
Chapter 1

After spinning in a vortex of light, and puking rainbows, I find myself back on earth after my death. The difference? I am now a young lady and an immortal goddess to boot! In the modern world. To make matters worse, I'm in the good old US of A, a majorly Christian nation. I'll have to be careful with my identity, or I wish I can but I'm literally glowing with a divine aura. This is bad news for blending in!

Panicking in a dark alley in what I assume to be NYC, I take a look at my outfit. Divine regalia, check. Divine aura, check. Standing at over a dozen feet tall, check, check, check! Oh God, what am I gonna do? I need to be like 5 feet tall, no aura and wearing normal clothes. At that moment, with those thoughts, everything changed. My outfit became a normal one piece black dress and black heels, carrying a black purse. I dropped to barely over 5 feet tall and in the purse I found all of a girl's essentials. I even found a state ID with the name Crystal Davis, age 18 on it and apparently my new nation destroying beautiful face.

Finally calming down and staring at the thousands of dollars in my purse, I sighed in relief and finally walked out of the alley and into the light. Looking up, I realised I was in Times Square. Laughing I shook my head and looked for my address on my ID. Calling a cab, I hopped in and directed them to my place in Queens. A while later I paid the driver in cash, and over tipped them. This received a toothless grin. Smiling warmly, I got out and walked into the expensive looking apartment building that according to my purse, I was the owner of and lived on the top floor in the only apartment on that floor. Getting in the elevator, I rode up to my place and got out and stared down at my keys and the apartment door before nervously opening the door.

Once inside, my purse hit the floor and I quickly locked my door. Expensive Asian decorations everywhere. A massive wall mounted TV with the new game console that came out November of 2020, and a massive wrap around couch. The place was absolutely beautiful and ostentatious as hell. Picking my purse back up, I walked over to my couch and collapsed in it. Even though it's been a short amount of time, this has been an absurd day. I'm a goddess, and a woman now obviously. I'm younger by 10 years in appearance, immortal, and I'm beyond beautiful. And from what I can tell, I'm much stronger than the average human, but probably the weakest among God's. After all, I have no believers, and no church or temple! From what I know from my godly knowledge though, no God is currently ruling this earth, it's also surprisingly a parallel earth where the Male me never existed but everyone else does. At least my parents aren't missing me in this world. Looks like this earth was abandoned 2000 years ago when this world's God lost his son to religious fanatics. In his rage, he pulled his son's spirit from this world and after leaving a bullshit prophecy about his son's return, left this universe forever with him. Yeah. This is the true story of the Christian religion. Not something I'm going to tell anyone of course. But, anyway, let's take a nice nap..

Someone feed me! Lol jk. Anyway, I hope you guys devour this chapter like crazy, share it, and make it uber popular. Ha. Anyway onto writing the next chapter! Sorry they'll be short chapters for a while. I'm writing on my phone after all. Eventually I'll get a laptop when I find a job again.. Wish me luck fam!

Sladervaucreators' thoughts