
Lone Wolf Reverance

This story is about a young seraphim (rank of angels?) that got true a portal to a universe which humans have powers

KRDV_chan · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Here is chapter two hope you like it


As you fell from the portal. You hit your head so hard on the rock, your an angel so you can heal yourself easily.But you tried to jump and you noticed you didn't fly

You checked your back and your wings has scars (well not much scars)

A human being saw you on hit your head on the rock . He helped you get up, you were a bit tired and you didn't saw his face

suddenly you just collapse so the human bring you to his home

when Y/N wake up he feels something is on his wings

As you take a look on your wings you see bandages covering them

Y/N:'i should rest s bit for my wings to heal and thank the human for putting bandages on my wings and ask where am I'

You say in your head.While you where resting you heard the door open and reveald the th human that helped you

And the human siad

Human:"Glad your awake o by the way my name is Jack Wood so are you filling well"

Y/N:"Yes thank you for helping me by the way my name is Y/N Kie and also can you please telle where I am"

Jack:"O you are in a hospital I brouth you here well I will leave you a bit I will buy you food"

Y/N:"thank you I appreciate that"

Jack:"well see you later"



Sorry for not updating the you know I'm just busy whit homework

Again I'm very soryy