
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Adventure out

After a few days I was able to get out of bed and walk around Thanks to G and Papyrus.Helping me recover. I didn't try pushing myself cause I would get dizzy a bit.I will need some more blood.The others are all settled in and loving the once old school.Once in a wail one of them would come up and ask me if i could go with them to get food.But I ask G or Undyne to come with me cause I am not at full strength to fight anything off. I told them we might have to go out side here. I usually do this when there is no more food around here. But there have not been any luck around here. So we have to go out to almost where humans would be. I would be okay on my own cause well I look like a human. So they wont hurt me.But this time G, Undyne or another strong monster will have to come with me. Asgore came up from the school to ask me something.

"So where is the best place we can find food ?"Asgore asked.

" Well our best bet would be to the next town over it will take 5 days to get there but it will be worth it.I been there before and it had a lot of stuff. there is abandon food storage under the old church." I said.

" You think the food will still be there"G asked.

"Yeah I went there a few times before meeting you. Its full of food so it will last us for at lest 20 years."I said

"That's great to know but nun of us know where it is" Asgore said.

"I do and I am sure G will come with me to get it"I said.

"Yes don't want you getting hurt more then you already had"G said.

" Yeah plus along the way I can get some blood cause i need it badly"I said.

they node there heads. Asgore went back to the others as for G he stayed with me.

"You sure about this ?"G asked

"yes or else everyone here will starve we need to get the food there"I said.

"Is there a safer way to get there?"G asked.

"Yes from the school there is tunnels that lead to it but i cant open the door even at full strength they sealed it tight but i think its cause of all the rust that is all over it."I said

"Alphys should have Wd40 on here we can use" G said.

" But i need the blood G so i can get back to full strength"I said

"Okay (y/n)"G said

" Now the safest path we can take is the old trail that no one ever goes through cause of me"I said.

"Okay for now we get some rest and we can go out to get the food"G said

I node my head and G helped me up the stairs to my room. I told him he could sleep with me but he declined and takes the spare room. We both went to bed to get a good rest before we go out to get the food for everyone. In the morning we got some things and head off.