
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs


we walk through the snowy mountain carefully and make sure we don't end up falling off the edge to our deaths. Well to G death cause i cant die but it will hurt like hell through meteors at me . Walking down the path and coming in to view a cabin in the dissidents.

"Look there is a cabin down there" I said.

"good that looks like a good spot to rest " G said

" yeah we been walking for 5 hours" I said

we walk on the side then i slip on a patch of ice. I grab the ledge before i fell to the ground. G rushed over to me and help me get back up.

" Thank you " i said

" hay its no problem just watch your step" he said.

" i know that dork dont cocky" I said

" It cant be help I am that way" he said

I rolled my eyes and we keep walking to the cabin. The rest of the way we have to clime down at. I look over at G with a grin.

" ready to see something cool ?" i asked

" sure what is it?' He asked

My grin gets wider and i let you my vampire wings and it felt good to have them out. God it has been so long sense i had my wings out it. I look over at G and his eye sockets grown wider. I chuckle and walks over to him and got behind him and wrap my arms around him.

"Get ready to fly to the Cabin" I smirked

" When in the hell did you get wings!?!?" G asked

" I always could just been so long sense I had plus if i did i would have been shot out of the sky and have a scar on my wing" I said

I move my wings and started to lift G off the grown. I also thought he be a lot heaver for me to lift him but he actually light. I flow down to the cabin when we hear guns fire. the bullet manage to hit me in the side. But i manage to fly down to the cabin safely.I held my said in pain as blood comes out of it.G helped me over to the cabin and we went inside.G set me down on a big blue couch as he went through the bad for bandages. when he found them and some hydrogen peroxide . i lift my shirt a little and see how bad the wound was. it was not as bad as i thought but still pretty bad.

"lay back so i can clean it :G asked

I lay back and he pours the it on my side. it hurt so bad but i help back my scream and G took out tweezers and put them in the wound to remove the bullet if it was still there. When he found the bullet he took it out and then wrapped me up. Thankfully i didn't lose to much blood over it but i do feel a little light headed but that was more from the peroxide.

" We should rest here for the night then check on your side to see if you are able to move in the morning" G said.

" Yeah that sounds good to me at lest of this moment" I chuckle a little.

I lay down as G when up stairs to look in the rooms for a new shirt for me and other stuff we might need to restock on. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. The only thing i could think about was G and that he is by my side wail i sleep.

(G's P.O.V)

I when up stairs to look for a new shirt for (y/n) and other stuff we will need. I walk in to one of the bedrooms and over to the closet. I look thought the clothes and found a shirt that is(F/C) {favorite color}. I took it out and close the door and walk out of the room, down the steps when i got over to the couch i seen she is a sleep. I should try and wake her up so i set the shirt down on the arm of the couch and when into what look like a kitchen to see if i can find some food for use to take or make for later. I found a pantry full of food which is good for use. I left the kitchen and went back up stairs to get a big heavy cover to put over use wail we sleep. I found a black one with a little white on it and took it down stairs and lay next to (y/n) pulled the cover over use and i fell a sleep.