
The Calm

19th August 2023, Somewhere in Europe

Coming home early from his part-time job, a decently built young man rests on his couch, exhausted but excited for whatever reason.

"I've waited long enough, it's time to binge read".

The young man said as he scrolled through his phone looking at the list of chapters counting up to 300 on the screen.

You see, this was a man of patience with a chronic addiction to binge reading novels he enjoys, enough patience to not only wait a few years for the second book of his favourite novel to come out but also patiently wait for it to reach 300+ chapters in order to binge read it.

The book was the 2nd book of a future trilogy of Lord of the Mysteries called Circle of Inevitability. He was somehow able to avoid any spoilers regarding the new book, needing to read it without any sort of prior information for maximum enjoyment.

The only thing is he knew about the book was the existence of a Character called Lumina from early comments on the book that appeared on his page. He speculated that this character may be the main character's sister as the comments were made really early into the books release.

Suddenly he heard the sound of glass shattering and a couple heavy footsteps, he estimated there to be about 2 or 3 people.

"A break in?!"

He exclaimed as he grabbed whatever he could use as a weapon from the living room and the kitchen which involved his trusty gun and a large knife almost the size of a machete.

He then slowly and carefully creeped towards where he previously heard the noise and peeked into room they broke into which was unsurprisingly his bedroom as he had a large window near his bed frame, perfectly able to fit a person in.

The robbers were currently looting everything from his room and it was only when one of the men turned to leave in search of better things elsewhere in the house that he made his move.

He quickly stabbed the men in the throat when he made the turn and dragged his knife down to his where his lungs were and then removed it. While the man was failing he stabbed him straight in the head, piercing through his brain.

"Mark, you alright over there?! Don't be a pussy and hurry up, The guy who lives here won't be back till midnight and even if he was here, We can just kill him simple!"

The other robber slightly hearing the final laboured breaths of his dead accomplice assuming he was just being a wuss boldly shouted from the bedroom.

He similarly to his friend turned the corner without expecting anything but he however, was met with barrel of the gun between his eyes and the ruthless gaze of the young man who owned the hallway that would be his death site.

"Too bad for you dumbasses, I came home a little early today, Send your little boyfriend over their my regards".


That was the last sentence this poor little burglar heard before his dead fell to the floor, his blood pooling on the ground combining with his fallen friends own vast pool of blood.

"Hwoooh, I've gotten a little rusty but, I'm starting to remember how to do this."

The young man let out an exhale as he reminisced of his former lifestyle.

Ever since he lost his parents at the young age of 9 he had to live in the rougher areas of the city, the areas glossed over in the news as they praised the extravagant building and facilities of the inner city.

He lived there up until the age of 13 where he strengthened himself as he fought others for food, shelter and self defence. He joined a local gang that evolved into a mercenary group in his late teen years. He did everything he needed to do in order to survive including murder, thievery and bribery, though keeping a strict code to remain as humane as possible like murdering the innocent and such.

For scum such as the robbers he killed just now, he showed no mercy. These guys had been following him for a while after his shifts and he recognised them. They were part of gang filled with all types of scoundrels, he'd dealt with their kind in the past and he was thankfully not recognised which made them far too careless.

"Now then let's put my stuff back, The cops can handle the bodies later on."

Just then, a clicking sound he was all too familiar with echoed a short distance from him.

"Oh what's this? Looks like I've hit the jackpot!"


Two gunshots followed shortly after those words as the young man was hit in the chest and the knee forcing him face first onto the ground.

'SHIT! There was another one! Oh the irony, I just took advantage of those idiots yet I fell into the same pit.'

The third robber walked toward his fallen figure, stepping on his body with a cruel smirk on his face .

"Hahaha! Your the brat from a couple years ago, You know the boss put a kill on sight order for you right?. Hell, I might even be promoted for this!"

While the man kept rambling on about the possible rewards for killing him, he failed to notice the steeled look in the eyes of the seeming dead young man.

On the verge of death, he poured out everything he had on one final gambit.

Whoever reacted first would be the victor, the sluggish moves of a half dead mercenary verses the reaction speed of an unaware healthy criminal.

Just as the man turned to finish the job, what he saw shook him the core. The young man, who he thought was surely dead, now currently stood before him with a his previously discarded knife in his hands.

Looking into those unfeeling eyes, the man almost gave up on resisting due to fear. However acknowledging his severe wounds a wave of confidence flowed into him as he reached for the gun on his waist.

Humans in the face of death usually resist with all their might. This fierce resistance comes from the overflowing adrenaline inside their bodies that allows them to temporarily suppress any pain they're feeling for a short moment.

At this moment, with this overwhelming amount of adrenaline flowing through him, the young man closed the small distance with a burst of speed and quickly slashed through the man neck and without any hesitation, followed through with a stab to the temple, piercing and skewering his brain in the process.

The man's limp body fell against the wall and his world darkened never to see the light of life again, It dragged down a large line of blood upon the wall with it. The young man proceeded to sit down on the opposite side as he bled out.

'To think this is how I'd die. To some third rate thugs as well, Leader would be rolling in his grave if he found out about this.'

The young man sighed as he recalled his battle maniac of a mercenary leader's distaste for weakness.

'Though it can't be helped. I'm only human after all, if there was something I could do to surpass this limit then I would chase it no matter what.'

These were his last thoughts before the surrounding faded into black. He felt nothing , saw nothing, smelt nothing. Everything was nothing and nothing was everywhere.

Suddenly, he felt a warping sensation enshroud him as if he was travelling at high speeds and it continued for a seemingly endless passage of time until it finally stopped. He felt he could open his eyes once more.

Seeing an entirely different setting he looked around himself in shock.

"Where the hell am I?!!"

It was then a rush of memories flashed through his mind which knocked him out but just before he did he uttered a single word.



Authors Note:

Thanks for reading the first chapter of Father of Disorder

I might've gotten a little carried away with the MC's backstory, but I wanted to add some character to him and let you understand why he's able to do the things he can. I'd love some feedback on the story so that I can try improve the quality.

You might have already guessed what pathway the MC will follow by the Title and Synopsis but if not it will be revealed very quickly.

With that I'll see you next chapter.


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