
The Freshers' Welcome Party (9)

Did he really mean those words he had said back then?

Or were they just an attempt to shut Genea's mouth?

How could he say such things with such a straight face as if those words were the most natural and obvious things to be uttered?

Does that mean he is always like that with every lady he meets?

But he didn't talk to anybody else in this school except me, right?

Oh God!!! Men are so confusing!!

And I am even more confusing!!

I mean, why do I care about what I am to him?

On the other hand, Aaron was dying due to the dilemma that whether to love Lili openly and confidently and bring danger to her or avoid and hurt her to keep her safe.

"Why aren't you walking?" Lili took the initiative to break the awkward silence.

"After you. Ladies first, right?" Aaron replied confidently with a casual smile.

"Oh, okay" said Lili and started to walk towards their classroom with Aaron following her.


Meanwhile, a person standing not to far gritted her teeth as she kept on mumbling, "Enjoy to your fullest my dear friends. I will have my chance soon."


Classes went on normally as it generally does. Meanwhile Lili and Aaron's relationship also considerably progressed. Genea also seemed assured as she too was slowly accepting Aaron as a friend and Lili's partner. As neither Lili nor Aaron had proposed the other, neither of them knew what exactly their relationship was. But that didn't seem to be a problem. They used to chat happily and spend time together. Sometimes Cecile would welcome herself without anybody inviting her and most of the time she would leave after being thoroughly insulted by Genea.


Soon a week went by and it was the time for the "Freshers'Welcome Party."

The corridors were being decorated and the playground was filled up with stalls.

A large stage was set up in a ramp like structure on the centre of the ground.

Each and every student was busy enrolling their names for the various events and games. Some students were busy decorating stalls with balloons and ribbons. Every now and then people were seen doing loads of shopping for the event. The professors were also encouraging students to take part in the programme. In short, the huge college was in a gala mood.

Lili was no different. She too was busy rummaging through all her garments and jewellery every day, every now and then complaining to her mother, how she missed the accessories she didn't bring from home and going for shopping with her mother. Lili's mother often got tired just from listening to Lili's blabbering, but nothing seemed to exhaust Lili and absolutely nothing dampening her excitement.

Oh by the way, did I mention that Lili usually engages herself in video calls with the one and only Aaron Jenson? No? Well after both of them finished their dinner and studies and went to bed, they would chat on video calls for a while, however sleepy they were.

So on the night before the Freshers'party, Lili was on a call with Aaron as she was doing her routine searching for the perfect dress. But nothing seemed to captivate her eyes.

"Can you even believe this? I literally don't have a single proper dress to wear. I mean this is insane!!" angrily exclaimed Lili as she slumped down on the bed with a sullen face.

As Aaron let out a chuckle and sighed helplessly shaking his head, Lili got more mad and exclaimed furiously, "What kind of a friend are you? You laugh at your friends' distress rather than consoling them and helping them out?"

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