. As I put the dress on it hugs my every curve as if it was tailored just for me. I feel like a princess.

Guests start to show up for the solstice party. The butlers did an amazing job with the tree, it is trimmed all in silver and gold. The kitchen staff did an amazing job with all the finger foods and punch and the table is set up like a buffet. I go around fixing what flowers I can without being seen, as some of them are a little off. Terminus catches sight of me, as our eyes meet, I see an emotion cross his face I have never seen before. It was so fleeting I am not even sure I saw it. Terminus is thinking to himself wow she looks so beautiful in that dress just as I knew she would. My dearest Shelly that was to be your wedding dress and you are a vision in it. What am I thinking that is not Shelly but Knittin, I can't help it she looks and acts just like Shelly he says to himself as his eyes meet Knittin's.

I walk over to him so that we can meet the guests as they enter the ballroom for the Solstice. The Duke Azrael Terminus' brother shows up with is wife the Mistress Vesta. I bow and welcome them even though I know they are the ones who killed Shelly. I feel they will try and betray my lord yet again, his brother is power hungry its all he is after. As we greet more and more guests, I start to feel more comfortable as it seems that no one knows that I was once nothing but a simple maid. The lord asks me to dance with him and I agree. He gives me his hand to take me out to the dance floor, I take his hand with butterflies in my stomach. As we dance, I see the Duke and his wife off in a corner and it looks like they are scheming, if I was just human, I do not think I would have ever even notice them. Once the dance is over, I excuse myself from my lord and go to get a drink. After I grab my drink, I get close enough to somewhat hear what the duke is talking about with his wife.

"Vesta, you know he has more than likely killed all our spies and that is why we have not heard from them" Azrael says to his wife.

"I figured as much, but what in the world is up with that woman escorting him to night, she looks just like Shelly" Vesta says with shock and venom in her voice.

"I saw that, but we killed Shelly I am sure of it, so how can she be here now and in the wedding dress nonetheless" Azrael says with the same venom to his voice.

"Maybe we should kidnap her and kill her too since it seems your brother has feelings for her" Vesta says as she pulls out the same dagger that killed Shelly.

"Not here we will take our time, we need to make a good plan before we act" Azreal says as he takes his wife's hand and leads her out to dance.

The solstice party goes on for a few more hours. As the guest start to leave and the party comes to a close. After all the guests have gone the maids start to clean, all but one maid Daisy must have snuck off early to go to sleep. Such a lazy thing she is. I help the staff to clean up for a little bit, then I go to find my lord in his study. There is no answer and it has begun to snow. I head to my room for the night I can talk to the Lord about what I had heard later.

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