
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Unknown Creatures Or Being

As we walked thought the sewer, I got the feeling of us being watched and its versing unsettling.I looked around using my ability to easily see in the dark.Later I thought I seen something move in from the shadows.Then there came a low growling sound.

" what the hell was that" Undyne said.

I look over to the other side of the water way and seen a creature that usually not hostile to other monsters.

" that my friend is a shadow monster they been here before the war started" I said

" Are they hostile ?"G asked

"As far as i dealt with them they are not usually hostile unless they feel threaten or that they are on the hunt for food" I said

I can tell this one is a little off but its best that we stay out of its way and not draw it to us.

" What we do about that thing?" Undyne asked.

" do not try anything to it we can not harm or kill them unless we possessed the ability to use shadow weapons against them."I said.

" Do you have such power like that?"Undyne asked.

" I do actually but its only cause their queen taught me how to use it "I said

" They have a queen?" G asked

"Yes Her name is Kyoko and she is very kind,But her world is in shambles her kingdom was ruled by Her father he was cruel and argent.Her mother has sent Kyoko away to be safe from her father. When she found out her mother died. She vowed that she will be better then her father and more like her mother. But years past and her father was murdered by a unknown being and Kyoko took the thrown."I said

"Gees what a rough life to have for a girl like her" Undyne said.

" She tries her best to get the town to turn back to normal beings"I said.

" you mean they have human forms like you?"Undyn asked.

"In away yes but they don't show human traits you can still tell they are shadows the exception of Kyoko shes half shadow half Skeleton" I said

"Cool" G said.

We walked quietly pass the best with out alerting it. then we reached another man hole that leads to probably the center of town.I clime up and open it a little to get our barrings and i see i was right that we are indeed at the center of town. I look around and see the building we have to get to. Its a old army military store that the humans had used to get their weapons and M.R.E's(if you all don't know M.R.E stands for Meals Ready -to- Eat.) I close the hole and clime back down.

" We are not far from the Food storage its right under the Army store."I said

" Alright lets get that food" Undyne said.

i agreed and we head down the next tunnel that leads to under the army store.We reached to the door much like the one back at my place but its not all rusted and is able to be open with out my straight. But instead G open it.

" wow i didn't think your bone's could handle it"I teased.

"You have know idea of all i can do with my bones"G said winked.

I chuckled and we walked in and see all kinds of food.I walked to the very back and there is a freezer. I go to open it but G is right their by my side opening it for me.

"I maybe weak but i am not that Weak G "I said.

"Just did not want you to over do it" He said.

God dam it why does he have to be so fucken h.....oh hell no nuu nop nop not going their. Get that out of my head right now.I walked in and grabbed a bottle of blood. I open it and drank the hole bottle. That was refreshing and i felt much better and have most of my straight back. we gathered the food and we heard bombs go off.

" shit"I said.

" Do they know we are down here"Undyne said.

" Not likely there are probably survives against other humans it sickens me that all they fucken want to do is kill one another and us monsters"I said clenching my fist.

"Humans are disgusting" G said.

" But I can help but have this feeling of sorrow of the ones that really care about monsters they have to suffer for it just cause others do not agree with it like the dam government"I said.

"Yeah have you in counter any one that are friendly to monsters well besides your friend" G asked.

" yes i have and i sent them on their way unharmed, I had no reason to harm them unless they are there to harm me or try killing there monsters"I said.

"Thats why we had kind humans come to us wanting to stay and help us"Undyne said

I nod and picked up the bags and pout them in a shopping cart lucky i had 3 of them down here before hand.Undyne grabbed one and G the other. We went through the sewer to go back to the school. As we walked there is a lot of shadow monsters roaming around.Its strange that they are a lot out. Well maybe not that strange cause they could be waiting till its night time to go up and attack humans.

" We should Rest before moving on"Undyne said

"I agree but we also have to be on guard cause the shadows can attack us if they so chose"I said.

"Alright is there something here or close we can duck in?"G asked.

" Yes its a little room but it better then being out here"I said.

I lead them to the spot of the little room and open the door.The room was used for making sure that the water ways would stay open and or close them just in case if something happen.We set up a little camp, Undyne sat near the door for guarding and G sat beside me on the floor against the wall.We should be able to get back to the others by tomorrow or the next day.