
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

The Beginning of Madness

Daniel was dumbfounded with this situation, he didn't expect that he can't use any of his powers at all and when he asked Siri about it she said [ most of your powers are sealed as long as you are in this room , you can only use a little but don't worry if you died you would be revived again soon after so have fun 😊 ]

To tell the truth , he was irritated by that emoji she put at the end but what could he do ? He need this to get stronger , he need this to protect his loved ones as this is his motivation to get stronger .

So after a second his body was revived along with his sword , he didn't why his sword was back with him but he didn't think about as in the next second he was smashed to the ground by the club of the giant ogre turning him again into a meat paste.

Soon after he was revived but didn't stand still as he ran toward the ogre with sword . The ogre ran also at him with a grin in his face then when they were close to each other both of them attack each other with their weapons .

Daniel attacked with sword at the leg of the ogre to cut it and make him lose balance but the ogre noticed this and blocked his attack then punched Daniel in the stomach sending him flying across the room and crash into the wall , Daniel spit a lot of blood as his internal organs were turned into meat paste by that attack then in the next second he found the ogre in front of him waving his club at him .



Crack !

Crack !

Daniel's body broke along with his skull sending him to the afterlife after that .

Then in the next second he back again and attacked the ogre .

" Haaaaaaaaa! "

Slash !


Daniel slashed at the ogre leaving a deep wound on his chest which made the ogre groan in pain but his eyes were filled with anger , anger that a mere human wounded him and made him bleed with pale sword like that . And then in a moment of anger the ogre aura surged and his body was surround with a red aura visible to the naked eye .


The ogre roared and charged at Daniel with incredible speed intending to kill Daniel .

Next second Daniel found the ogre next to him already waving his club at him .

' Wha- "



Daniel didn't have time to react as he saw the club very close to his face and in the next second the club smashed his face making his head explode from the sheer force behind the attack and his body didn't stand still and was sent flying hitting the wall across the room .

This cycle of clash and death continued for who knows how long , Daniel already lost count after his 50th death , he was already tired mentally as every time he try to kill him he dies in the most terrible ways he never see .

' shit this ogre is so powerful even powerful than Leviathan itself , if compared they are like heaven and earth '

' how long has it been ? I already lost count '

Daniel didn't lose himself after all those deaths he experienced if any other person experienced it he would lose himself after the First death , so Daniel mentality is so stronger for bearing till this moment but inside him anger was soaring and blood was boiling , he was disappointed in himself for being this weak , at this rate he can't protect his loved ones .


And like that Daniel's eyes glowed and changed drastically and became cosmic glowing with brown ang golden lasers,  this is this authority over reality .

What Daniel didn't know was that his authority was the only thing that is not sealed as it can't be sealed . The authority itself can't be bend by the laws of the universe or what is the use of authority if it was ? . But he need to awaken it although he gained it but it needed to be awoken and that need a trigger and this can be anything .

So due to his anger Daniel authority was awoken officially and now all laws of the universe can't bend him anymore .

Reality is thoughts , but it need a very strong will to manifest it in the world or there will be backlash as a result of a weak will . And Daniel's will it so protect his loved ones is so strong and that enough for his will to manifest itself into the world .

Golden chains came out of nowhere bending the ogre in its place making him unable to move even an inch , then he walked slowing toward the ogre with his eyes focusing on him .

Ogre was trembling in fear as he saw those eyes , be felt like as if death itself looking directly at him , and he wasn't wrong as Daniel is the incarnation of death literally.

When he reached him , he put his left hand on the ogre stomach while still looking directly at his eyes .

" You need to die , you are just a stepping stone for me so you should be happy for that "

The ogre although he was afraid he became furious when he heard those words and looked at Daniel with anger as if telling him that he will kill him and crush him as he did many times before , then the ogre smirked at him .

" Oh! You think you can kill me again ?! Well I will show something interesting" Daniel said with a calm yet cold smile , then his eyes glowed for a second and the ogre eyes became empty for a second before regaining its light again but now his eyes were filled with fear , misery, sorrow , depression and all negative emotions anyone can muster , it was as if he experienced something no one can imagine .

" Now what do you think about the show ? Did you like it ? I think you liked it . Now let me make you experience something but in real this time "

Then his eyes glowed again with brown and golden and in the next second sounds of cracks can be heard coming from the ogre body .

Crack !

Crack !

The sounds were like melodies in Daniel ears  .

" What a good sounds i'm hearing ! "

The cracks increased and the body of the ogre began to crush from inside out . Every organ , bone , nerve were tearing apart and blood began to come out from every hole in the ogre body .

The ogre wanted to scream but his vocal cords were long gone , he wanted to think of a way to escape or at least give him fast death but his brain was crushed into meat paste . His body from inside became empty from anything as all his organs were destroyed into nothing just blood was inside and it was coming out from the back hole and event hole in his body .

The ogre died in the moat horrible way he never expected to see , you reap what you sow as they say .

The body of the ogre fell back on the ground making a loud sound as his body was big and a large amount of blood was under him making Daniel enjoy the sight in front of him .

" Hmmmm.. what a masterpiece I created , I will make sure to make more in the future and in the coming rounds " Daniel said with a sadistic smile on his face . Actually Daniel's true nature was that he is a sadist but he couldn't manifest it because of lack of motivation but thanks to the ogre his true nature was unleashed and now a monster inside Daniel began to manifest itself to creat nightmares to its enemies.

Daniel then said with the same crazy sadistic smile on his face ...

" Let the madness begins ~ "