With her status as the daughter of a kiyai, Zahra had to accept being preached to by a Gus from a famous Islamic boarding school. However... the great name Gus in his hut did not make Zahra's heart happy. Just staying silent is an outlet for her discomfort as Ning has to protect the honor of her Islamic boarding school.
Azzahra walked with her head bowed towards the living room. The girl felt a lot of sadness when her mother insisted that she return to the cottage as soon as possible because there were guests who would see her. It's not that she didn't know what she would face, but Azzahra pretended to be stupid and tried not to understand what her mother and Abi meant.
"Zahra, sit beside your mother and son. Kiyai Latif wants to get to know you better." Abi's voice surprised Azzahra, but she didn't dare to refuse his order.
"Okay, Abi..." Azzahra slowly approached the long chair where her mother was sitting.
With a sweet smile, Umi Camelia took her daughter's hand and sat her beside her. Azzahra didn't dare lift her face up out of respect for her Abi and Umi's guests.
"This is my daughter, Azzahra Kiyai Latif. Currently, my daughter is still studying at UIN Sunan Kalijaga in Yogyakarta. But Kiyai doesn't need to worry. If Gus Azzam wants, my daughter, can stop studying and serve your son." Suddenly, without asking Azzahra's opinion, Kiyai Ameer introduced his daughter.
Surprised, The girl raised her face and looked at her father. Kiyai Latif looked at Azzahra and smiled at the girl's response.
"Kiyai Ameer doesn't need to pressure Zahra. My son will be very grateful to have Zahra as his wife. And I'm sure Azzam will allow Zahra to finish her studies. My son always obeys what we ask..." Kiyai Latif responded with a smile to relieve the tension before him.
Azzahra looked at Kiyai Latif and smiled while nodding her head thanks to the man. The middle-aged man with a calm face returned the girl's nod with a smile.
"Thank goodness if that's the case, Kiyai... And for you, Zahra..., father and mother will not go to great lengths to explain. Kyai Latif's arrival here is to propose to you as my daughter's son-in-law. "I'm sure... with Gus Azzam's great name, you will be pleased, able to be with him as a good wife." Kiyai Ameer's firm voice indoctrinated Azzahra's sense of hearing. The girl seemed to have lost the courage to refuse or at least ask for time to think.
"Okay, Abi... Zahra is sure that Abi and Umi's choice will not be wrong; everything will definitely be for Zahra's good." In a low tone, Azzahra gave the answer.
Hearing the girl's non-refusal answer, the three adults smiled happily. Their wishes went smoothly, without any obstacles. However, it is different from what is in Azzahra's heart. The girl never imagined for a moment that she would marry a man she had never met. In fact, apart from being a student on campus, Azzahra is known as an active girl and is the idol of many male students. Azzahra is a dream for students to be close to, especially to be their life partner.
"You are indeed a filial child, my daughter. It's not wrong for father and mother to raise you with a strong religious upbringing." Kiyai Ameer, with a happy face, responded to his daughter's answer.
Nyai Camelia smiled and rubbed her daughter's back slowly. Everyone dreams of accepting a proposal from the owner of the Karomah Islamic boarding school. The woman was grateful when she found out that her daughter had been chosen to be the daughter-in-law at the Islamic boarding school.
"Everything is clear, Kyai Ameer... We don't need to postpone this good intention. We will do everything as soon as possible. Upon returning to Karamah, I will immediately ask my son Azzam to prepare. "Next week is a good day; we can carry out the wedding ceremony as soon as possible." Like a fatwa, Kyai Latif's words put pressure on Azzahra's heart.
The girl's heart suddenly felt tight, and her eyes began to fill with tears without her realizing it. Mrs. Camelia was quite responsive. The woman grabbed the side of the girl's head and then leaned it on her shoulder. The woman thought that tears of happiness would come out of her daughter's eyes.
After the agreement was obtained, the Al Munawwir Islamic boarding school became busy. As stated in a written announcement, the students and residents of the hut are working hard to clean and arrange the hut so that it is suitable for holding a big party. Kiyai Ameer and Nyai Camelia smiled happily, seeing the festive atmosphere of the hut.
"Finally, our daughter will have a husband, Mom. Abi is pleased because our daughter has a husband who is very clear about her seeds, weight, and burden." Suddenly, Kyai Latif mentioned their daughter.
Nyai Camelia could be seen sighing, then looking at her husband.
"That's right, Abi. I hope we don't choose the wrong son-in-law. Many girls dream of Gus Azzam as their husband. And it turns out that Kyai Latif chose our daughter. What a blessing in the world we got." The middle-aged woman also smiled.
"For that reason... I will invite all Islamic boarding schools in East Java and also from other areas, especially those on the island of Java. We will show them our happiness, and their prayers will flow to our daughter and son-in-law," Said the male leader of the Islamic boarding school.
"Umi will follow what Abi decides... as long as there is no arrogance in that intention, Abi." While supporting her husband's words, there was a warning from Nyai Camelia's words.
Kyai Latif smiled and nodded his head. Suddenly, from the main gate, Alphard's car was seen entering the yard.
"Abi... it looks like Zizan has come. "The car that picked him up has arrived..." Seeing the car that had just arrived, a hint of a smile appeared on the middle-aged woman's lips again. The woman's gaze did not move from the vehicle, and when the driver opened the car door...
"Zizan, my son... finally you have come, son..." Seeing the young man leave the car, Nyai Camelia seemed to have forgotten her husband.
The woman hurriedly left her husband and approached her son, who was walking towards her. Kyai Latif shook his head at his wife's behavior.
"Umi... Zizan is home, umi..." With great respect, Zizan kissed the back of his mother's hand and hugged her for a few moments.
Zizan is the first son of Kyai Latif and Nyai Camelia. He is continuing his Master's studies in Egypt. Because of his sister Azzahra's wedding, the young man deliberately went home to celebrate his sister's happiness.
"Hempphh... do you two not think of me anymore..." suddenly feeling ignored, Kyai Latif's voice was heard reprimanding his wife and son.
Suddenly, Zizan released his hug from his mother and then walked respectfully towards his mother.
"Abi... Zizan said hello..." while grinning, Zizan did the same thing as his mother.
Nyai Camelia laughed a little when her husband hugged her son's body.
Umi is the name for mothers in Islam.
Abi is the name given to fathers in Islam.
Kyai is the name for the leader of an Islamic boarding school.
Nyai is the name given to Kyai's wife.
Gus is the name given to the son of the owner of the Islamic boarding school.
Ning is the name given to the daughter of the owner of the Islamic boarding school