
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Journey Beings

We set off to go the the human capital to see if Frisk is truly alive or is dead. But i don't know what to believe. But its a risk we are taking to make sure that we get her back to everyone safe and unharmed that the plain any way.

" So we go through this path and then to the desert" G asked

" Yes then we will stop at a few town's. some wont excepted monsters but others might along the way" I said chopping a vine.

" I see so what i do when we get tho the ones that hate monsters?" he asked

" easy i go in to the town and buy stiff we need we have plenty of money so we will be good" I said.

" okay but still cant believe it will take 9 Months and 3 days to get there" G said.

" yeah well cant teleport there cause you don't know where it is and i am the only one who has been there and i cant teleport cause i don't have the ability to" I said

But we will soon need to rest cause night is falling and their will be a lot of freaky things out and about. I look around to find a spot and see a care that we can stop at. I walk over to it carefully just in case if any creatures are in it. I through a rock in the cave to hear but nothing was moving or anything so it was clear and good enough for us to test.

" we will rest here for the night" I said

" Sure thing angel" G said

I don't really care for his pet names anymore. Beside they mean nothing to me cause they are just meaningless words. I set up the sleeping bags and go get a few sticks and peace of wood. Its going to be a bit chilly out tonight so we will need a fire. Well i will need the fire to worm up cause well G is a skeleton the cold will just go right through him.

" whats on your mind Angel?" G asked.

" just coming up with a plain for when we get there" I said.

he nods his head and sits on the sleeping bag. I started to get the fire going , I started going through my thoughts as i am doing this. I try to figure out how we are going to get in to the capital. Then G got me out of my thought and i looked up at him.

" you should sleep first ill take the watch" He said.

" No way bone head i will take it first watch you can take it in the hour." I said

" you not going to let me anyway are you" G asked.

" yep besides i know pretty much how the best are like" I said

" That maybe true but I rather take the first watch"G said.

" Nope beside i have trouble sleeping anyway so i will" I said

"fine but if there is trouble wake me up" he said.

As G fell a sleep i stayed up to keep a eye on things. The woods are dangers even if you left your guard down you would be eaten by a creature or a best of these woods. I had my (f/w) {favorite weapon} by your side. I had a lot on my mind that being what will happen. But i have to push all that to the side i order to keep on going.