
First contact

After chasing for 2 days and raising her skill [claw strike] on Exp 90/100

she hears the long-awaited {Ding}, the system.

[Quest requirement met.]

[Hunt quests unlocked]


Huntingquest: Mission: Hunt 10 wolves

Progress: 0/10 wolves killed

Reward: Leather Shoes (Deff + 5)

Mission: Hunt 10 bears

Progress: 0/10 bears

Reward: Leather Gloves (Deff +5)

'Wonderful, let's move on.' She thinks and searches for the next traces of the animals she needs for her quests.

After an hour and laborious tracking, she reaches a forest and hears the first wolves howling and bears roaring.

'On to hunt' she calls inwardly and plunges into the bushes.

After another 10 minutes she finds her first prey and slowly stalked her prey. She checks the status of the wolf:

Name: Wolf

Lvl: 0

HP: 120

Sta: 80

She gets ready, pays attention to the wind this time so that her prey can not smell her and jumps. In the jump she activates her skill [claw stroke] and hits the neck (head).

She deals 115 Dmg and almost kills the wolf, she immediately sets, slaps with her other hand and kills the wolf with it. The body of the wolf she packs in her inventory in which are already the other dead animal remains that she has not distorted yet.

The same again she gets another 9 times to complete her first quest and get her reward. This one also attaches them directly.

Equipment slots:

Head: Empty

Shoulders: Leather Shoulders (Deff +5)

Chest: Leather Jacket (Deff: +5)

Bracers: Empty

Hands: Empty

Pants: Leather pants (Deff: +5)

Shoes: Leather shoes (Deff + 5)

Range weapon : Empty

Meele weapon 1 : Empty

Meele weapon 2 : Empty

After she put on the leather shoes (Deff + 5), she goes straight on and she looks for the bear.

After 10 minutes of tracking, she finds her first target and works the same way as the wolves. Slowly stalking the bear and checking the wind direction, she checks the bear's status.

Name: Bear

Lvl: 0

HP: 240

Sta: 120

'Damn, that gets a little more complicated than the wolves', whispering to themselves.

Nevertheless, she begins the fight as with the wolves, jumps the bear to the back of the head and starts in the jump [claw stroke] and hits with the right claw. The bear loses 115 HP and falls to the ground. She puts right with her left claw and only hits the back of the bear.

The bear loses another 60 HP. She sits back on the bear so he can not straighten up and hits him wildly until he stops moving and the bear's HP is at zero. The corpse she packs to the others in her inventory.

'Phew, it's exhausting. I got hungry as a result. 'she mumbles to herself and opens her inventory again to get a baby bunny out. She takes the rabbit in the left hand and uses the sharp claw on her right index finger to penetrate the skin from neck to tail, then she grasps the fur firmly on the neck of the rabbit and pulls almost with a jerk half of the coat With skin off, a second jerk and the rabbit is skinned. The fur with skin packs her back into her inventory and takes the guts out of the hare and throws them into the bushes, then she travels the meat from the skeleton and eats it raw. After eating, she goes looking for a river or pond to wash her blood away.

'Now it can go on, to the next bear.'

Short time later she is already on the way again.

6 hours and 8 dead bears later, she is looking for her last victim and finds traces that do not belong to the wanted animal that she pursues. She has never seen such traces before.

'System, do you know what kind of traces that are?' she asks with interest.

[Yes, these are human footprints. of the type and number of prints are probably 3.]

'Hm, people, what are those beings?' she still asks interested.

[You'll see that if you follow the mark.]

it comes only mysteriously from the system.

Not 100 yards away, she finds the 3 people one with a round piece of wood and a short skewer with a wooden handle, the second one with a piece of wood with which he shoots other wood and the last one has a long piece of wood and has golden sparks on the other 2 People fall down and call [Holy Light]. Whenever the human gets that, the sores and scratches of the other two people disappear.

She watches the 3 people fighting the bear and thinks:

'Why do they need that long and what are they for sticks?'

[Host, 1 human has a wooden round shield and a short sword, 2 has a bow and arrows and the last has a staff and is probably a priest.]

'Oh ok .' she replies curtly and continues to watch the spectacle.

[Host, if you wait until the bear is nearly dead and then attack it, it will be recorded as your kill.]

'Then we'll do it that way, good idea.' she notes enthusiastically.

After another 10 minutes, the 3 humans have the bear almost as far.

'If I had known that would take so long, I would have done it myself.' she mumbles furiously to herself before she jumps out of her hiding place and strikes the bear down.

P.O.V archer

"Damn, do something, Alex."

"I can not do any more than that, I'll try all of them." Alex yells back.

"Guys I do not have mana anymore, so bring it to an end! Jim uses your skill, "John screams.

Jim aims with [targeted shot] and misses. Alufeinmal a monster jumps out of the bushes.

"Shit, that's a werewolf!" John yells in panic.

Alex jumps to the side and the werewolf punches the bear and kills him.

P. O.V werewolf

'That's the end of it,' she thinks, turning around and sees the panicky three people of whom she now knows the names.

All 3 have the effect of her racial skill [terror] and are scared.

A short time later, Alex attacks him with his sword in his hand and gives her a sore on her forearm.

{System Alert}

[Host is attacked by Alex people are classified as hostile.]

{Emergency Quest}

Mission: Kill the hostile people.

Progress: 0/3 people

Reward: humans form transformation

Host to the reward, you can also pick up the weapons and other things of the people.]

'Whoever attacks me will not survive that, whether it's Quest or not.' she thinks and growls at the people. She just looks at her HP lasts over her heads, Alex 65/100 HP, Jim 100/100 HP and John 85/100 HP. She takes a start and jumps, past Alex to Jim and travels his throat with her right claw and continues with his left. Then you only see Jim's head flying off and a huge blood fountain. Overflowing with blood, she turns to John, ducking away in time to dodge an arrow and jump at him. With her mouth open, she bites him in the neck and with full force tears his head off, causing another blood fountain. When she then wants to take care of Alex, she only sees him whimpering whimpering in the huge pool of blood on the floor, weeping and terrified. So she makes short work of it.

She searches the corpses and finds a map listing a town or village.

[Card scanned, card is displayed in upper right field of view.]

'That makes it easier to orient myself.'

[Host, before meeting each other with humans, Host should try the Human Form and use them when humans are nearby.]

[People could panic respond to the werewolf's shape by host.]

'Good to know, then I'll try it out when I've washed my blood off.'

When she collects everything in coins and of value and stores them in her inventory, she makes her way to the river, which is less than 50 meters away from her, and to wash the blood from her fur. At the river she washes herself and quenches her thirst.

'System do I use the new shape like a skill?'

[Yes host.]

'Hm, Ok then let's try the new skill. [Change of shape human / werewolf]. '

She notices how her bones move slowly and how her posture straightens, her claws become fingernails and the fur pulls back. Her fur on the head becomes longer and has the dark gray almost black color of her coat. Her yellow eyes with vertical slit, become darker and a golden brown with black iris.

'In my human form, I do not look so bad. 'Status''


Surname: ?

Race: werewolf (humanoid)

Gender: Female

Level: 1

HP (Health): 10 * Skill Rank value = 50

Sta (endurance): 10 * Skill Rank value = 50

Str (Strength): 12

Dex (Agility): 10

Int (intelligence): 5

Deff (Defense): 1 * Skill Rank value + Equipment (25) = 25

Existence level: Mortal (novice)

Equipment slots:

Head: Empty

Shoulders: Leather Shoulders (Deff +5)

Chest: Leather Jacket (Deff: +5)

Bracers: Empty

Hands: Empty

Pants: Leather pants (Deff: +5)

Shoes: Leather shoes (Deff + 5)

Range weapon : Empty

Meele weapon 1 : Empty

Meele weapon 2 : Empty

Skills: [Claw Chop (only in Werwolf shape){active} Exp (90/100)]

Race Skills: [Terror {Passive}] [Sharp Claws {Passive}] [Robust Body {Passive} (Beginner)]

[Self-Regeneration {Passive} (Beginner)] [Predator {Novice)] [Shapeshifter Human / Werewolf]

- [Shapeshifter human / werewolf]: transformation into a human and back again.

'Oh, I have not equipped my leather gloves yet.'

Equipment slots:

Head: Empty

Shoulders: Leather Shoulders (Deff +5)

Chest: Leather Jacket (Deff: +5)

Bracers: Empty

Hands: Leather Gloves (Deff +5)

Pants: Leather pants (Deff: +5)

Shoes: Leather shoes (Deff + 5)

Range weapon : Empty

Meele weapon 1 : Empty

Meele weapon 2 : Empty

[Warning: some racial skills are limited or unavailable.]

'Please tell me which one.'

[Skills: [Sharp Claws], [Predator {Novice)], and [Terror {Passive}] can not be used. ]

'Pity but OK.'

[Further, the skill [Claw Strike] becomes [Power Strike]. ]

-[Power Strike] : In Human shape all strikes will get a power up . (Weapons included)

{ (Weapon Dmg + Str)*2*Vitalpoint score }

'I can live with that. Then go to the village and let's see what awaits me. '

She also looks at the map and begins to walk towards the village slowly, then faster and faster until she runs. After 3 hours of the race, the village has reached and stands 100 meters in front of the gate of the village, before 2 guards are standing in armor.

"Stop, stop. Who are you? I've never seen you here before, "says the left guard.

"Mick, do not be so cold. Hello young woman, what can we do for you? I'm Walker and the grudge next to me is Mick. "Walker says gently.

'Hello, I'm looking for shoppers for animal skins and other materials.' she replies to Walker's question.

"Then they are just right here, we are only a small village but since we are at the terror forest we have an adventure guild and all sorts of material processors in the village. The guild will surely take everything they want to sell at once. But you have to be a member of the guild for that, if you do not already have that, it will cost you 2 silver pieces. '

'Thanks for the enlightenment. I would like to go to the Guild and sell my materials there. ' she says.

'No problem, but we still need the fee of 2 pieces of copper to enter the village. As soon as they join the Adventurers Guild, they will be dropped. ' Walker still tells her.

After paying the way fee, from what she has taken the 3 people, she is already on the way to the guild.

Night 15 minutes walk she reaches her destination and enters the guild building.

She finds herself back in a large hall with long tables and benches to her left and right with many men and women drinking and laughing, a huge mess and incredible noise. Opposite her she sees a reception above which hangs a sign information and registration, next to this over another reception hangs the sign Missions registration and the last one has on the sign material for purchase of all kind.

She goes to the first counter and finds a small woman with cat ears and tail.

"Hi, how may I help you? My name is Mila and I am one of three employees of the Guild who are responsible for the reception. "Mila asks and introduces herself.

'Hello, Miss Mila. I would like to register and sell materials. ' she replies.

"No problem, it costs 2 silver pieces and you have to fill in this form, with the help of which you will get your guild card.", Mila explains in a calm tone.

She takes the form and looks at it.

First given name :

Name (if present):


Class :

'Um, what's a class? she asks Mila.

"Oh, a class is a specialization such as hunters or warriors or healers etc." replies Mila.

[Host, first name and name must be entered, but since there are no memories in this regard, would you like to generate one yourself or automatically?]

'I'll pick one myself.' she answers the system with thought.

'Hm, my race is a werewolf so I take Wolf as a name and as a first name I take Lexa', she muses.

'Sorry, Mila, I have no class, where can I specialize?' Ask Lexa Mila.

"That's easy. You just have to go to a Guild. We have almost all classes except the Druid, Paladin, Warlock, and Mage. These can only be learned in cities because magicians studying in the Arcane Tower , paladins may belong to the religion of lightand you can only find them in cathedrals and Warlock's need catacombs for their studies. As for Druids only elfs can be one so you now.", Explains Mila Lexa calmly.

'Hm I'm a lot in the woods and looking for animal tracks, what do you think would be the best choice? 'Lexa asks Mila.

"That's easy, Hunter is the best choice. They know the forest and the animals best and know each other well with track reading and in the forest well. "Mila Lexa states.

'Ok then I'm going to enter the class hunters, for now.' Says Lexa, then she completes the form.

First name: Lexa

Name (if available): Wolf

Age: 21

Class: hunter

"Your name is Lexa Wolf, so it fits your class," says Mila smiling.

'Yes that's true . Do you know where I can find the class teacher? ' Ask her Mila.

"Of course, you can find her in the yard behind the guild, where she trains other hunters using bow and other weapons," Mila explains.

'Thank you and see you.' Lexa Mila answers before she starts running and looking for the teacher.

Mila calls after her: "What about the materials?"

'I'll do that later', she calls out to Mila answering and has already disappeared through the door to the courtyard.

When she arrives on the farm, she sees a woman with pointed ears and she turns an arrow on a target and shoots the middle.

"This is how it is done, if you want to use a bow as a weapon pay attention to your posture and your breathing so that you do not miss the target," explains the elf.

Lexa goes to the elf and addresses her: 'Hello I am Lexa and I would like to start training as a hunter.'

"Hello Lexa I'm Ofelia and that's easy, you give me 1 piece of gold and I'll give you a scroll that tells you the base explains the rest is a matter of practice," explains Ofelia Lexa.

'Well then here is the gold piece. And thanks, that's easy. ' Says Lexa.

"Yes, thanks to the magicians and the class scrolls they invented, getting started is pretty easy. It's the same with crafting jobs, "explains Ofelia.

'Thanks for your help and the information.' answer Lexe.

Lexa takes the Class Scroll and on {Ding}.

[Class scroll discovered, would you like to learn this class? Yes No]

'Of course yes, otherwise I could save myself the money too.' Thinks Lexa grumpy.

All of a sudden it glitters with Lexa and ir status changes.


Name: Lexa Wolf

Race: werewolf (humanoid)

Gender: Female

Level: 1

Hp (Health): 10 * Skill Rank value = 50

Sta (endurance): 10 * Skill Rank value = 50

Str (Strength): 12

Dex (Agility): 10

Int (Interlighe): 5

Deff (Defense): 1 * Skill Rank value + Equipment (25) = 25

Class: hunter

Crafting 1:

Crafting 2:

Existence level: Mortal (novice)

Equipment slots:

Head: Empty

Shoulders: Leather Shoulders (Deff +5)

Chest: Leather Jacket (Deff: +5)

Bracers: Empty

Hands: Leather Gloves (Deff +5)

Pants: Leather pants (Deff: +5)

Shoes: Leather shoes (Deff + 5)

Range weapon : Empty

Meele weapon 1 : Empty

Meele weapon 2 : Empty

Skills: [Claw Chop (only in Werwolf shape){active} Exp (90/100)]

[Power Strike (only in Human shape){active} Exp (0/100)]

Class Skills: [Archer {Passive} Exp (0/100)] [Animal Lover {Passive}]

- [Archer]: The domination of the bow, which can be improved by continuous practice.

(Str + Dex) * Vital point value / 2 - Deff of opponent = Dmg

- [Animal lover]: You know the language of the animals and you can tame them. (In the form of a werewolf, the [terrorist] skill helps because the animals are afraid and therefore more submissive.

Due to the werewolf race wolves are followers and easier to tame.)

Race Skills: [Terror (only in Werwolf shape){Passive}] [Sharp Claws (only in Werwolf shape){Passive}] [Robust Body {Passive} (Beginner)] [Self-Regeneration {Passive} (Beginner)]

[Predator (only in Werwolf shape){Novice)] [Shapeshifter Human / Werewolf]

'That looks awesome, next I need a crafting job that suits me.'

[Host will be advised to do some leathering as this may help the host to get equipment more easily.]

'Good idea, then I'll go looking for it in the craft district of the village.'

With that, lexa is on her way to her penultimate stop for this day.

Once in the crafting district Lexa is looking for a suitable teacher and profession.

She also quickly finds a small tannery where she sees an old man and a little boy at work.

'Hello, I would like to learn how to process leather.' Lexa explains to the Old Man.

"Oh hello, that should not be a problem 1 piece of gold and the professional scroll is yours, but to be able to order leather you also need to hunt the various animals in the forests. That would cost you another gold piece, so a total of 2 pieces of gold, "you explain old man.

'Thanks and here's the gold.' she replied and gives in the gold.

"Thank you, if you want to learn more about the technicken or need specific blueprints, you are welcome to purchase them from me. Depending on the swiftness they cost more or less, "he tells her and she says goodbye to him after she has used the two scrolls.


Name: Lexa Wolf

Race: werewolf (humanoid)

Gender: Female

Level: 1

Hp (Health): 10 * Skill Rank = 50

Sta (endurance): 10 * skill rank value = 50

Str (Strength): 12

Dex (Agility): 10

Int (Interlighe): 5

Deff (Defense): 1 * Skill Rank + Equipment (25) = 25

Class: hunter

Crafting 1: Skinning

Crafting 2: Letherworking

Existence level: Mortal (novice)

Equipment slots:

Head: Empty

Shoulders: Leather Shoulders (Deff +5)

Chest: Leather Jacket (Deff: +5)

Bracers: Empty

Hands: Leather Gloves (Deff +5)

Pants: Leather pants (Deff: +5)

Shoes: Leather shoes (Deff + 5)

Range weapon : Empty

Meele weapon 1 : Empty

Meele weapon 2 : Empty

Skills: [Claw Chop (only in Werwolf shape){active} Exp (90/100)]

[Power Strike (only in Human shape){active} Exp (0/100)]

Class Skills: [Archer {Passive} Exp (0/100)] [Animal Lover {Passive}]

Race Skills: [Terror (only in Werwolf shape){Passive}] [Sharp Claws (only in Werwolf shape){Passive}] [Robust Body {Passive} (Beginner)] [self-regeneration {Passive} (Beginner)]

[Predator (only in Werwolf shape){Passive} (novice)][Shapeshifting human / werewolf]

[Crafting options now available.]

Leatherworking: Leather Armor: Materials:

Chest (Deff + 10) 10x bear leather

Pants (Deff + 10) 10x wolf leather

Head (Deff + 10) 10x crocodile leather

Bracers (Deff + 10) 5x crocodile leather

'Yeah, that'll make it easier.' she cheers inwardly.

"I would like to ask you to collect for me 15x crocodile deder, since I have not got any more. I would send you 2 blueprints as payment. 1 time for gloves and once for shoes. Oh, and they can call me old Joe. "Gives him to understand Lexa.

{Ding Quest Alert}

[Do you want to accept the quest from old Joe? Yes No]

'Yes,' she answers the system and Joe.


Task: Collect 15x crocodile leather for the old Joe.

Progress: 0/15 Crocodile leather collected

Reward: blueprint for gloves and shoes

'I'll do it tomorrow because it's already getting dark. Do you know where I can spend the night here? ' she asks old Joe.

"Of course, my daughter runs an Inn not far from here, no grandchild brings her there. Jeff, brig the young lady to the inn of your aunt. "Joe asks his grandson Jeff.

"Of course Grandpa, please follow me. I'll take her there. "Jeff answers as he drops his tools and you follow him.

Not 5 minutes from the tannery you are already at the inn. In front of the inn the sign hangs on it with a pitcher and the inscription: Zum Dorfkrug 'We make you drunk'.

They enter the Inn together, and she immediately gets the smell of food and drink that makes her stomach growl. Only now she realizes that she has eaten nothing since her last meal a few hours ago. She goes to the bar and asks the barmaid:

'Do you have a place to sleep for me and eat something and drink?'

"But surely my love, food and drink with an overnight stay with 2 times a day are 50 pieces of copper.", Explains the barmaid.

Lexa takes her last 50 pieces of copper from the inventory and sits down to eat at the bar.

A short time later comes already eat your meat with bread and a thick sauce, to a drink the sweetish touch and she slightly misted, the drink is called by the guests Met.

After dinner, she goes to her room and goes to sleep in a soft bed.

{Ding, countdown}

10 days: 23 hours: 39 minutes: 35 seconds until the protection is extinguished.

Please report any tipos to me i will edit it as fast as posible. And Have fun with the new chap :)

Xardscreators' thoughts