

Hector observed a man walking down the stairs. He was a true and proper sinner, and yet Hector did not know what wrong he had committed.

After a moment of deliberation between killing him now or following him for more information he decided on the latter.

Hector was interested in what he was doing at this hour. While his first thought was somewhat ordinary and it was that he was going to the toilet but when he saw him opening doors to the basement he rethink his idea.

The man before him took out a silver key with which he opened the door, 'So it was locked.' Hector thought as he exited the window that he used as shelter before police officers.

Hector in his wraith form floated down into the ground until only his eyes and up were sticking out. He watched the man from the shadows and was wondering what could be downstairs.

'Slaves bought from colonies? Kidnaped man and woman that he torments? Drug lab which he then sold to others? Plans to make a bomb to spread chaos and misery? The altar where he brings people to sacrifice to evil god? Who knows... Now let's find out.' He thought as he held back his chuckle. This whole situation had brought him a feeling of Christmas.

Those moments when you see your presents but before you open them. Those memories of childhood and wonders had brought a smile to Hector and for that, he was thankful to the man.

He was so thankful that he would first cut man's ears and nose before continuing to disassemble him. Maybe Hector would even cook for him, a nice juicy piece of his own brain, 'Depends what is down there.' Hector thought as he levitated after the man.

Beyond the door, Hector saw wooden stairs leading down. He observed the man as he took a lantern to light up the space around him. With every step that the man took Hector could hear the creaking of wood, thankfully Hector was in wraith form and as such he made no sound, 'Good thing that I brought the crown, without it I would not be able to go down the stairs unnoticed.

After they finally got down the stairs Hector saw a normal cellar with barrels of presumably alcohol and boxes with personal items. But when Hector saw the man walk to one of the walls his doubts evaporated.

Hector could see how the man walked to the cabinet and stood on the right side. Then he stuck his arm behind the cabinet and Hector could hear a clicking sound. After a moment cabinet moved to reveal a hidden door behind it.


In Cherwood borough lived a man named John. He was a simple man who was able to find joy even in the most ordinary of things.

He worked in a normal job, entertaining himself in normal ways... but all that came to the end when he in the spur of the moment bought the mechanical device in form of a duck.

When its head was turned around a few times its legs would start to move in a circular motion. When he observed such objects he became obsessed with the intricate inner workings of mechanical devices.

John became fascinated by the intricate machinery that made up the city. From the massive gears, that powered the factories to the delicate cogs that powered the clocks, he saw beauty in the intricate systems that kept everything running smoothly.

However, his fascination soon turned to obsession, and he began to tinker with the machines in ways that were not meant to be tampered with. He would take apart clocks and reassemble them with different parts, creating strange and unpredictable timepieces. He would sneak into factories at night and sabotage the machinery, causing chaos and destruction.

As his obsession grew, so did his desire to take human lives. He began to see people as nothing more than complex machines, with organs and bones as their inner workings. He believed that by taking them apart and examining their inner workings, he could gain a greater understanding of the human machine.

He named himself The Mechanic. And so, The Mechanic began his killing spree. He targeted those he deemed to be imperfect, those whose internal machinery was flawed in some way. He saw himself as a surgeon, removing the defective parts and replacing them with better ones.

The city was not in a state of panic as The Mechanic continued to elude the authorities by targeting only those that would not be missed, homeless with no families.

But one day a young serial killer had found him by accident.


Behind the hidden door, Hector could see tied-up bodies with pieces of their bodies replaced by cogs and all kinds of machinery.

Hector thought of watching further but when he saw a child of no more than two tied up on the wall with its skull opened and half of its brain replaced he spoke aloud, "I saw enough."

When John heard someone speak behind him he jumped slightly and turned around to see who it was.

"Who are you..." He said angrily but when turned around he saw a man pointing a revolver at him his words lost their edge.

"Who knew that I would find such a monstrous killer on the first day in Cherwood borough," Hector said amused.

"M-Me a killer?" The Mechanic merely laughed. "You don't understand," he said. "I'm not a killer. I'm a repairman. I fix what's broken. And these people were broken. They needed me to fix them."

Hector was taken aback by his words, he was beyond salvation and repentance. He had no intention to reason with him, to convince him that what he was doing was wrong, as he would not listen even if he did.

And so what would happen next would bring great joy to Hector. More corrupt, and twisted sinners were more joy and happiness he got from punishing them.

Hector did not want to be forced to take a shot as that would be too loud. So he holstered it giving John a sense of misunderstanding about his intentions, "You understand?" John spoke with excitement in his voice but was cut short as Hector took out his dagger and jumped at him.

"All that I understand is that you are undeserving of life and all comforts it contains. You who had brought nothing but pain and misery to the world are hereby sentenced to agonizing death brought by me The Butcher.

"And so I hereby pronounce that you a sinner of vilest order are going to experience devil's justice."

And so Hector started to punish John with all technics he knew about. Firstly he started with the degloving of his hands with which he brought pain to others.

Then he deboned his legs with which he traveled this world. After which he cut at his stomach and pulled his intestines and hunged them on the wall with his victims.

Hector then pulled his teeth one by one using his dagger. Then he plucked one of his eyes and crushed it over his opened mouth.

John tried to vomit after he swallowed liquids from his eyeball but was stopped from opening his mouth by Hector.

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