
2)My situation

"Let's see, took care of the kings, the pre generation fists group, criminal organizations and now Oop-" while counting on his finger, Ian moved to the side as a huge person ran past him with a smile.

Since the person who charged at him with his head first and missed, that destructive power which was meant for Ian, went instead to a tree which broke.

"Haa~, it's been only 20 minutes since I took care of Kim and Choi, are you really gonna try me again gorilla?"

The huge figure of Tom Lee compared to Ian was like a kid to an adult but, that was all there to him.

"Ohoho, I'm surprised you dodge that. I'm pretty sure I was going to catch you off guard!"

Saying that while walking towards him, Ian had to look up due this gorilla monstrosity height

"You know, it's really boring if all your gonna do is tackle me, besides you gonna need at least 2 hands for that" Ian looked at one of Lee arms as he followed his eyesight and realized one of his arms were broken.

'When? I didn't even feel the pain. Was it when he dodge my tackle and in that second broke my arm?' Tom Lee thoughts were calm as he smirked.

Instead of freaking out, he laughed as he fixed his broken arm.

"This is really interesting, your everything a person who was born to fight. Your speed and strength is monstrous, your defense and your agility is something out of this world which doesn't match with your body and to top it all off, that annoying gift you have. It's not fair!"

Each time he spoke more, his face got more messed up as his hair got loosened while he shivered in excitement with his shirt getting destroyed.

"I want it! I want you!" And with that, Tom Lee shot out with his speed that even for his size, was impressive.

Delivering a right punch, Ian block it with his forearm as tinge of smoke was released. Jumping up quickly, he delivered a swift right kick which sent Lee tumbling away.

"Come on! Put some more power in it!" He fixed his posture as he got up and ran towards Ian as he delivered many more punches in which Ian blocked easily.

The blows of Tom lee punches were nothing to scoff at. He was capable of smashing concrete with his bare hands but yet, this teenager was blocking his punches.

"What a persistent bastard, your speed doesn't go well with your build." Dodging a kick and multiple punches while saying that, Ian got into a boxing position and delivered a punch in which Tom Lee expected so he prepared for this kid strength with his arms up.

But before his punch could connect, Tom leee made an excruciating pain face as the next second, even though he blocked the punch that just came, he was sent a couple of feet away.


"Hahaha, can't believe you feel for that. Well how's your leg?"

Lee face showed anger and took a step but the next thing he knew, he was on his knees.

"A kick to the right spot in the leg, could make it feel like jelly."

Ian had his hands in his pockets as he saw Tom shivering in anger.

'Play with me? I'm Tom Lee! I was one of the few people able to go toe to toe with Charles! I'm a fighting genius! This damn brat is playing with me!'

"Well anyways I gotta go, it was fun playing with you Lee, now what should I do to make those people from Yakuza appear before me-"

"Oh? It looks like you're giving it your all seeing that you did take me by surprise." Ian added as he chuckled. He was bent backwards as Tom Lee fist flew above him.

Tom face was full of anger as he grabbed on to Ian waist and tried to slam into the pavement but he failed.

'What the hell is this! It feels like I'm trying to pick up a fighter ship!' His thoughts were keeping him from being to arrogant as multiple punches was delivered to his head, all the way down to his ankles as he was sent back flying and landed on the ground.

"Seriously, it's like you're trying kill me, putting your crotch near my face, disgusting ass pig! That is the worse kind of embarrassment for a man!" Ian looked disgusted as he took the lollipop out of his mouth and threw it to the ground.

'Is he really playing around with me? This bastard is treating this fight like a joke!'

Even though multiple punches to Tom Lee was nothing, he was facing Ian sun, his punches were like a moving train.

Not the best way to describe his punches but all Tom lee knew that Ian punches were deadly. Depending on hard he hits, he was able to tear a hole through a fighter ship.

"Anyways, I gotta go, those yakuza bastards are messing with my school while trying their best to avoid me. Take care lee,tell those white tiger of yours to stop following me I would hate it if your business keeps losing members"

"Don't fuck with me, I'm a fighting genius, I have experienced worse things then in your entire life-"

The air around changed and Lee felt it, for the first time, he suddenly saw Ian getting serious. He didn't know why but his body flinched.All his hair on his body stood up as he saw a glint of a scythe on his neck through Ian pupils

"You may be a fighting genius. But a lion is nothing in front a missile. And you are nothing in front of me"

With that being said, Ian held out one finger and sliced it across his face, from the top left all the way down to his chest.

With Tom Lee being able to crush concrete with his bare hands, it was also easily for Ian to turn his finger into the sharpest blade.

Tom was immobilized on the ground due to the power of Ian punches. He heard that demonic laughter fading away. His eyes were bloodshot red and looked like they were about pop while all his veins were hard.

Blood dyed the ground he was under as he mustered all his strength into his vocal cords.


It was loud enough for his men to hear it and coming running to help him. Although the place they just fought was in a closed park, multiple cars and personals were there to help Lee.

And while that was going on, Ian was already walking towards his house as he slicked back his hair and started to take a deep breath.

He took a pair round black shades from his pocket and entered public space as he put them on, hiding his eyes .

'It's already been 16 years since I been transported to this world through a game…. Wonder how my real family is going'

Ian, once called Adam miller, was an ordinary middle age man who been discharged from the marine and was finishing a manga called Lookism.

While he doubted if this story was somewhat non fiction, he liked the story but hated the main character. At first he hated him for not appreciating his mother, but then he grew annoyed at how strong the enemies became.

Once Daniel became strong, another stronger foe appeared like, what was his luck!

Anyways, Adam tried looking for a simulator game that was related to Lookism as he wanted to make a character that was insanely strong and make his choices throughout the story.

And he did find a game, but it was weird because it had 0 downloads and it was created one year ago.

Adam didn't know why as he didn't research and just decided to play. What first awaited him was that a warning that he could not change his character once he created it.

He was even more excited once he could chose which time period he could start the game but was disappointed not choosing the setting.

So with that in mind, he set his appearance, the time period he wanted to start in and the finally his power and gift.

Gift was something referred to an individual special talent. Like Tom Lee, his gift was a fighting genius while Daniel was able to copy any move he sees one time.

While the levels was really simple. There was strength, agility, endurance, defense, stamina and speed. Each one had levels. From the lowest being 1 to the strongest being level 10 which being in the realm of superhuman.

For example, the average human adult male would be level 0.25.

(AN:it's really hard trying to rank the ptj universe and instead of the letter system S,A,B,C etc, I just decide the number system but each level is vastly different)

Another example, Tom Lee would be level 7 because every stat was in level 7. While Daniel would be level 3.4 because even though his ability to copy was an helping factor, his strength was at level 3 while his speed at level 3 and the rest were somewhere between 2 and 3.

But Adam being who he is, set all those stats to their maximum with selecting 1 gift and 1 skill. The skill being to have a body which is perfect for fighting and able to have mesmerized all types of fighting and defensive styles in the world in which he was already a master in.

The skill was a passive one in exchange for having it 2 parts, he only had 1 skill. But it was great because fighting styles around the world, was integrated into his mind.

It didn't matter what type of technique it was, whether it was a public technique like karate or a private technique that only special forces use. It was all in Ian mind and him already having master the techniques.

Of course that much information could be overwhelming with already 190 public martial arts, there could be countless hidden ones or ones that were lost over time.

But thankfully the combat styles would come overtime or when an enemy uses a technique, Ian's mind would instantly unlock a fight style to counter.

And the gift being similar to Daniel but better. Perfect mimicry, able to mimic any movement have it memorized and executing it better than the original.

Being satisfied with that, he hit enter and the next thing that happened was him losing control over his body and hitting his head at the edge of the computer table.

He awakened in this world with an extremely shitting setting. His mom and himself were trapped in a house while his dad would come and go eating and drinking.

(AN: gonna use the international age )

When he was 4 years old, he used anything to train himself within his environment,and then Ian mother birth Min Sun and died, making Ian look out for her and providing the most he can to his sister.

It wasn't until another 9 years later that he won an extremely amount of money and took her sister to a better environment as he turned 13

As for his dad….well… let's say his job never saw him again. But he never once forgot his training and his responsibility as an older brother.

With 3 years passing, Ian turned 16 and Min turning 12, everything Ian did was to prepare so he could watch Lookism unfold without any worry thanks to his strength.


Fun fact:

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