
lord of tainted love

All he wanted was love, to be accepted by all, but it was never to be even upon his death. However as a soul in this dark abyss between worlds he is pulled to a different universe, and in this universe, he will get what he wanted. Love. No matter what it takes, he will be loved. I’m bad at this, anyway this is an AU or whatever it is called, because I think it would be funny to make a mess of things with me barely remembering things.

Human_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Quest for Light

I wake up, my harem already gone and doing the things they usually do… except for Milim, she's still sleeping. I smile and kiss her before leaving, having copied Satanael, Lord of Wrarh. Before I leave the city I give the souls to my lovers, when I come back I will give souls to the people of our city… if I remember.

I'm not exactly sure where to go to find the rest.

But I've channeled my emotions to the extreme and with the help of Gaia, I got what I wanted. Interestingly enough is that Satanael evolved into the red lantern power. It's now known as Butcher, Lord of Red light. It also retains the abilities of Satanael as well, although I'm not sure what I would do with the Magicule Reactor or whatever stampede is.

[Going by your memories, orange is greed. I know of the user of greed and he is currently unconscious.]

'Unconsciousness? What happened to him.'

[You dropped a dragon on him.]

'Oh… I see. Well now I don't feel bad for stealing his skill now, let's get going.'

I teleport to the ruins of the guild. There's surprisingly people still here trying to repair the place. Honestly if it was me I would've abandoned this place and rebuilt the guild somewhere else. Walking by I detect the skill with my manipulation of emotions, I don't think sins count as emotions as that would suggest that virtues would be as well… I don't think patience is an emotion personally so whatever, maybe i sense sins because of soul manipulation as well.

I walk into the room, steal the skill, blow up his head with the frenzied flame and leave via teleportation. RIP bozo, I will let you reincarnate just so I can do it again. Anyways I teleported to a desert for some reason, guess I felt like it. As for the skill it evolved due to emotions and Gaia's help again into Ophidian, Lord of Orange light.

Maybe I should go for the black lantern, I just need to kill a lot and turn into a demon lord.

[I have implanted a Demon Lord seed into you to make the process easier, to get the souls needed I suggest going to a kingdom.] 'Maybe I don't have to, because I will just piss someone off on this lovely planet, instead what if I go to another planet, another universe… home.' [You can't because I am linked to this planet and universe but because of you naming me and causing me to evolve I now hold domain over anywhere you go now even another universe.]

I laugh in excitement and create a rift through time and space and enter it.


"Would you look at that, you're leaving the boundaries of the omniverse, you basically went too far and ended up here. This is the real abyss, the ones you have been to were in your dreams, even the first one. You have come so far in almost a year, becoming a soon to be father and the strongest entity on that planet, but that doesn't matter to those of power, you still must be careful."


I leave the rift hearing it speak to me like that, brings of power it called them… just how powerful are they and will they threaten my love. I sigh and look at my former home before looking to the sun and smiling, I disturb the suns core with spatial distortions and it explodes. Consuming all that was in the solar system and beyond by a bit, although it took a while to reach earth, this is what I have time powers for.

The souls of the real people were scattered about damaged Immensely I don't think damaged souls would give me enough power to evolve but there was billions. I feel something lock onto me, I'm not sure from where but I can guess why, as I had committed galactic terrorism. I leave so I'm not arrested( or anything else for that matter) for my actions.


Back in my new home world, barely any time passed, why. Because I travelled back in time dumbass. Anyways with the billions of souls I had collected, Gaia initiates my evolution into demon lord, using somewhere around a million. Thought it was going to use more.

My evolution along with at least ten million of the leftover souls, form Nekron, Lord of Black light. Not only can i control black light but I can also use the black light to create intelligent undead.

I'm obviously happy about this because I just like necromancy and I'm one step closer to my goal of having them all, only to be confused as Yellow lantern, Butcher, Ophidian, and Nekron fused together into a new skill called Umbrax, Lord of Unseen light. Which holds the skills of the ones that made it as well as being able to manipulateultraviolet light. I never heard of a Ultraviolet lanterns corps but whatever. I must continue my quest.

Indigo is compassion and Blue is hope they are somewhat similar in a way. 'Let's do indigo for now, Gaia do you have anything to help me.'

[I do in fact, but you will have to go to a parallel universe in the future. I found it when we went through the rift.]

'Excellent, now I just need to figure how to enter a parallel universe, can you help me with this Gaia.'

[Of course master~.] we worked on it for a couple hours before getting the coordinates right, it's not like I'm going to a different universe but a parallel, it's somehow harder.

Upon entering I'm in a a battlefield, filled with the dead. I look around before spotting a dragon that glows with the skill I need. Why is the dragon glowing, Gaia did it. Anyways I steal the skill, acquiring Raguel, Lord of Charity. I guess charity is a form of compassion, I leave ignoring the confused dragon

I'm about to leave when I ask Gaia if the others are available. She answers positively, saying I just have to kill an Angel, and highlights him within my vision. I tear the Angel with spatial distortions and steal the skill Michael, Lord of Justice. I ask why I had to kill the angel before stealing the skill and she tells me that the skill possessed the host, I basically killed the host along with with their combined souls.

As for the hope of Blue, Gaia directed me to Angel who betrayed them, I steal her skill feeling somewhat bad for her for some reason. Azrael, Lord of Salvation.

They evolve, Michael becomes Vita, Lord of White light. Raguel became Proslyte, Lord of Indigo light.

Finally on to the last one, Azrael became Adara, Lord of Blue light. It has just come to my attention that I don't have the green lantern's power, it's will power right.

'Gaia can you search for a skill that has to do with willpower.'

[I don't have to, this journey of yours gave you the willpower to generate the skill.]

That can happen? I feel like she's making that up but whatever let's look at the skill.

Ion, Lord of Green light. I finally have them all, now I just have to fuse them together, Gaia commence the fusion. I say as walk walk through the rift back home, not realizing that the entity I alerted in my original home universe followed me here to the parallel universe thinking I lived there, just for me to abandon it. That's a problem for them not me.


Source, Lord of All light: Manipulation of light and emotions. Tied intrinsically with Shub-Niggurath.

I love my nonsense

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